Mirage2000-5 and its variants

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All the latest aircraft seem to have been discussed in here and the topics flogged to death.But one aircraft - the Mirage2000-5 and its variants don’t seem to have been discussed in detail or exclusively in here.
With India in preliminary discussions to buy the latest variant according to the defence minister in parliament itself, how about a discussion on this aircraft. We all know that the IAF loves its Mirage2000’s. How big a jump in technology is the Mirage2000-5 over the current IAF mirage’ s. Whats the latest variant of the Mirage2000-5 is it the Mirage2000-9 or is the 9 a UAE specific aircraft.
Well it has been discussed that it dosent make sense for India to go in for the Mirage2000-5 when it already has the Su-30MKI. But is it feasible taking into account that the IAF dosent want to put all its eggs in one basket and the fact that the IAF intends to increase its No of squadrons to around 55 rather than seeing it as a replacement for the Mig-21’s and 23’s about to be phased out and till the LCA finally roles out.
If the IAF decides to go in for it(or should I say the Government of India- the poor IAF dosent seem to have much choice in decisions taken these days) what role will the Mirage2000-5 play in its doctrine. How will the Mirage2000-5v stack up to the aircraft around and those in its neighbourhood and those being inducted.With China geting more and more SU-30MKKS how will the Mirage stack up against them.
All in all what configuration will the IAF be looking in the latest Mirage2000-5 variant. There has been talk of technology transfer and the setting up or selling of the full production line to India. Keeping this in mind should the IAF go in for it? What about the price factor.
Will the Mirage be using components from the Rafale? What armament will it carry, what will the radar and avionics be like. What advantage will it give the IAF keeping the future in mind. Should the IAF go in for it or wait till a latter and better version of the Rafale is out.

Cheers Guys!!!

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To Webmaster

Please deletemy other mirage2000-5 topic postings. they have been posted multiple times due to the problem you mentioned. Please keep only this one.
Thanks and Regards.

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Mirage 2000-5 MKII for India?

Hi guys

I´m throwing caution to the wind with this one. I found the following. I hope that this thread doesn´t erupt like most of the related ones have

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited along with the Indian Air Force has participated in joint technical discussions with Dassault Aviation, Thales and Snecma, France to assess the feasibility of production and transfer of technology for manufacture of Mirage 2000-5 MK II aircraft.

The discussions are at a preliminary stage.

It would not be in the interest of national security to disclose the information about the time schedule by when the Air Force is going to get Mirage 2000 fighters fitted with air-to-air refueling capability.

The Indian Air Force propose to procure IL-78 Flight Refueling Aircraft. These will be delivered by December 2003.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has purchased reconditioned engines for MiG-21 after thorough scrutiny of their health by a team of experts. However, no second hand spares for MiG-21 have been purchased by the IAF.

As per preliminary investigation, the crashes of two MiG-21s in September this year were due to malfunction of main fuel pump and not due to spares. The exact causes of accidents are under joint investigation by specialist from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, IAF, Centre for Military Air Worthiness Certification and Director General Aeronautics Quality and Assurance.

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India in its latest report for the year ended March 31, 2001 has pointed out that Government made unnecessary procurement of missiles for Kargil operations. The matter is under consideration of Public Accounts Committee of Parliament, where the Ministry’s reply has been submitted

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Posts: 845


[updated:LAST EDITED ON 03-12-02 AT 04:29 AM (GMT)]Well Aditya I know that shouldnt count our chickens before they are hatched. But at least its a topic to speculate upon. Thats all we can do till the babus decide to get of their fat butts and do something constructive for a change.
By the way hoping for some interesting comments on the technical aspects of the Mirage2000-5v from the experts on this forum.