YF-24 picture

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18 years 4 months

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Has anyone got any information or genuine pictures on the YF-24 aircraft?

I’ve also head rumors that the designation relates to a bomber variant of the YF-23 Black Widow but another story has come out which I think is more believable. The YF-24 was an advanced variant of the F-15 Eagle designed as a contingency if the ATF program was cancelled after the end of the cold war.

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20 years 7 months

Posts: 992

Isnt it a photoshoped picture? :confused:

i have never heard of that airplane.it looks like someone used F-15 as a base for this fiction.

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18 years 6 months

Posts: 176

Looks way too much of an PS job.

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19 years 5 months

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LOL yeah it's about as real as this one. Probably wouldn't be much of a challenge to find the original on the net somewhere. I mean it's the guy's FIRST post and he's wondering if this photoshop job is real? Probably did it himself and wants to see if anybody will bite. :rolleyes:

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"F-4Z Phinal Phantom!"

:eek: ;) :D

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18 years 4 months

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Thanks for the brick wall of skepticism. I found the picture browsing another forum http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13419 but thought this a better place to start my research is here where people are generally more informed and level headed.

The idea of putting forward swept wings on the F-15 seems quite obvious because after the X-29 that's what we expected the next fighter to have.

The picture may be fake or it could just be so poor quality because it’s been zoomed up. I'd rather reserve judgment until more information on the YF-24 can be dug up.

My research suggests that a manned YF-24 definitely exists and I think the F-15 story is at least as plausible, no more plausible, than the YF-23 bomber story.

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19 years 1 month

Posts: 382

The X-29 revealed that the theoretical and potential advantages of FSW were simply not there in reality.....so the idea of having run two full scale airframes to test the theory and then built a canarded third version is implausible....

The X-31 programme clearly showed far more promise and real advantages over the existing airframes.....

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19 years 5 months

Posts: 9,683

Thanks for the brick wall of skepticism.

Not skepticism but common sense. What would be the point of a forward-swept wing F-15 mod? They've actually tested one with with a canard and thrust vectoring and nobody was really even interested in that relatively trivial mod (compared to going with a forward-swept wing).

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19 years 4 months

Posts: 4,472

Dude, it's pretty obvious it's a PS job. Neat idea, but come on...


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18 years 4 months

Posts: 3

Apparently the USAF was worried that the ATF program would get the ax because of its costs in the post-cold war world. So they got McDonald Douglas to run a contingency program designated the YF-24 which was to be the cheaper non-stealth alternative 4.5 generation fighter. But they kept it secret so that the existence of the “cheaper option” didn’t act as a catalyst for the axing of the ATF.

The YF-24 was clearly a prototype or technology demonstration type so maybe the F-24 would have been slightly different.

Maybe that’s why the X-32 or X-35 not designated YF-25, to hide the existence of the YF-24.

Member for

19 years 5 months

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Apparently the USAF was worried that the ATF program would get the ax because of its costs in the post-cold war world. So they got McDonald Douglas to run a contingency program designated the YF-24 which was to be the cheaper non-stealth alternative 4.5 generation fighter. But they kept it secret so that the existence of the “cheaper option” didn’t act as a catalyst for the axing of the ATF.

The YF-24 was clearly a prototype or technology demonstration type so maybe the F-24 would have been slightly different.

Maybe that’s why the X-32 or X-35 not designated YF-25, to hide the existence of the YF-24.

There were numerous ideas for upgraded F-15s. None of them had a forward-swept wing. The most extensive was probably the F-15 MANX.

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24 years 8 months

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I seriously doubt that we will ever see the full extent of the US military research no matter how much time passes! This YF-24 might even be in the same catagory as the fabled F-19. Still, nice PS pics, wonder what other ones are out there.

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18 years 5 months

Posts: 599

i like that new phantom variant.. that would keep the F-4 going for a few more years. :D

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:eek: ;) :D

I'm a lurker here but posting that Phantom pic made me start posting. I'm the artist for that creation. It was a joke on another forum and in no way meant to be deceptive, the tones mismatch is intentional. "Gotta go pimp my Fantom man!".

Re YF-24, who knows but the idea of using FSWs doesn't seem as far out of the question as people are saying IMO. The mere fact that the image shows FSW in no way proves its fake so let's be a bit fairer. And i don't follow why the YF-24 would be a Black Widow variant either - as cool as the YF-23 looks, the F-22 can carry the same bomb load anyway. And why would they have to keep a bomber of that nature secret anyway? cool idea but it doesn't fly in my mind. I'd be glad if I was proven wrong though because the Black Widow is a beaut.

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 483

It looks to me that the center of lift would be too far aft if it was a real aircraft.

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19 years 5 months

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Just a quick hack job but. . . .

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19 years 2 months

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sferrin... you da man!!!!

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20 years 6 months

Posts: 260

The missing fighter?
F-24 to F-31, F-33, F-34. Do anyone got any info on this designation. The US can't simply swap to F-35.

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19 years 1 month

Posts: 382

And why not....?

The numbering system is not perforce linear.....F-117 anyone...

The X planes follow their own system and once named X-35 its pretty easy to be lazy and say its the F-35...rather than going back to the next logical number...

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19 years 8 months

Posts: 105


I suspect the is a logic to numbering of fighter projects. The only thing I have found and that was in 2000 on the net was this. Speculation...concept Idea don't know. Don't care either ....it was also shown with a UCAV version.


Member for

19 years

Posts: 563

LOL yeah it's about as real as this one. Probably wouldn't be much of a challenge to find the original on the net somewhere. I mean it's the guy's FIRST post and he's wondering if this photoshop job is real? Probably did it himself and wants to see if anybody will bite. :rolleyes:

sferrin: I LOVE you PS canarded F-18!! :eek:
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