WW2 crashes

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19 years 10 months

Posts: 80

I posted up a request for info. on a Mossie crash over Nuthampstead A/F a while back, and more than one of you nice people replied with all the information I could have wanted....and more.

Without wishing to push my luck too far, could anybody help me with any details on the following crashes?....I'm trying to help a friend and fellow forum member...so any help appreciated (pilot details, unit/sqd etc...anything please).

17 October 1940 Hurricane V6604 (Colliers End)
11 March 1944 Mosquito VI HX 809 (Buntingford)
05 August 1944 Mosquito VI HD 848 (Colliers End)
14 November 1944 Tempest V EJ 551 (Standon)

Thanks in advance....


Original post

Member for

17 years 8 months

Posts: 58

I can help you a little on 3 of your queries, with the exception of crew names
Mosquito TE809, 605 Sqn Bradwell Bay, flew into a balloon cable at Buntingford. The pilot was able to gain some height and both crew baled out. Date 10/3/44.
Mosquito HP848, 2 Group Support Unit, flew into trees near Collier's End. Two killed. Date 5/8/44.
Tempest EJ551, 501 Sqn, Bradwell Bay. Engine failure. Abandoned 1 mile E of Standon.
Can't trace your Hurricane. The one you quoted was transferred to the Admiralty in Sept 1942.
Hope the rest is of some use.

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17 years 8 months

Posts: 58


Sorry Shabby, Mossie TE809 should read HX809.

Member for

19 years 10 months

Posts: 80

Thanks Avro....much appreciated sir. The USAAF I have no problem researching, but with the RAF it's so much more difficult....I'm guessing I am simply not looking in the right places...(?)

Thanks again, your help is much appreciated.


Member for

17 years 8 months

Posts: 58

You're welcome.

Member for

18 years 4 months

Posts: 286

I can help you a little on 3 of your queries, with the exception of crew names

The crew of HP848 were W/C John Sidney Dunlevie 37965 and F/O Islay Sinclair MacMillan 142329.

The crew of HX809 were F/L Allison and P/O Tamplin, who hit a balloon cable at 820 feet, damaging the Mossie enough to make a landing impossible. They climbed to 9,000 feet and baled out OK, landing near Huntingford, with the aircraft coming down two miles away. The aircraft was coded UP-O.

Info on the first crew is from various posts on another board, confirmed by the CWGC site. Info on the second from "We Never Slept - The Story of 605 Squadron" by Ian Piper.

Member for

19 years 10 months

Posts: 80

Thanks mhuxt....much appreciated also.



Member for

18 years 4 months

Posts: 286

No worries.

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The crew of HP848 were W/C John Sidney Dunlevie 37965 and F/O Islay Sinclair MacMillan 142329.

The crew of HX809 were F/L Allison and P/O Tamplin, who hit a balloon cable at 820 feet, damaging the Mossie enough to make a landing impossible. They climbed to 9,000 feet and baled out OK, landing near Huntingford, with the aircraft coming down two miles away. The aircraft was coded UP-O.

Info on the first crew is from various posts on another board, confirmed by the CWGC site. Info on the second from "We Never Slept - The Story of 605 Squadron" by Ian Piper.

P/O "Timmy" Tamplin DFM was my grandfather, and lived to be 90. He had served in both 23 and 605 Squadrons in the UK and Malta. Apparently there was a problem with the aircraft altimeter and they were much lower than they thought they were, (IIRC the aircraft was battle damaged but I may be mistaken, its a good twenty five years since he told me the story and this was one crash amongst many for him) and the balloon was not where it should be.

Thanks for the tip on the book , an order is already in with Amazon.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 2,895

......Thanks for the tip on the book ........130FF

Hi 130FF - welcome to the Forum. If you are researching 605 Sqdn the Midland Air Museum at Coventry Airport (Warwickshire) have quite a big display/archive on the subject.

Roger Smith.

Member for

13 years 9 months

Posts: 2

Thanks , I will go and take a look.
