North Korean MiG-23/29/Su-7s - any photos?

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Just wondering if anyone has pics of the above listed aircraft belonging to the North Korean AF (DPRKAF)? I've seen a couple of pics of the MiG-23 and 29 on, but thats about it. There are also rumours that the DPRK has Su-7s, but I've yet to see photos of them.

Just photos, no profiles please, TIA!


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North Korean FULCRUM C.


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do you watch Fox News Son of Churchill? (or worse..Son of Clinton?) :Diablo: just kidding with you :)

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Never bring up Clinton in my presence again. Or the X-32 Walrus.


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The North Korean's Su-7 is rumour it's only.

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The North Korean's Su-7 is rumour it's only.

맞어, 전 북한에 올때 수호이 없다.. 그렇지만, 뚱뚱한 여자 많아..

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Burger, please keep it in English. Not only because i'm jealous, but also because we're all seriously curious.

I think TJ once had a link giving evidence for North Korean Su-7s including mentioning of one being preserved as a gateguard somewhere. In any case, the Su-7s (Su-7BMK) should be based at Sunchon together with the Frogfeet. It looks like a base with mountain hangars, which does actually fit in with Russian stuff i've read about the DPRK Su-25.

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The First rumour... The russia give 10~20 Su-7 to north Korea.

But North Korean never open their Su-7 offcially on their communication system like Ro-dong il bo.

(North Korea open MiG-29 military parade in 1993.)

And second. Nobody from north Korea don't know Su-7. The many important people was escape the North Korea like military aircraft pilot, military general , and information system engneer but they not agree about Su-7 in North Korea.

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I find about Su-7 in North Korea but I can't find any information.

But this satelite photo. I can't search Su-7 aircraft.

Anyway... do you have a information about MiG-31 in North Korea?

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The North Korean's Su-7 is rumour it's only.

The North Koreans still have Su-7s in their inventory and I don't believe this has changed. At least back in 2002 they were still operational. US aircrew stationed in S. Korea were still briefed on the Su-7s north of the DMZ back then.

Documentation was declassified a number of years ago (during 90s) resulting in a website being dedicated to the work of USAF Security Service Korean Linguists and aircrew. These were the guys and girls who monitored and intercepted the North Korean military on a daily basis. The website is now dead, but they listed the Su-7s in the inventory.

A further clue to the Su-7 being operated by the North Koreans can be found on the US Department of Defense website:

[cite]North Korea has a wide variety of combat aircraft capable of delivering NBC weapons, including MiG-29, MiG-23, MiG-21, Su-25, and Su-7 fighters; Il-28 bombers; and Mi-2, Mi-4, and Mi-8 helicopters.[/cite]

Think of where they directly obtain that information from? Try and get hold of some commercial satellite imagery of North Korean airfields. Koksan is a good place to start hunting for them!

See how many Finbacks you can identify at this PRC airfield for example? There have been better copies of this image posted in magazines/journals.

Declassified US imagery of 'Ramenskoye' can be found here. Think how many times North Korean airfields have been subjected to the same scrutiny!


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Thanks your information.

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are there also satellite pictures of African airbases?

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I heard somewhere that North Korean Su-7's are fitted with chaff and flare dispensers, and they can carry AAM's (I assume the AA-2 Atoll) on the outboard pylons. Are these points true?

the fulcrum photos are not to clear but i can make out underwing fuel tanks on the inboard pylons. thought only the newer fulcrums like the m series or naval ones could carry underwing tanks unless the n koreans have modified their birds to carry drop tanks? anyone know any info? also any photos of mig 21s encountered by western planes? good link by the way.:)

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20 years 9 months

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Burger, please keep it in English. Not only because i'm jealous, but also because we're all seriously curious.

sorry my Tupolev loving friend. I just told him that there is no Sukhois, but alot of fat girls in N.Korea. seriously :)

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20 years 7 months

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abt the MiG-29 encounter with the American RC-132S

In the morning of March 1, 2003, an American RC-132S spy plane, Cobra Ball, took off from a US airbase in Okinawa, and cruised along the East coast of North Korea collecting electronic signals. The US intelligence suspected that North Korea was about to test a long-range missile and the plane was there to monitor the suspected missile launch.
When the US plane reached a point about 193 km from the coast of North Korea, two MiG-29 and two MiG-21 fighter planes showed up unexpectedly. The North Korean planes approached within 16 m and signaled the US plane to follow them. The US pilot refused to follow the command and left the scene posthaste. The US plane was tailed by the hostiles for about 22 min but let the US spy plane go. There are two key points to be observed here.

First, the hostile planes waited for the US plane at the Uhrang airbase, located about 200 km from the point of air encounter. They knew that the US plane was coming. The North Korean planes flew 200 km to intercept the US plane. Did the US plane see them coming? If it did, why no evasive action? After intercepting the US plane, the hostile planes dogged it for 22 min. Why no American planes for the rescue? The US crew must have informed the base of the danger they were in, but no action was taken by the base. If Kim Jong Il had given the command, the MiGs would have shot down the US plane and returned to their base before the US could have scrambled war planes.

Second, North Korea intercepted an American spy plane flying 200 km from its coast. According to the international norm, a nation's territorial air space extends 19 km from its coast line. The US is the exception and claims air space of 370 km from its coast line; any foreign airplane violating this extended air space is challenged or shot down by the US military. :dev2:

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24 years 6 months

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sorry my Tupolev loving friend. I just told him that there is no Sukhois, but alot of fat girls in N.Korea. seriously :)

It's okay, my bulgogi-eating buddy. I don't know about fat girls in the DPRK, but men with long hair are getting rarer by the day:
News of the weird
Cutting-edge science: Bureaucrats in North Korea's Communist Party, summarizing their understanding of the way the brain works, announced in January that, henceforth, all men would be expected to wear their hair short (2 inches, maximum) in that longer hair impairs function by taking oxygen away from the nerves in the head. (Balding men would be allowed another inch for comb-overs, and hair length of women was not addressed.)

Here is a link to a USMC intelligence handbook on North Korea, which also mentions the Su-7 being in service.

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all men would be expected to wear their hair short (2 inches, maximum) in that longer hair impairs function by taking oxygen away from the nerves in the head.

hmmmmm...... could be true :diablo:

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the fulcrum photos are not to clear but i can make out underwing fuel tanks on the inboard pylons. thought only the newer fulcrums like the m series or naval ones could carry underwing tanks unless the n koreans have modified their birds to carry drop tanks? anyone know any info?

C model FULCRUMs can carry external tanks straight from the factory.

The First rumour... The russia give 10~20 Su-7 to north Korea.

But North Korean never open their Su-7 offcially on their communication system like Ro-dong il bo.

(North Korea open MiG-29 military parade in 1993.)

And second. Nobody from north Korea don't know Su-7. The many important people was escape the North Korea like military aircraft pilot, military general , and information system engneer but they not agree about Su-7 in North Korea.

Doesn't mean there aren't any Su-7s in NKAF service; nobody was talking about FULCRUM Cs until one appeared off the wing of an RC-135 either. Except for Yefim Gordon, that is, but no one really took him all that seriously :D

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No one knows if the stuff I heard about NKAF Su-7's carrying chaff/flares and IR AAM's is true or not?

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Maybe around a dozen of Su-7s is still parked at an AB. But those are no longer operational fighters for years. Real targets at best and to simulate numerical strength.
When USAF pilots in Korea are still briefed about those, it shows only, the military loves their enemies and is not in a hurry to say goodbye as long there is remote possibility.