USN C17 trials successful

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The US Department of Defence have recently been investigating ways of extending the reach of the C17. With the scaling down of air to air refuelling assets, trials have been conducted to establish the feasibility of operating C17's from the angled decks of USN carriers.

Initial fears about landing roll distances have been proved wrong, as the trial aircraft has successfully carried out a landing. I understand the next trial is to investigate the feasibility of flying it off again.

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Yeah - sure

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21 years 1 month

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looks like a badly PSed job to me. the tail section of the landing C17 would be
around 30 feet below the carrier deck.

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Is it April the 1st already?


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19 years 6 months

Posts: 35

I want to see the size off the tailhook on that plane and they must use a enormous arresting cable :D

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24 years 8 months

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That one's been around for a looong time already !

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20 years 11 months

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very funny. what's next, an AN-225?

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24 years 8 months

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They should aleast clean the deck before welcoming a new visiter, look at the dirt that is being kicked up. :)

A bit of topic, does anyone have the real pictures of a C-130 navy landing trails?

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Amphibious Assault Carrier

The US Department of Defence have recently been investigating ways of extending the reach of the C17. With the scaling down of air to air refuelling assets, trials have been conducted to establish the feasibility of operating C17's from the angled decks of USN carriers.

Initial fears about landing roll distances have been proved wrong, as the trial aircraft has successfully carried out a landing. I understand the next trial is to investigate the feasibility of flying it off again.

That PS-pic doesn't show a USN CVN-type Aircraft Carrier.
It look's more like a Marine/Navy LHA- or LHD-type Amphibious Assault Carrier.
Just compare the angled white stripes on the deck.
Those ships have no angled decks, because there have only VTOL-Aircrafts (Helicopters, V-22) and STOVL-Aircrafts (AV-8,later F-35B) on board.

Anyway, why should I try to correct a PS-pic?!

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21 years

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Well it makes you think when you see the C130 trials. They do say a C17 can land anywhere a C130 can.


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19 years 9 months

Posts: 80

It's definitely a PS. That guy on the deck is a dead giveaway. I don't care how big the tailhook or arrestor cables are, there is no way that plane in the attitude shown is going to stop in the 60 feet required to avoid 'collecting' him.

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24 years 8 months

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He'd be alright. He'd have to be eighteen feet tall for the wing to have any chance of getting him.

who will fly it? only a crazy man, the drunk crop spray pilot from independence day me thinks :)