Compass / direction indicator identification puzzle

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Posts: 96

Tonights puzzle

Can anyone identify from the attached photos this compass, it's about a 3 1/2" cube, panel mounted, but I cannot see any makers name, marks or even part numbers on it. On top it has provision for a bulb, and it seems that the cover to that is missing, possibly a location for some identification mark, although it would strange to put it on a removable portion.

I've been lent it by the gentleman who found it '60' years ago close to the crash of an unidentified aircraft. It looks very much to have been removed rather than torn from the panel and considering that it still is half full of liquid appears to have survived quite well.


Obviously I don't know the answer.......

Original post

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Looks like the American type (Bendix Airpath?), as fitted to many WW2 US aeroplanes, often in its own little sub panel, above the main instrument panel, at about eye height.

Think B17, B24, B25 etc.

But don't quote me, cos I know next to nowt about 'mercan 'planes. :)

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Posts: 253


it's a MARK VIII USN compass made by Pioneer, used in the OS2U Kingfisher and a couple of other 'wet' USN aircraft.

Here's mine...........

Being an instrument maker and aircraft nut, I collect aircraft instruments, compasses and clocks are the most interesting, this one is one of my favorites.



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19 years 6 months

Posts: 96

John & Air Min
Thanks for the id and photo, nice to know what it used to look like. Now it just remains to work out what it was doing in a wood near Corby all those years ago.

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16 years

Posts: 253

No problem Kiteflyer,

here's the MK VIII compass in a Kingfisher.....

Mine came from one of 18 Kingfishers destined for the Dutch East Indies Naval Forces but were diverted to the RAAF when the japanese took the Dutch East Indies.

