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Anyones have any info on F16 anti ship missiles capabilities?I know that some EU F16 uses Penguin but is there any air forces opted to install Harpoon for such mission?Any photos?

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[updated:LAST EDITED ON 21-04-02 AT 08:22 AM (GMT)]
Basically, the F16C/D and the F16A MLU (or its brand new build equivalent, the F16A Block 20) could fire the AGM-84 Harpoon.

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AFAIK the F-16 AM/BM can't carry the Harpoon anti-shipping missile. Probably because it's too heavy, but also because the US doesn't use air force fighters in the anti-shipping role.

The best anti-shipping platform is probably the B-52H. It can monitor huge surfaces in just a couple of hours.

The F/A-18 C/D is also able to carry AGM-84's.

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If it were ever necessary for USAF F-16s to do ASuW (and its not beyond the realms of possibility), then IMO you'd probably see them armed with Mavericks.

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Great pictures geforce, that B-52 with the single Harpoon got me thinking of Arnie carrying a Derringer ;)


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Someone pointed to me that the F16A Block 20 (equal to Block 15OCU with MLU) of the ROCAF do carry Harpoons.

The USAF does not have F16 MLU.

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[updated:LAST EDITED ON 21-04-02 AT 03:27 PM (GMT)]Yes, that is possible. I think Norway also has F-16's which can fire Harpoons. But the US doesn't have them, nor do they need them. Maybe our own ABL F-16 AM's can also fire Harpoons, but we don't really need it, as we only have about 60 km's of coast to defend ;-)
You are also right that US doesn't have MLU. I forgot to mention it.

Holland has got its P-3C's, so I don't think their F-16's are tasked with the anti-shipping.

Anyway, you can always use the Mav. when you have no other option.

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yeh taiwan has harpoons on its f-16s (blk 20 = blk 15 avionics on a blk 40 or 50 airframe i think).

norway would surpise me with the penguin

japan must have something on the f2 cos its replacing the anti shipping f1

rabie :9

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I'm pretty sure the F16 (at least Block 20 onwards) can carry and fire the AGM84.

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What I have come across;

The Block 50s have the capability to fire the AIM-120 Amraam, the new AGM-65G Maverick missile and the PGU-28/B 20mm cannon round. The Block 50/52 is capable of carrying the new JDAM munition, the AGM-145A/B JSOW and is the first F-16 version to integrate the AGM-84 Harpoon antishipping missile. The AGM-137 TSSAM stand-off attack missile was canceled. The aircraft can launch the Harpoon in line-of-sight, bearing-only, and range/bearing modes. The addition of the Harpoon gives the F-16 a significant standoff range anti-shipping capability, especially when combined with optional 600-gallon fuel tanks.

Regards, Glenn.

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The Japanese F-2 will use the Japanese ASM-1 and eventually the long range ASM-2. Japanese system to system match, no problems there.

Regards, Glenn.

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RE: The ROCAF capability is there..

Pretty neat piece of news there.

I know that the Taiwanese were trying to fire off the HFII missile (which is just as deadly) from the F-16, but so far, they haven't met with success (I think they're still working on this). The IDF is supposed to have the capability to launch Hsiung Feng II.

All this gives them a head up over the SU30MKK, which can't fire Moskit, Yakhont, or even the C802K. The KH31A is good missile, but the warhead is kind of small. The JH7A is more of a threat, if those things carry the various indigenous ASCMs, especially the C802K.

If the Taiwan KIDDs can be fitted with SLAM-ER, then they can stand a chance against Moskit and Yakhont firing Sovremannies.

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RE: The ROCAF capability is there..

>All this gives them a head up over the SU30MKK, which can't
>fire Moskit, Yakhont, or even the C802K.

Ah, but it can fire the Kh-59M, and it has a good range and a large warhead to boot.

>If the Taiwan KIDDs can be fitted with SLAM-ER, then they
>can stand a chance against Moskit and Yakhont firing

The KIDDs are one thing but AGM-84 SLAM-ER? These missiles if integrated with their AF would boost their airborne land-attack capability as well, and that couldn't be pleasing for China.

Regards, Glenn.

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RE: The ROCAF capability is there..

Glenn, not SLAM-ER, but they did ordered the L (forgot exactly, but the version that is able to hit land targets). The US won't release the software codes on the F16 for them to carry HF-2 and TC2s. Got to protect the US weapons sales of course...hence Harpoons and AMRAAMs But, i won't be surprised that in a few years, some of the Taiwanese F16s will actually be stripped and modified with domestic avionics and radar systems. Much like what the Israelis are doing. Thay way they'll have a highly capable AG platform that can carry all the domestic loads.

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RE: The ROCAF capability is there..

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 26-04-02 AT 02:35 AM (GMT)]>Glenn, not SLAM-ER, but they did ordered the L (forgot
>exactly, but the version that is able to hit land targets).
>The US won't release the software codes on the F16 for them
>to carry HF-2 and TC2s. Got to protect the US weapons sales
>of course...hence Harpoons and AMRAAMs But, i won't be
>surprised that in a few years, some of the Taiwanese F16s
>will actually be stripped and modified with domestic
>avionics and radar systems. Much like what the Israelis are
>doing. Thay way they'll have a highly capable AG platform
>that can carry all the domestic loads.

Very plausible too. GD53 would already have laid the ground work on this area.

The Russians are also doing something in parallel with the mainland Chinese as well.

To Glenn, the Chinese don't have Kh59 because they didn't buy it. They were looking for ways to have the C802K instead (support the local industry thing).

In fact, the SU30MKK has the capability to fire both the Kh59 and the Kh35, and the Russians are still trying to market both to the Chinese. That's also why the Russians (in particular the NIIP institute) didn't help the Chinese to get the C802K being fired off the SU30MKK because they wanted the Chinese to buy the Kh59 and Kh35 instead. Nothing wrong with the Kh59 and the Kh35, but they're not better than the C802K.

(As a note and correction, the Chinese do have the Kh59MK, which is a tv guided missile with range twice or more longer than the original Kh59. But being tv guided, it's not really a fire and forget missile like the way a C802K would be.)

That is also why the new batch of SU30MKKs aren't going to have the NIIP radars anymore (N001VME). Instead, they will be getting them from NIIR Phazotron, basically, the phased array version of the Zhuk 27 (Zhuk 27PH? Zhuk 27ME?). Phazotron has been more accomodating than NIIP with work adapting Chinese missiles---witness their upgrade work on the J8II with the Zhuk-M/Zhem Chug radars, and likewise, on the J-10 (Zhuk 10PD or Zhuk M). Phazotron may also have worked on the JL10A radar for the JH7A (which can fire the C801K and C802K). It is quite possible that the PLAAF might even dump the NIIP radars off the existing SU30MKKs (which can only be seen in exercises with no weapons) and change them to the NIIR radars.

It would be better for Phazotron to accomodate the Chinese wishes, rather than eventually down the road, to have their radars replaced entirely off by a domestic system.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 233


>The Block 50s have the capability to fire the AIM-120
>Amraam, the new AGM-65G Maverick missile and the PGU-28/B
>20mm cannon round. The Block 50/52 is capable of carrying
>the new JDAM munition, the AGM-145A/B JSOW and is the first
>F-16 version to integrate the AGM-84 Harpoon antishipping
>missile. The AGM-137 TSSAM stand-off attack missile was
>canceled. The aircraft can launch the Harpoon in
>line-of-sight, bearing-only, and range/bearing modes. The
>addition of the Harpoon gives the F-16 a significant
>standoff range anti-shipping capability, especially when
>combined with optional 600-gallon fuel tanks.

Newest Egyptian F-16C/Ds are definitelly equipped with the full AGM-84-capability - and also the EAF has now got some 48 such missiles together with these planes (the Jewish Lobby in Washinton protested regarding this, but not very loudly, in fall 2001).

Probably the most powerfull anti-ship missile ever carried by the F-16, however, was the AGM-109H/I/K series, also called the Tomahawk II/MRASM. But this never ventured beyond the testing phase, sometimes in the very early 1980s...