Psychological warfare

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During vietnam, Hueys with speakers attached flew over vietcongbases to scare the ##### out of the commies and during desert storm C-130's of spec.ops. were spreading pamflets with - the BUFF is also coming to you - around. This is an old way of war, but an affective one. The vietcong were scared by the Wagner-Nazi music and the Iraqi's were completely demoralised by the thought that B-52's were coming to them.

Will this still be in the future?

BTW, does anyone have a picture of those B-52 pamflets, i know they are online it's only hard to find them!

Geforce - The waffle eating friend or your worst enemy

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RE: Psychological warfare

Benjamin, although the scene in Apocalypse Now in which the Vietnamese village is trashed by Wagner-blasting Hueys is definately impressive, i'm not so sure if that particulair choice of music was used for real.

However, there were definately Hueys fitted with speakers for PsyWar ops, most of the time shouting out political speeches and stuff over the Vietnamese countryside. To add to the annoyance, leaflets would then also be thrown out. For this very purpose, the USAF bought a number of O-2Bs fitted with speakers and leaflet dispersers. Of course, such missions weren't really populair since they usually attracted quite a bit of fire, whereas the propaganda junk on board and the nature of such missions ment that the aircraft were usually unarmed.

But the best PsyWar weapon was of course the B-52. Not did their bombardments have quite an impact on those who survived it, they also could carry (and probably still have in their inventory) the dreaded, awesome, horrible M129 leaflet bomb.



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RE: Psychological warfare

Cool info arthur;

Yes i saw it in apocalyps now (best nam movie ever).

It sure is a good way to demoralise the groundtroops, but i don't think you can harm other pilots or officers with it.

Geforce - The waffle eating friend or your worst enemy

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RE: Psychological warfare

I know that in the early 80's, a scale model on an O2 used for psyops was issued. I should look in my books, but they're at home. Is someone is interessed, just tell me, I'll have a look.


RE: Psychological warfare

I thought the best Nam movie was "Full Metal Jacket". A happy go lucky, light hearted look at the war.


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RE: Psychological warfare

I think all the Nam films are great, casluties of War is a good one, and dont forget Platoon, where there all smoking weed in the bunker!!!!!!!

Oh back to the topic on Psyops Warfare, in Sir General De Billiare(spellings) book the on the gulf war. there is a bit on the leaflets dropped on iraqi troops, what they said + caputred soliders feared the most (B-52's!!!)if you want i can dig it out and post it here Geforce??

Banana Man

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RE: Psychological warfare

What is more interesting in Psychological warfare operations is that they are carried out also in peacetime . A good victory is the one that has been won before the first shot was fired . The big question is how much a real pro can be affected by them . He can't, can he...;-) ?

"It is not the bravest men that fight best, but those who are strongest" (ARISTOTLE)