Best 4.5 gen fighter

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8 years 11 months

Posts: 815

Personal experience, dear chap, having owned a red Renault, a blue Nissan, a grey Skoda and now a silver Fiat i´ve discovered the joy´s of the silver colour in cars. Been doing photo treks in some fairly decent sized mountains for two and a half decades and silver has some magical properties over capot mud, it stealthifies it (the mud)... more or less...


Life lesson learnt...

Member for

8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

best air superiority: want to say Typhoon but probably F-15
best a2g: F-15
best multirole: F-15
best for peacetime: Gripen
best value for money: Su-35
best for most air forces: Gripen
best naval: Rafale
best looking: Rafale, su-35 tie

best air superiority: want to say Typhoon but probably F-15

Lesser turning radius
Cant cobra

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8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

F-35 and F-22 are 5. gen and thus not part of this discussion (see first post that specified 4.5 gen... :))

While we are on that subject, when India was flying their various 4th and 4.5 gen fighters with the Raptor, the USAF said that the only thing that could play with the Raptor in dogfighting was the su 30's.

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8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

Arguing about who is the tallest midget. :stupid:

A priest from the religion of stealth chimes in..

Member for

11 years 4 months

Posts: 2,040

"General, we are going to war !"
The General : "thanks god, we have the best fighter for peacetime !"

Wait, what ? [ATTACH=CONFIG]251374[/ATTACH]:very_drunk:

hello studly.
this might surprise you, but most air forces in the world don't engage in combat and just need an air policer.

Member for

8 years 9 months

Posts: 1,081

While we are on that subject, when India was flying their various 4th and 4.5 gen fighters with the Raptor, the USAF said that the only thing that could play with the Raptor in dogfighting was the su 30's.

Nah..... they didn't

Member for

14 years 6 months

Posts: 8,850

While we are on that subject, when India was flying their various 4th and 4.5 gen fighters with the Raptor, the USAF said that the only thing that could play with the Raptor in dogfighting was the su 30's.
Rafale was more than able to play the dogfighting with Raptors.

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15 years 9 months

Posts: 1,003


I've aways wanted a black car but buying second hand has always meant that colour is the lowest on my list of criteria

I've got a black car now and it deals with potholes and speed bumps better than any of my previous ones. And it's easy to get in and out of, has plenty of headroom and carries me, wife, three boys and approximately a ton of youth football kit easily

Black cars are best

Member for

18 years 10 months

Posts: 204

What is the best color?

I pick Green because there are so many shades, and lime colored cars can be bought at the lowest price.......... But Red is obviously been upgraded recently with the addition of such shades as "lust" "oxblood".

-Sarcasm off-


Member for

20 years 5 months

Posts: 1,403

hello studly.
this might surprise you, but most air forces in the world don't engage in combat and just need an air policer.

I know, I just though it was funny to have "best fighter" and "peacetime" in the same sentence ;)

BTW, the Gripen C was described as unsatifactory for Air policing due to weak aircraft endurance and performances by the Swiss eval...

Member for

8 years 11 months

Posts: 815


I've aways wanted a black car but buying second hand has always meant that colour is the lowest on my list of criteria

I've got a black car now and it deals with potholes and speed bumps better than any of my previous ones. And it's easy to get in and out of, has plenty of headroom and carries me, wife, three boys and approximately a ton of youth football kit easily

Black cars are best

But no claim about washing less?

Now just need everyone to acknowledge that my red car goes faster...

Member for

15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

But no claim about washing less?

Now just need everyone to acknowledge that my red car goes faster...

Doesn't matter.
Nothing beats my imaginary Yellow Porche standing in my driveway.

Take that all you window lickers!

Member for

8 years 5 months

Posts: 1,168

Nah..... they didn't

Member for

8 years 9 months

Posts: 1,081

I really don't see how that video supports your point. At around 6:20 he literally said their F-15 unit dominate Su-30 in close combat. Language barriers?. Moreover, India doesn't have Typhoon, Gripen, F-15, F-16 or F-18 either, probably didn't even have rafale at that time

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11 years 4 months

Posts: 2,040

if i recall correctly, that video, combined with the reports mostly said.. Mig-21 bison was deadly

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15 years 10 months

Posts: 6,983

the video didnt support KGB, on contrary he said that while the teen fighters had a small window of opportunity
to nail an F-22, if the F-22 pilot was rookie, but the same pilots had an easy time doing an Su-30 in.

a few interesting quotes from that officer: F-22 can maintain 28 degree at 20k ft,
while F-15 can maintain 15 degree. the jammer coupled with mig-21 inherent low RCS made amraam useless
and the teens had to resort to guns, but su-30 was so large RCS so jamming couldnt mask it.

in previous exercises the indians had sent their best pilots and did very well against US fighters,
but when they sent their average pilots they didnt stand a chance.

the russian engines required so much maintenance so the indians didnt actually qualify to participate in red flag,
but it was overcome by sending up su-30 first so they wouldnt keep the runway busy for others,
which was fine since su-30 has such a large tank so it works out

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14 years 4 months

Posts: 76

No Information F-16E and F-10B
Line 209 - compared to the Su-27 in "dogfight"
Line 221 - compared to the Su-27 in the "long range fight"

Example: MiG-35 in close combat in 1.64 times better than Su-27


It's fantastic to see how the Russians underestimate the Gripen. Would come as a nasty surprise if, God forbid, a conflict were to break out.

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14 years 4 months

Posts: 76

196 wing angle
197 wing extension
198 wing loading
199 fuselage extension
200 Power steering engine / aircraft weight
201 deviation of the thrust vector
202 followed by a radar target
203 targets simultaneously being attacked
204 points of suspension
205 RCS
206 maximum overload
207 acceleration
208 flight distance

212 top speed
213 cruising speed
214 flight distance
215 Range Radar
216 followed by a radar target
217 targets simultaneously being attacked
219 RCS
220 range missiles "air - air"

223 efficiency / cost
225 generation

Even more funny, how the Russians claim the MiG-35 has a lower RCS than the Gripen. I mean, sure, propaganda and sale pitches. But come on, really? Is it using "plasma stealth"? :highly_amused:

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16 years 3 months

Posts: 3,280

F/A-18E/F, of course. The most mass produced, combat proven and equipped with AESA radar and whole bunch of the latest weapons and targeting/recce systems.

"I'd rather go to war in a Typhoon than in a F-18 (Super) Hornet”

(the Danes seemed to disagree, they scored the Typhoon and the SH roughly the same in survivability and the SH somewhat higher than the Typhoon in mission effectiveness -- India ranked Typhoon above the SH since the SH was not shortlisted in the MMRCA whereas the Typhoon was -- in other words it really depends on the requirements :))

Member for

15 years 9 months

Posts: 6,441

the video didnt support KGB, on contrary he said that while the teen fighters had a small window of opportunity
to nail an F-22, if the F-22 pilot was rookie, but the same pilots had an easy time doing an Su-30 in.

a few interesting quotes from that officer: F-22 can maintain 28 degree at 20k ft,
while F-15 can maintain 15 degree. the jammer coupled with mig-21 inherent low RCS made amraam useless
and the teens had to resort to guns, but su-30 was so large RCS so jamming couldnt mask it.

in previous exercises the indians had sent their best pilots and did very well against US fighters,
but when they sent their average pilots they didnt stand a chance.

the russian engines required so much maintenance so the indians didnt actually qualify to participate in red flag,
but it was overcome by sending up su-30 first so they wouldnt keep the runway busy for others,
which was fine since su-30 has such a large tank so it works out

I think you should look at the Vid one more time..

There exist no evidence what so ever that the MKI had any problem service wise at Red Flag.
He talked about the Indians not want to risk nick their Hi/low Comp fans at take-off. They was a long way from home base. Didn't have any spare engines with them.
They had to get most value out of each fighter, pilots and ground crew at Nellis. They can't do that if one of the engines get FOD damage and jet get parked during the whole exercies.
Its quite expensive as well going to red Flag. IAF paid over $80mill for the whole Red Flag deployment.

In short, IAF wanted most bang for their bucks. Hense they took some percations on the take-off's.