parasite fighters (FICON project)

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I've read a study about the USAF in 2025 (one of many). They proposed to build UAV motherships, that can loiter for long periods. Small recce UAVs and /or UCAVs would dock with this mothership in mid-air for refueling and/or re-arming. Sounds very futuristic.

I immediately remembered a similar project, namely the FICON project to allow B-36 bombers to carry fighters under their belly. First they tried to carry XP-85 Goblin fighters (designed especially for the project). Later they tried to carry RF-84 and F-84 fighters on B-36s. Using trapezes to launch and recover the smaller a/c.
More info can be found at:

Both projects weren't considered as very succesful. I wonder if a future UAV mothership will be succesful. Any thoughts??

Best regards,


P.S. Does anybody have any pics of those FICON B-36s?

Original post

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24 years 5 months

Posts: 885


trapeze operation:

FICON in operation (RF-84K and GRB-36D):

A schematic:…

In 1956 Project Tom-Tom explored an alternative method of attaching a Republic RF-84F Thunderflash to each wingtip of a Peacemaker:

Best regards,


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RE: parasite fighters (FICON project)

Well, wait and see. Ont thing is sure, it will be less riskier (Did the pilots want to commit suicide???)
But even with UAVs, I wouldn't want to see them over my house.
After TFOA (Things Falling Off Aircraft), we'll have AFOA (Aircraft Falling...)

Maybe I have some pics


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24 years 5 months

Posts: 904

RE: parasite fighters (FICON project)

With a 52min autonomy and four 0.50 guns ( compared to Sabre's 6 which were considered not enough against the MiG-15) the Goblin's chances against an enemy fighter flight were very slim indeed . No wonder that air-air refueling solved the range/autonomy question inn a much better way .

"It is not the bravest men that fight best, but those who are strongest" (ARISTOTLE)