Can a Russian speaker translate this?

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The automatic translator's are shocking. Really, it's incomprehensible. It's to do with the refit of the Admiral Kuznetsov.

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 20

This is Search engine translation which is better than nothing i guess.

Atlantic -2004: from the keel to klotika Sergey Vasil'yev, the "Red Star". On the threshold of the combat service on the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) the "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" by the accelerated rates goes reconditioning. IF with respect to the inanimate object it is possible to be expressed: "to arise from the elbows", then in connection with the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser the "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov", which command captain Aleksandr Shevchenko, this saying, I think, it is more than opravdanno. Everything eloquently testifies about this: and the volume of equip. maint. and recovery works, and the enormous financial sums, isolated for the cruiser under the forthcoming combat service, and even fervid luster in the eyes of seamen, devastated by four-year vegetation 35- m ship-repair plant "To sevmorput'", complete of determination - at long last! - together with the ship "to arise from the elbows" in order for a long time to leave into the ocean. On the statement of glavkoma VMF of the Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir kuroyedova, at the end of the present summer TAVKR the "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" with the wing aboard in tracking of the force of warships is ship the guarantee of a northern fleet it will leave to the combat service. But only on the "cruising" moorage 35- GO srz, where is made fast cruiser, authentically they know, by what price... Today to the group of "Kuznetsov himself", to his outboard steel framework and other "iron", hidden in moorage by the smoothness of water, it is more than twenty years. And all this time because of the absence of money it was on the current maintenance. Although, as resource ship, it must pass the plant repair (analog to "average" in the other spacecraft) of times in ten years. Therefore it is possible to itself to present technical state TAVKR in the moment, when sequential time about it they recalled and proclaimed: "well, for the distant march!" And the matter boiled. Clear lower decks they declared not only to the crew of ship, but also industry remained in Russian OPK. The first sign of cardinal change in the miserable fate of "Kuznetsov" became undoubtedly the dock repair 82- m roslyakovskom SRZ in May-June of past year. Then - this already in October- November - cruiser left to the Barents Sea to the road tests. And do not happen fire in the main flue, it would be possible to name output as a whole successful. After four years of "physiological" idleness this already victory. Detailed selection with the attraction of the representatives of industry was conducted on the sums of mini- march in the northern fleet. They revealed entire "stricken areas". They outlined real on the time and those entering to finances the schedule chart of performing equip. maint. and recovery work so that to the present autumn "Kuznetsov" it would correspond to the normative criteria, presented to the ship, which exits to the combat service. However, here into the regulations of that planned interfered February SKSHT "safety -2004". And the cruiser (note, under its own power, but "after battening down" the initiated works) again left in the sea for the "exponential appearance" of ship fighter aircraft of northern fleet. They indicate in regard to this in the crew of "Kuznetsov" that "the generation of ideas on the use TAVKR is no longer maintained any technical criticism". But precisely by participation in the strategic commanding staff training the ship of prolobbiroval the forthcoming march into the ocean. After SKSHT the cruiser again occupied "regular" place in the moorage 35- GO srz in the hope, that already now its from there no one's "idea" will move until 30 June. But why, you will ask, precisely, to the 30th? During this day the "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" will hold "parade", in all likelihood, before the Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir kuroyedov. And in the case his of admiral "good" soon already finally it is detached away from the "wall" for closing the course tasks in the sea. With the subsequent, so to speak, prospect. the 16th commanding watch was accepted Yesterday Minister of Defense RF Sergey Ivanov presented to the executive body of the northern fleet of Vice Admiral Mikhail Abramov. During the 71- summer history SF Abramov - 16th commander. As Minister of Defense noted, "this designation superimposes the great responsibility on Mikhail Abramov, since the northern fleet was, is and he will be our leading fleet". Sergey Ivanov reported that "to entire northern fleet the work will be located" within the framework of the incipient in Russia scale military maneuvers. And further it continued: "within the next few days the marines of northern fleet will be moved to Pacific Ocean, naval aviation of northern fleet and surface ships will act in the North Atlantic, and submarines will accomplish combat training launches of rockets, including of intercontinental". Sergey Ivanov thanked former commanding SF Admiral gennadi suchkova for the service, after noting that he uses the great authority in seamen and much made for VMF. Minister of Defense expressed hope and confidence that gennadi suchkov will remain to serve in the armed forces. "we will do entire possible that it would continue the service and to it it served comfortably", said Minister of Defense. To new commander OF SF Sergey Ivanov wished seven feet under the keel. Sergey Vasil'yev, the "Red Star". Therefore to paint, in what state the ship approached this "prospect", I do not see sense. However, that now is done for its technical restoration, is sufficiently interesting and it is significant. At least from the point of view of the professional exploit of the crew of "Kuznetsov", whose staffing in the times heavy for the ship descended to 50 percent, but worthily preserved all that, at how at present twenty-four hour work the seamen and the representatives of industry. At the end of March cruiser visited the commission from the main staff VMF headed by the deputy of glavkoma VMF by Admiral Mikhail zakharenko. Task stood one: to estimate the quality of equip. maint. and recovery works on "Kuznetsov", their first results. Finding of the commission it became, that in comparison with the fact, in which state was the ship, made very much. But to be done it is still more. On the limit of financial possibilities and production forces. As far as the sum total, isolated into the repair of "Kuznetsov", is concerned, it they prefer not to proclaim. As a whole this is mated with opinion heard thus far that "the financing is produced in that minimum volume, which makes it possible to repair aircraft carrier for fulfilling the immediate tasks, but not in order to put into the absolutely normal state". In the technical administration of northern fleet to the correspondent of the "Red Star" they said that the chosen money, true, yet not all, to the fleet already arrived and they continue to enter. However, for the complete closing of a financial question nevertheless does not be sufficient the order of 70 mln. rubles. Them they already "search for" in Moscow. As they emphasized, "at the summit level". Therefore, what sum total was originally planned, it is possible to calculate approximately: 70 mln. to increase as the minimum into the fifth-sixth of times - leave 350-420 mln. rubles. I think, even if I be mistaken to that or other side, then it is weak. Nevertheless round "truth" will be somewhere next. But, as did say in his time British Admiral Nelson, "who says that fleet - this is cheap toy? This is the very expensive toy, which requires high expenditures ". By the way, from the rear of the fleet heard in the lobbies: allegedly the cost of the technical "resuscitation" of aircraft carrier from its present state to the 100-percent condition can compete with the annual budget, isolated BY VMF... Now about the "production forces". As it is already known, the basic executor of repair work - federal state unitary enterprise "35-1 ship-repair plant" To sevmorput' ". However, on the basis of the rigid it is timetable repair and the large volume of works it is understandable: to one 35- mu SRZ this cart not to stretch. Especially as is objective at the plant, which carried out until today only 40 percent of repair work, there are no specialists in entire spectrum of the technical problems of "Kuznetsov". Therefore "To sevmorput'" on agreement with GTU VMF and TU sf drew to the reducing work of contractors, who passed state licensing. Such "podel'shchikov" only along the line BCH -5 it was collected with ten. "Murmansk shipyard" is occupied by the repair of the flues of the main things it is boiler. Volume of the executed by it works - 80 percent. Russian- Ukrainian enterprise "lazarevskoye admiralty" from Sevastopol specializes in the replacement of tubes in the seventh and eighth main boilers. Percentage of its success - 45. The St. Petersburg PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY the "absolute", which overhauls the systems of the automation of diesel generators, main distributive it is shield and rest, which is connected with the power electricity, it succeeded by 40 percent of the volume of those cut to it works. Representatives AO "Diesel- service" deal with close diesel generators themselves: they have the percentage of readiness - 50. Snezhnogorskaya "Emma" completely managed the degausser. AO the "Nautilus" (Saint Petersburg) and plant "crisis" (from Gatchiny) check systems of automated management "Terek" and "Balaton". Estimation - 40 percent. As a whole, you will agree, indices exist and they will be grow further. It is singular, St. Petersburg "Armator", only in the middle of April approached the repair, in all by 30 percent it managed that established to it by task. If the discussion dealt only about the fact that all materials in the presence, works were financed, only and problems, that sit and make. But this would be already very simply, rapidly and it is effective, even somehow and not in our opinion entirely. At times the intensity of repair on "Kuznetsov", or more precisely - failures in it, they directly depend also on the unconscientiousness of the so-called subcontractors from the Russian distant village. For example, 4 it already mentioned above The "lazarevskoye admiralty". The commander BCH -5 tavkr of captain Aleksandr kireyev says that, "the representatives of this enterprise go in advance of graph". And on the repair of the main things they are boiler we could still and further leave, if b... not was problem with the delivery of brick for the furnaces boiler, which lay out themselves by the special refractory brick of silicon-carbide composition. For its delivery answered 35-1 SRZ: it transferred to one of the plants in the Voronyezh province predoplatu - several hundred thousands of rubles; however, enterprise became bankrupt, they arrested production, the money of "zavisli" and brick it did not arrive. Therefore technical administration SF found way out from the created situation, as it is accepted by the fleet, due to its reserves. In particular, that brick, which was stocked of tekhupra and on board the ship, they returned to the laboratory tests. And it they recognized as suitable (use of silicon-carbide brick in the ship boilers permitted in the course of six months from the moment of production. - S.V.). But indeed on this they spent the time, which, strictly, not too and much remained. Certainly, the given example - these are rather exception, than rule itself. But when was composed the schedule chart of equip. maint. and recovery works, it was possible to provide all current precipitation, analogous to "silicon-carbide". But their how much still will be? - Therefore we every week, on Thursdays, said to me the chief for technical administration SF rear admiral Vasiliy zagray, we carry out the conference, which leads either the deputy of the commander of the navy for armament and operation Vice Admiral Mikhail Sokolovsky or 4. We here plan to the prospect a gamut of operations, as the saying goes, from the keel to klotika. In a word, everything is envelopped by repair. The repair of "Kuznetsov" caused state resonance. To tear away order - by "message" not to be finished: stars will fly. Therefore in view of arrhythmia of financing repair TAVKR, when at the technical conferences the matter reaches the heated arguments: "where to direct the entered limits?" - absolutely everything they prove, that precisely in them "burns", in them the "boundary of output into the attack". But to storm in the forthcoming two months, pover'te, there is that. As expressed itself one of the crew members of aircraft carrier, "very heavily entire system, planned in the times, when ship only was constructed, now to bring together, figuratively speaking, into one heap. Therefore repair is obtained by some jerks, breakthroughs. Cruiser can give "motion", because all financial and technical forces were to the dacha of "motion", but it cannot shoot, since from the same "ryvkoobraznoy" system only now found forces, facilities to the repair and restoration of the shooting complexes. Ship must not be overhauled by pieces, namely this now occurs ". For example, six are boiler already in the system, now they work at the deployment two more - the seventh and the eighth. It turns out that at the output all boilers passed if not the medium repair, then repair in the volume of the replacement of tubes and further on the trifles. But the same boilers only renewed. But here is the system of economic vapor as other "nuances", connected with the general ship-based systems, it is not yet repaired. This akin to beating heart with the grown sickly circulatory system. For long whether will be maintained this "ardent motor"? - main boiler with its collectors, they assured me in tekhupre of northern fleet, it was prepared with such calculation, that in the process of its entire service - for thirty five years - the replacement of tubes can regularly be produced on the fact of the production by them of average resource into 20 - 25 thousands it is hour operation. They deftly cut out them in such a way that the following set of tubes normally is put into the openings in the tube plates of collectors and opens out by special attachment. On "Kuznetsov" already occurs the third replacement of tubes. But how often generally it is possible to change them, it is concretely nowhere stipulated. If the sizes between the tube openings of less than the admittance, then to change collector itself is necessary. By the way, on "Kuznetsov" with this thus far without the problems. They do not promise them, also, with the deployment of refrigerators, in whose "cold" is held the electronic filling of ship; the refrigerator machines, "which correspond" for the dead storage of foodstuffs. At present in the regime of reserve water cooling (DITCH), i.e., by outboard water, work two kholodmashiny. Repair completes on two more coolers OF DITCHES. And 35-1 SRZ works above the introduction already into the steam (basic) regime of three refrigerators. So that to the combat service, certified captain Aleksandr kireyev, aircraft carrier will go "with two modes of operation of kholodmashin". But that, you do understand, only they learned, that the "theater" of the forthcoming march - North Atlantic, where even in summer temperature of outboard water does not exceed plus of 9 degrees, immediately send the conversations: "why to the ship" of kholodilki "in two regimes, let us risk, will save, let it go only with the reserve- water cooling". But here order for the repair of the sanitary systems of "Kuznetsov" they returned To the polyarninskeyeu ship-repair plant. They proceeded from the fact that "To sevmorput'" and it is so loaded, and on 10th SRZ "squall" proved to be without the work the experienced specialists, who in the "contact" with the same boat steel framework were rubbed more steeply than Murmansk workers. But the discussion deals not with the complete replacement of sanitary systems, although time already, and about the "withdrawal" of those not very numerous sections, which are struck by corrosion. - system "do darn"? - it asked 4 chiefs of tekhupra SF. - no, it answered rear admiral zagray, we do everything so that it would function. However, to the waters, which contain the admixture of petroleum residue, Vasiliy nikitovich agreed on the the liyal'nym: on "Kuznetsov" questions concerning their cleaning exist, but in order to repair their system, now already there is neither production forces nor facilities. But as then in the sea? Yes it is very simple: ship has the special cisterns, where the liyal'nye waters will be accumulated. When tanker for the transfer of petroleum residue approaches it, after "servicing" into the tanks of the latter they will pump this undoubtedly "happiness" of ekologov. - now, counts the commander BCH -5 of captain Aleksandr kireyev, technical readiness of electrical department - 70 - 75 percent. "painful points" - the old conduits of the ship systems, because of which the personnel is constantly forced to fight with the flood of accomodations. More than one-and-a-half linear kilometers of conduits, on the order of 200 units of steel framework ordered. We hope that with the replacement of defective sections and the repair of steel framework the situation with the flood radically will change. Systems will become much more reliably. However, not one electromechanics alone it is living "Kuznetsov". Once it - the aircraft-carrying cruiser, then the technical readiness of the armament of aviation warhead, which corresponds for the guarantee of a flying process aboard the ship, is also given the lion's share of the attention of specialists. Brake machines now are completely ready to the fulfillment of hooks aboard the ship. The optical landing system aboard the ship "Moon" is so ready to flight service as the control tower, where is located the group of flight control. Recently the representatives OF TSNII - CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE "Prometheus" from Saint Petersburg examined the flight deck of aircraft carrier. They were certainly on the trifles of observation, but as a whole verdict was single-valued: "for the organization of flights deck is ready". True, I heard, that like arose the question of the renovation of ropes in the brake machines, since there is no spare parts, tools, and accessories on them. Yes even this problem, I think, it is permitted. Although, as they say, by itself rope very by road. But, probably, not more expensive than the complex of equip. maint. and recovery works on the zenith rocket- artillery "panel" of the ship: ZRAK "dirk" and ZRK "dagger". For the last time in the matter they were during January - March of 1996 during the combat service of "Kuznetsov" in the Mediterranean. Then "dagger" successfully performed nine rocketrocket and eleven artillery shootings. After this, the battalions did not use self-defence BCH -2 on the basic destination. As a result the present day ZRAV of ship meets in the 60- percent readiness. Basic problems - aging technology, the absence of suppliers and ZIP. Complexes domestic, but produced them in the Soviet Union, where it was to 7 thousand (!) contractors, and now if hundred three are collected, it will be well. Now on the restoration of "dagger" work 7 specialists from THE PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY "Radar- service" (Kaluga), 30 - from JOINT STOCK COMPANY Of "ratep" (Serpukhov), and also the representatives of Transarctic "oboronki" - 195- GO of the repair plant of rocket- artillery armament VMF. The qualification of personnel BCH -2 of ship and representatives of industry, as they said in control of the rocket- artillery armament (URAV) of northern fleet, makes it possible to qualitatively carry out reducing works, but problem appears on the very materiel. The fact is that in 2008 generally elapses the period of the use of entire rocket- artillery armament of self-defence in the northern fleet, which after this, according to the leading documents, is subject to writing off. The question is regular: in the absence of the medium repair of data it is specific armament about what quality we do conduct discussion? But to change complexes not on what. Period of the "finishing" of the rocket- artillery armament of the battalions of self-defence - on 30 June. It is actual? "with the screech, the cry, through the perspiration and the blood this task will be executed", they certified me. By the way, one of the reasons, because of which the missilemen only recently began reducing works on the complexes, lack of preparation of refrigerators tax cold to the equipment BCH -2: they awaited it from January. Only at the end of April arrived on "Kuznetsov" "industry" for the work on ZRAK "dirk", since the administration of purchases and deliveries and URAV VMF in the twentieth days of April only conducted joint competition to the carrying out of reducing works. However, time just barely enough. And if already then it was necessary to organize a similar tender, then it would not interfere with think about this even in the past year. By the way, the conqueror of competition - the Tula "design bureau of instrument manufacture" - together with THE PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY "Radar- service" tries to the utmost extent in order not to fall out from the framework of temporary limitation. And today "KBP" by 70 percent mastered that cut to it a gamut of operations. That to the weak places, then they exists in other systems of the guarantee of functioning BCH -2. Now plant "crisis" restores the systems of fire and explosion safety. These systems be under the jurisdiction of the battalion of vitality. But in order to in time load into the cellars rocket ammunition, entire system of fire and explosion safety must be brought into combat state: it is filled with water (basic method of the extinguishing of cellars - irrigation). There is another system of the curtailment of the access of oxygen, which must operate instantly. Its "weapon" - compressed air and special substance - inhibitor. By the way, in some cellars on "Kuznetsov" already there is ammunition, there rushes special watch and systems PVB are included "on- combat". In addition to this, 195-1 repair plant RAV transfers the system of intra-divisional record (VDZ) of one accomodation, which does not correspond on the temperature conditions, into another. - today, said the chief OF URAV of northern fleet rear admiral Sergey kostin, equip. maint. and recovery work on BCH -2 was provide ford within the framework of the chosen limit - by 95 percent of need. 5 percent it is necessary to reach due to financing of other "weapons" orders. Ship simply wants faster to be pulled out to the oceanic expanse, are further from that corroding as rust, inactivities in plant moorage. The crew of "Kuznetsov" with the hope looks for the combat service: it is possible that this is the latter possibility for the veterans to transmit its experience in the operation of materiel to the young change, to those officers and to the Warrant Officers, who arrived aboard the ship in the poslepokhodovyy interval of time. By the way, bulk of commissioned personnel of "Kuznetsov" - lieutenant commander, many of which still not never were in the "large sea", without considering recent short outputs, they did not independently stand bridge watch. According to the deputy commander "Kuznetsov" from educational work of the captain of 1 ranks Nikolai dodaruk, now the crew is located on the emotional lift, seamen want to leave to the combat service. Therefore people, without being considered in the course of time, "dvukhsmenkoy" with one output bottom in the week, are prepared to work for ship twenty-four hour: there would be benefit. But it, I see, it will be exclusive in the fact that when aircraft carrier returns mooring cables and stately begins motion along the Kola molded edge, they will say everything: the "heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser" the Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov "left to the combat service for his own" life "into the good of further prosperity and strengthening of the might of Russia and its VMF. Seven feet to him under the keel also of high sky above klotikom!"

Member for

20 years 11 months

Posts: 91

The automatic translator's are shocking. Really, it's incomprehensible. It's to do with the refit of the Admiral Kuznetsov.

Nothing about refit, only about the problems.

Member for

21 years

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Vympel I thought you spoke Russian?

Member for

24 years 8 months

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Vympel I thought you spoke Russian?

Nope. Greek and English only. :)