PAK-FA - Russia Develops Stealth Aircraft Using Plasma Screen Technology

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Russia Develops Stealth Aircraft Using Plasma Screen Technology
Created: 19.10.2005 12:10 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:10 MSK, 6 hours 53 minutes ago


The Russian aircraft industry has developed and will soon start producing stealth aircraft which will radically differ from existing U.S. models. The Russian version uses plasma screens to cushion and disperse radar waves, the Novye Izvestia daily reports.

The newspaper quoted Anatoly Koroteyev, the head of the Keddysh Research Center as saying that the plasma screen technology can be used on any vehicle — from automobiles to combat aircraft. However, it is most effective at high altitudes and thus is best used by the air force.

Koroteyev said that the new technology employs a different physical principle than the one currently used by existing U.S. stealth aircraft — the F-117 and B-2. Instead of reflecting the radar wave the Russian technology completely disperses it by means of a plasma screen created by a mobile plasma generator.

The generator is small and light. The device emits powerful electron beams that ionize the air around the aircraft effectively creating a plasma cloud around it.

The head of the Russian research institute said that initially the plasma generator disrupted the work of on-board electronic systems and prevented radio communication with ground control, but the problems have been solved and the system has already passed tests set by a Russian governmental commission.

Koroteyev added that the new technology can be used on any aircraft, including older models and that it is radically cheaper than the technology employed by U.S. stealth planes while being just as effective, if not more so. He said that the aircraft equipped with the Russian system will also be far superior to U.S. models in their flight and combat capabilities — as the use of the plasma screen makes it unnecessary to alter the shape of the aircraft.

The newspaper writes that similar research is being conducted in the U.S., but the Russian version is so far the only plasma screen technology in the world.

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Nice one!

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Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream at this point. The plasma technology indeed is there, but the platform - the PAK FA program - is in serious trouble.

Sukhoi's design, finalized in 2004, has been found unsuitable by the RussAF. Sukhoi, in turn, blames the RussAF for the specifications that leave no place for potential exports.

Until some drastic measures are taken, there won't be a 5th-gen Russian a/c taking its first flight in this decade. Which may mean never...

In my view, the blame for this is squarely on Russian politicians, who sold out to Sukhoi for the past decade, and neglected the truly effective Mikoyan and Yakovlev proposals for lighter a/c.

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Unfortunately, this is a pipe dream at this point. The plasma technology indeed is there, but the platform - the PAK FA program - is in serious trouble.


Koroteyev added that the new technology can be used on any aircraft, including older models

Stick it on a Flanker (say an uprated Su-35 or -37 concept) and how are things looking?

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19 years

Posts: 697

hey dont forget MiG35 also!would russian export these or just confine it to their own military incase it fell into western hands?

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so it could be possible to make almost any aircraft stealthy with this? or their are certain specifications which need to be met..

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 177

Stick it on a Flanker (say an uprated Su-35 or -37 concept) and how are things looking?

This is a very good point. As a matter of fact, it's an argument against the PAK-FA program.

If one can upgrade the engines and radars on the modernized Su-35 and Mig-35, plus add the plasma stealth, is there any need for a new a/c? Especially for RussAF budgeting and operational conditions

Maybe for export purposes a new a/c can possibly attract more attention - but even that is not certain -- look at Mir2000 and Rafale.

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 904

This is a very good point. As a matter of fact, it's an argument against the PAK-FA program.

If one can upgrade the engines and radars on the modernized Su-35 and Mig-35, plus add the plasma stealth, is there any need for a new a/c? Especially for RussAF budgeting and operational conditions

Maybe for export purposes a new a/c can possibly attract more attention - but even that is not certain -- look at Mir2000 and Rafale.

If any airframe can be made stealthy, then the onus will return to manouverability (particularly as radar BVR missiles will have a hard job holding lock) so it will be more WVR engagements, which is essentially what the flanker and fulcrum were designed for, so an updated design based on the same concepts might prove most successful. No point re-inventing the wheel for very little (if any) gain :)

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20 years 9 months

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forward swept and box wings maybe