Fairchild Republic F-X.

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Help to find pictures Farchild Republic F-X. Beforehand I thank.

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That's all I found so far !

Deino :D

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The one from the middle is quite beautiful. Kind of an F-16 spin off.

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Those are late 70s advanced tactical fighter studies, not F-X ones.

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Those are late 70s advanced tactical fighter studies, not F-X ones.

aerospacetech, do you have pics off the concepts for the FX??? how many proyects were involved, and the companies that support them???

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Those are late 70s advanced tactical fighter studies, not F-X ones.

Upppss ... sorry ! You are right ! From the FX programe I don't have any picture from a Fairchild project !


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The NAA (Rockwell) entry is well documented. It almost certainly inspired Sukhoi somewhat ;) I can post some pics later.

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Here u go

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the nose section plus the intake ressemble to MiG 1.42

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This sketch combines features of all 3 submissions, I believe it was released by the USAF while the actual submissions were classified.

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i think that the 3 companies in the competition were , McDD ,Northamerican, Fairchild, Fairchild-republic concept is very similar with your last pic aerospace (very separated engines), and North concept had an blended wing like the f16 i think that all the design were biengined with F100 or im wrong???, i think that the first studies of McDD for the f15 used cariable geometry, but later was rejected because was too complex, heavy and expensive.

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North American concept is shown above :)

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thanks aerospace.

the unique engine aviable for the f15 proyect was the f100, were not an competition of that engine (maybe an version of the tf30 or anything else)??, its funny, the rockwell-north american concept looks like an su27 in an special way.

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GE and PW both bid for the engine but PW was awarded the contract in 1970. No flyoff or anything.

these are amongst the most beautiful airplanes ive ever seen, good designs indeed! ive got similar pics in a book from the 80s...

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could we start an rockwell vs McDD concept???:p ?

well there were not prototipes of the fx loser concepts??? after that competition start the concept of real prototipes tested by usaf pilots (f16,18,22,23)?? why??, maybe because the usaf didnt like the result, or by corporative reclamations???

the rockwell plane had a name (or code) what mean NAA?? the lerx extensions are vortex generators?? (i have that doub because the leading edge ratio is too big to induce an significative efect)

thanks for your patience :p

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NAA = North American Aviation = Later on, North American Rockwell.

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I actually have three view drawings of the Fairchild design, but I can't remember where they're at right now. I need to hire a librarian to organize all of my books, magazines, and papers :D The picture that Aerospacetech posted, though is almost exactly like the Fairchild submissions. Based on what I remember of my three view drawings, it's probably 80% accurate with minor details being the difference.

Here is a larger pic of the NAA F/X submission cutaway as shown above
Internal Cutaway