El Salvador Air Force Overview

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We are currently busy expanding our Latin America section so you can
expect more South and Central American Orbats the coming period. Today
we are happy to announce the Order of Battle overview and Aircraft
Database of El Salvador:


- A brief history.
- The complete Order of Battle.
- An overview of all Squadrons and Airbases
- An online database containing aircraft serials
- Numorous good pictures of different aircaft types.
- Links to relevant websites.
- Maps with the locations of each airbase.
- Neighbourhood maps.

Hope you'll appreciate it. Some examples are included

Erwin van Dijkman
Editor Latin America

Frank Noort


Original post

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

How about some Ouragan or Arava pics? Couldn't find any ...

" So you think you are strong because you can survive the soft cushions. Well, we shall see. Biggles! Put her in the Comfy Chair! "

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

I don't know about you guys, but I personally LOVE reading about the so called "smaller airforces".

Good job scramble!

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Icarus, i presume you are aware that Scramble poses a serious security threat to the world's airforces? And don't forget the amount of espionage necessary to collect all that data. Maybe interesting for you to remember the next time you plead for heavy sentencing of planespotters...

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Facinating, when is the new edition due out WS? And will it be available in Australia?

Give me coffee and no-one gets hurt!

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview


What kind of bullshit are you writing about Scramble. Are you a Greece judge? Or do you have nothing else to do then accusing people of spying.


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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 17-09-02 AT 11:05 AM (GMT)]>Arthur,
>What kind of bullshit are you writing about Scramble. Are
>you a Greece judge?

JH, I welcome you to this board from the bottom of my heart! That is the most outrageous accusation i ever got here. Thank you very much, you just made my day. :D

>Or do you have nothing else to do then
>accusing people of spying.

Ask Steve Touchdown, who is one of the spotters in the Greek case, what my stand is on this. Or ask Icarus or Fantasma337. But please don't ask for my personal credentials when it comes to planespotting...


I'm AH. Perhaps we are related, since i've missed your introduction? }>

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24 years 8 months

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Nice to know that we have a great support from Erwin !!!

Keep going like this, Erwin ; I hope you would put the Venezuelan Air Force on Scramble very soon!!


Ivan Peña Nesbit

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24 years 8 months

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

>JH, I welcome you to this board from the bottom of my heart!
>That is the most outrageous accusation i ever got here.
>Thank you very much, you just made my day.

,,that Scramble poses a serious security threat to the world's airforces? And don't forget the amount of espionage necessary to collect all that data"

That is a very serious accusation!! End of discussion and I don't think that we are related. :p

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Arthur, listen to me clearly.

Those planespotters knowingly, and admittedly violated the law. They did not commit espionage, but they did commit an illegal act. Greece has always been tight on it's security, but these people were warned and allowed to go on their merry way more than once. Their total disregard for the laws of the land are irresponsible and ignorant. Greece does not need to defend it's laws to you. Especially since those laws are quite warrented and not illegal. They are there to protect the Military and the Nation and must be respected. Try arguing to a cop next time he pulls you over for speeding that it is "unjust" and the law pertaining to speeding is stupid. After all, people do get speeding tickets right? Yet I'm sure the majority do no kill anyone when they speed right? And I'm sure people speed ALL the time and do not get caught, right? These people were caught speeding and it doesn't matter if they caused an accident. The law is the law and forgive me, but you and your government can frankly go to hell if you have a problem with it. I wonder how you would like it if Greece started a smear campaign against the U.K if Greek nationals had been arrested doing such things in the U.K. Next time a "suspicious" Arab fellow is arrested in the U.K, I will make sure to press the Greek government to petition for his release. Mind you, we will not ask what actually happend and we will not be concerned whether he broke the law or not, we will become judge, jury and all that like your press became. Maybe we will even boycott British beef products.

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

>Arthur, listen to me clearly.

No worries Icarus, i was just having some fun here, being sarcastic et al. I know your views in this case, you know mine, and i thankfully only i know how legal or illegal my own planespotting activities were when i was in Greece (don't worry too much, i was actually more careful there than i usually am in other countries). We'd better give it a rest - perhaps it will be stirred up when the appeal runs, but for now i'm relaxed, fella!

>Mind you, we will not ask what actually happend
>and we will not be concerned whether he broke the law or
>not, we will become judge, jury and all that like your press
>became. Maybe we will even boycott British beef products.

Didn't you know i am Dutch?

And JH: read a bit back on this forum, read some spotter's reports in magazines like AIM, read the AFM of September 1995, and try to find the word 'sarcasm' in a dictionary. If you can manage all that, i will gloriously watch you eat a nice piece of humble pie }> Seriously, from how many countries are you expelled for espionage?

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

>>>No worries Icarus, i was just having some fun here, being sarcastic et al. I know your views in this case, you know mine, and i thankfully only i know how legal or illegal my own planespotting activities were when i was in Greece (don't worry too much, i was actually more careful there than i usually am in other countries). We'd better give it a rest - perhaps it will be stirred up when the appeal runs, but for now i'm relaxed, fella!<<<

Arthur, listen man I have no problems with you. Can you imagine what it is to haver to defend your country for simply following it's National Security Laws? I get angry. I'm content with what the courts said and as far as I'm concerned, it's over. Let's now all get on with our lives I say. I'm relaxed!!!!! :7

>>>Didn't you know i am Dutch?<<<

No. Then we shall ban your tulips.

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Hi Ivan.

No Problem. Just check http://www.scramble.nl/ve.htm



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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Seriously, from how many countries are you expelled for espionage?

Only one: Israel

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Only one: Israel

Cool. Planespotting?
It's Belarus for me.

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RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

Thank's for the site. It's AMAZING!! Great, nice and beautiful pictures. I was there when Erwin took some of the pictures on Venezuela. Also I have almost the same pictures taken by me!!.

Thank you again, Frank, and also thanks to Erwin, for put such a beautiful report. I will send some corrections to Erwin ( Don't worry, it's only spanish translation problems with some names)

Best regards

Your friend in Venezuela
Ivan Peña Nesbit►

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 4

RE: El Salvador Air Force Overview

>Only one: Israel
>Cool. Planespotting? No colaboration with some Palestinians on the West Bank.
