85 Squadron Hurricane

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 7

Hi everyone.

I need some help identifying the squadron code for a hurricane from 85 squadron. The pilots name was Sgt G. B. Booth and he was shot down on the 1st September 1940 in Hurricane Mk1 L2071. I know that 85 squadron carried the codes VY but I was wondering if anybody could tell me what letter L2071 wore. If theres any photos of the aircraft availiable that would be great as I intend to model this particular Hurricane.


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According to Fighter Command Losses it was coded "O"

Hope this helps.



Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 7

Thats great, thanks for your help : )

Member for

18 years 7 months

Posts: 241

Not much help for detailing a model but may be of interest...
Here is a nice air-to-air shot of 85 Sqn Hurricanes with VY-O included.
in this photo are: VY-U, Q, M, K, O, V, C J, and Z.
I enlarged the center group (with VY-O in the middle) from the negative.

The photo is a well known British official photograph from the Imperial War Museum Collection so was a tad surprised to see it over-stamped The Raceway Collection.

The VY-O in the photograph is not L2071, by the way.

I cannot access my print of this photo right now, but looking in other published sources I suspect it is either V6760 or V6761. Somebody else might be able to confirm....

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 7

Thanks for taking the time to upload the photos, every little helps :)

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 7

I don't suppose there is any further info/photos of Sgt Booth? I found his story by accident and its what led me to choose his Hurricane to model.

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15 years

Posts: 7

85 Sqnd have an association whose historian is Jim Sewell with an "E" mail of [email]kirkcarrion@btinternet.com[/email] He might be able to help.
Sec. 85 Sqdn Association

I don't suppose there is any further info/photos of Sgt Booth? I found his story by accident and its what led me to choose his Hurricane to model.

Yes. "Men of the Battle of Britain" by Kenneth G Wynn.

Member for

18 years 7 months

Posts: 241

The photo is a well known British official photograph from the Imperial War Museum Collection so was a tad surprised to see it over-stamped The Raceway Collection.

Hello Tangmere.
You seem to confuse my overstamp with a copyright stamp. I did NOT put a copyright stamp or make any claims to such.

I simply overstamped my own scan of the negative in my collection that was part of the Ashworth collection (now absorbed into the Raceway Collection)of (mostly) British aviation photos and negatives. Some are copy photos and negatives, others are original negatives and first generation prints, that he collected, bought or traded for, over several decades. .

I put the overstamp (not copyright stamp) on my scans for the purpose of possibly hearing from interested parties when these scans are invariably, and repeatedly copied and posted elsewhere.

I took the time, this morning, to sort through some 339 Hurricane Mark I negatives, to locate an interesting negative of 85 Sqn Hurricanes, scan it to a positive image, resize it, store it into photobucket, and post it here for the enjoyment of those on the forum who may not yet have seen this image. I was making a effort to find some information to help Jetcity18's info reuest, but came up short.
*I am happy that jetcity18 appears to appreciate my posting of the image and certainly appreciate his taking the time to express that..I do NOT scan or copy from books or publications or the Internet, but I think Mr. Ashworth always hoped and intended to see his massive aviation image collection (over 130,000, are here) used and enjoyed by others, rather than being locked away in some dark closet. My overprint provides a possible means/source for others to contact me, and discuss related photos and information from The Raceway Collection.

I have collected extensive Original aviation corporation archival files and collections, including the Wright Company and many Curtiss Company original files. I have donated (and sometimes sold, to finance other acquisitions) or placed "truckloads" of them, in major public museums after having studied and/or copied those of prime interest to me. Many are now in the Seattle Museum of Flight. (to which I donated some 25,000 Curtiss and Curtiss Wright Original company photos and negatives ) Others, I still have, and am studying. (Currently working through file cabinets of the company archives of The Weaver/Advance Aircraft, and WACO Company records,documents and original photos) I have welcomed many authors and researchers as guests, here, over the years, so the information and history does get out to the public. And I learn something interesting from every one of them...This is the same reason I log-in to this forum, in hope of learning something new, though discussion and information sharing.

Thank you for your explanation. The collection certainly sounds fascinating.

I did not confuse it with a copyright stamp. I did, in fact, describe it in my post as an overstamp and was merely stating, as a matter of fact, that I was surprised to see this on an IWM image. That is all.

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 7

Thanks everybody for your photos, books and websites etc, its been a great help :)