looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

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this is the latest upgrade for the Frogfoot..pics of the plane do exist..but are there pics of the new cockpit?

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RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 27-06-02 AT 07:03 AM (GMT)]>this is the latest upgrade for the Frogfoot..pics of the
>plane do exist..but are there pics of the new cockpit?

I have pic of an SU-25 Scorpion cockpit (with two large color MFDs) but at 200K, I need to find a way to compress it before I can upload it on this board.

But if you want to get ahead and get the 200k original, or not wait, go to the www.flanker2.com forum, go to General Discusions, look for a 5/21/02-5/25/02 thread named "SU-30MK cockpits" by Grave, and you will find the new SU-25 cockpit there mixed with the SU-30/35/35 cockpits.

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Posts: 475

RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

Thanks for the link Crobato! however that was a Scorpion upgrade cockpit, the SM is a Russian upgrade, I'm curious to see how the systems stack up to the israeli/georgian upgrade

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RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

The Su-25 Scorpion upgrade isn't nearly as comprehensive; read the Su-25SM article I posted. Noone knows the aircraft better than Sukhoi and they gave it a real doing over- not just fancy new displays like the Scorpion but entirely new avionics *on top* of fancy new displays :)

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Posts: 475

RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

Thanks Hawk! that's just what I'm looking for. Hrmm the 2 displays seem to be smaller than those used in the Elbit upgrade, however the control panel looks alot simpler and user friendly.. ever seen the Su-39 cockpit? what a mess!

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RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit

Has anyone got any cockpit or detail pictures of the Su-25K?

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Posts: 374

RE: looking for a pic of Su-25SM cockpit
