Pictures of current tactical nuclear airborne devices

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There are several aircraft in the inventory of superpowers that are able to deliver tactical nuclear weapons and there also are several types of nukes but there is little pictorial reference regarding this. Does anybody have any pics of Russian, British, US or French aircraft carrying nukes or nuke mock-ups?

For example Su-24M with TN-1000 or TN-1200 devices, British WE177A on Tornado, Jag, Buccaneer or SHAR, MiG-29 with RN-40 nuke or F-16 with the B61. Speaking of F-16, are all versions and Blocks nuclear-capable?

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Kickin off this thread with some of mine..

WE177A nuclear device
AMD Mirage 2000N with Aerospatiale ASMP
B-2A with the city-buster version of B61, the B61-11
AMD Super Etendard with Aerospatiale ASMP


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Cool Pictures Flex297 !

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The Genie Nuclear AAM!!! HA HA HA HA

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Not completely sure if it's current, but the Genie must be in reserve somewhere. I mean what if NORAD sees a massive formation of Russkie bombers heading over the Arctic Circle.

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I'm pretty sure we got rid of 'em after the F-106's and CF-101Bs were retired, as no other aircraft were left to launch them.

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The last Genie's W-25 warhead were retired in Dec1984 and dismantled by 1986. Dirty little stinker, pure plutonium fission. One of the few nuclear warheads operated by the National Guards then. Today Guards and Reserves regulary train with nuclear warheads. Bush was here.
There were a couple of incidents involving the W-25, esp in Canda. A John Clearwater wrote a book about it in 1998 or so.

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The last Genie's W-25 warhead were retired in Dec1984 and dismantled by 1986. Dirty little stinker, pure plutonium fission. One of the few nuclear warheads operated by the National Guards then. Today Guards and Reserves regulary train with nuclear warheads. Bush was here.
There were a couple of incidents involving the W-25, esp in Canda. A John Clearwater wrote a book about it in 1998 or so.

wow, Bush already had his finger on a nuclear trigger way back then as an ANG pilot? Scary........ :D

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Bush was an F-102 pilot, but I'm not sure if his unit had AIM-26 capable F-102s (the AIM-26 being the nuclear Falcon).

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I am getting "Dr Stranglove" type images of a Cowboy riding a nuclear bomb and going "Ye Ha"! Is that bad? :eek:

Who, me?!

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Who, me?!

If you can hold your breath for a couple of months and throw warheads several thousand miles you've got the job:)

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A F-16 with a B-61
Don't know, if the aircraft is from the USAF, could be from the Koninklijke Luchtmacht, photo taken then at Volkel:


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I wish I still had my old Proud Shield photos. I had a pic of a B61 shape on an F-15E. Up until that point I didn't know the Strike eagle was Special weapons capable.

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A F-16 with a B-61
Don't know, if the aircraft is from the USAF, could be from the Koninklijke Luchtmacht, photo taken then at Volkel:


Could not be, since there are officially no B61's at Volkel :D .

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GAF Jagdbombergeschwader 33

Officially there are now B-61 Mk 10 stationed at the Jagdbombergeschwader 33 (FighterBomber Wing 33) near Büchel/Cochem. ;) :D

During my military draft (in Germany still 9 months :eek: ) I was stationed at the staff of JaBoG 33. So that's why I know following information:

The GAF Tornados there can be equipped with the "Sonderwaffen" (special weapons) B-61's. In the cockpit, a comrade told me, there is american hardware, an extra display, to drop the weapon. Some aircraft shelters are combined by an tunnel system. The weapons are stored in an high security ammunition shelter and are transported in a case to a aircraft shelter. The weapons is elevated trough a shaft into the shealter, where it can be mounted on the Tornado.
In the aircraft shelter only security authorised soldiers could walk near that weapon shaft. Once a comrade walked around there, he was on camera, and a few minutes later he had a M16 in his neck.

Because the Federal Republic of Germany is not allowed to have WMD's (Reasons: history (WW2), constitution and the "2+4 treaty" from 1990), the USAF is in charge of the weapons. In Büchel it is the 817. MUNSS.
The 817. MUNSS controls the inner circle around the high security ammunition shelter and the SS "S" (Sicherrungsstaffel "Sonderwaffen", NOT Schutzstaffel) of JaBoG 33 controls the outher circle and the aircraft shelters.

During the Cold War the was always an aircraft with engines on, pilot(s) and B-61 on board ready for take off.
Still a few years ago the GAF told the press and public, that only american pilots can drop the bomb.
Tell me, which USAF pilot can fly a Tornado? :confused: :rolleyes: ;)

But still GAF soldiers can only train loading a Tornado with a B-61 (Training version) when USAF soldiers supervise.
I remember seeing a pic the german magazine "Der Spiegel" showing a Tornado being loaded with a B-61 training bomb. Maybe other german readers like Deino might have the pic.
Source: Der Spiegel, 3.02.2001 : "... Die Atomwaffen lagern unter amerikanischem Verschluss, selbst Attrappen dürfen nur unter Aufsicht von US-Soldaten an die deutschen Flugzeuge geklinkt werden. ..."

Btw, just after 9-11, the weapons weren't transported by trucks, but by C-141's. Normaly the weapons roatate during periods of time, and road transport was that time too dangerous.

Most of this information is known by the public, since officially the defence minister a.D. Scharping confirmed the existence of special weapons at JaboG 33.

But maybe soon there will be no special weapons stationed anymore at Büchel, not because of peace activists, but because of conversion of NATO and American forces in Europe.
Anyway, the german Government says that when JaboG 33 transfer from Tornado to Eurofighter from 2012 on, that the Eurofighter won't be qualified for special weapons like the B-61's.
Source: Der Spiegel, 3.02.2001 : "Die Bundeswehr will sich offenbar aus der so genannten nuklearen Teilhabe in der Nato verabschieden und die USA zum Abzug ihrer verbliebenen Atomwaffen bewegen. [...]Laut den neuen Plänen zur Bundeswehr-Reform soll das Bücheler Geschwader aber auf den Eurofighter umrüsten, der sich - zumindest nach bisherigen Aussagen der Regierung - nicht als Atombomber eignet. Die Bomben-Lagerung in Büchel wäre damit hinfällig. Reserve-Bunker für amerikanische Nuklearwaffen gibt es auch bei den Tornado-Geschwadern in Memmingen und Nörvenich. Der Memminger Verband soll bis 2003 aufgelöst werden, das Geschwader in Nörvenich steigt ebenfalls auf Eurofighter um. "
Notice: The article was written before 9-11!!!

Those B-61's will be carried then by Polish F-16's!


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Ah yes, those non-confirmed USAF-owned nuclear weapons across Europe. Somebody somewhere should start thinking about being consistent in secrecy. The following list of Munition Support Squadrons (the units that handle the weapons) was originally published as a recruiting tool about all interesting places you could get stationed :)