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What are all the details on this Syrian upgrade. If it can carry AA-9 missiles, that is a bad thing for Israel. That would mean that Israeli fighters such as the F-15, F-4, and F-16 can't protect the E-2C or 707 aircraft. What are all the details on this?

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Is the no one that knows anything about this new development?

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Never heard of it. Where did you get that information?

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It is in the September issue of AFM.

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i looked it up yestersay after i read your thing phantom. Frankly i cant find any info about it that is usefull. see ya.

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Can you post some details? Don't get AFM here for another few days.

Is it anything like the Mig-31BM upgrade?


I could be misstaken but doesn't the MiG-25M exist already for a very long time. The NATO codename was Foxbat-E. His most important modification was the radarupgrade wich made lookdown-shootdown capabilities availible.


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>I could be misstaken but doesn't
>the MiG-25M exist already for
>a very long time. The
>NATO codename was Foxbat-E. His
>most important modification was the
>radarupgrade wich made lookdown-shootdown capabilities

I thought that the Mig-25PD was the Foxbat-E. It has interception capabilities.

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The MiG-25PD "Foxbat-E" is the most potent variant until this new MiG-25M. The E can carry AA-6 Acrid (R-40), AA-7 Apex (R-23), AA-8 Aphid (R-60), and AA-11 Archer (R-73). It has a look-down shoot down radar, an IRST sensor, as well as IFR capability. It can also carry a huge 1,400 US gallon fuel tank on the centerline.

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mig25 is big lumberging plane which is easy kill in todays air combat scenario. any self respecting F-16 pilot will dispose of it in a few seconds. Proof is that no country dares use Mig25 aggressively. for example, the IAF is so scared that its Mig25s never come near pakistan border, as F-16 will shoot it down with Sidewinder missile with ease.

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Not true. The MIG-25 is defintely NOT a dogfighter, but it is a superb interceptor. It is extermely fast and can climb very high b very quickly. During the Gulf War, an Iraqi FOXBAT scored the first aerial kill of the war. (Iraq's only aerial kill.) It shot down an F/A-18 with an AA-6 Acrid (R-40). Several incidents occured where MiG-25's intercpeted Coalition planes and escaped to live another day. If used correctly, it is an excellent fighter.

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MiG-25's aren't compatible with the R-23/24, this is a very popular myth that was perpetuated because someone realised that newer MiG-25's had a derivative of the MiG-23 weapon system. The R-23/24 cannot be "flown"(carried) at the MiG-25's operating speed. This was one of the problems with integrating the AS-11 ARM into the MiG-25BM weapon system. Likewise R-73's cannot be carried either.

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MiG-25s flew over Israel for years without effective inteception. May not be a great fighter but in its day it was a great rece platform.

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>Not true. The MIG-25 is defintely
>NOT a dogfighter, but it
>is a superb interceptor. It
>is extermely fast and can
>climb very high b very
>quickly. During the Gulf War,
>an Iraqi FOXBAT scored the
>first aerial kill of the
>war. (Iraq's only aerial kill.)
>It shot down an F/A-18
>with an AA-6 Acrid (R-40).
>Several incidents occured where
>MiG-25's intercpeted Coalition planes and
>escaped to live another day.
>If used correctly, it is
>an excellent fighter.

Where do you get this info about Iraqui pilot shot down an F/A-18?
I never heard about this before.

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So, you are going to tell me that Jane's is just making all this up? Why would they have this information on all of their resources I have ever seen. It is not just Jane's either, I have seen many other sources say the the Foxbat is compatible with AA-7 and AA-11 air-to-air missiles.

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FORGET THAT STUFF THE RUSSIANS ARE GETTING STEALTH!!!! Look at this web site. http://www.aeroworldnet.com/1ra01189.htm it says it will be hard to detect!!! Russia has stealth soon!!!! We might need my stealth finding idea sooner then we thought. later.

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By the way, in response to the question on the F/A-18 kill. It was during the first night of the war. A fourship of F/A-18's was enroute to attack a target and a MiG-25 which was on patrol or maybe on alert was directed to intercept them. The MiG snuck in behind the flight of Hornets and fired an AA-6 Acrid missile. The missile took out the number 4 jet. Originally, it was thought that an SA-6 Gainful SAM system had taken it out, but it was later determined that it was indeed a MiG-25. That same MiG went on to scare attack an A-6 and buzz an A-7 before it returned to base.

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My cousin in PAF confide that Iraq score many air to air kill- not just this one F-18. Kills include:
F-16 shot by MiG29 on raid over Haiwatha (spelling?)
F-18 shot by MiG-25
A-10 shot by MiG-29
Tornado shot by MiG-29

US cover up many loss as due to ground fire. These kill despite crappy Russian plane becasaue top Iraqi pilot who train in Pakistan fly these planes.

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When was the last time you saw an AA-7 or AA-11 under the wing of a MiG-25?

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Just because there may not be a picture of one with these missiles, but that doesn't mean they can't carry them. Have you ever seen an AA-11 under the wing of a MiG-31? No, but it can carry the missile. The AA-11 is like the AIM-9 and AA-8 in that it is compatible with most aircraft.
Here is a list of aircraft that are compatible with AA-11:

Su-22: 2
Su-24: 2
Su-25: 4
Su-27: 10
Su-30: 12
MiG-21: 4
MiG-23: 4 (maybe 6?)
MiG-25: 4
MiG-27: 2
MiG-29: 6
MiG-31: 4

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While its undoubtedly true that the US (like any country) tries to cover up losses of any kind, I have to say that I don't think Iraqi MiG-29s shot anything down as they all legged it to the Iranian border flown by their brave Pakistani-trained pilots.