Princess Flying Boat

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The Princesses succumbed to the torch in the 60's, not able to locate the exact time of death at the moment and the instrument panel appeared at Cockptfest in 2003 so that had been dormant for almost twenty years.

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When were the two Princesses moved from Calshot to Poole? As a small boy, I remember seeing then cocooned whilst standing on Poole harbour quayside.

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19 years 5 months

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When were the two Princesses moved from Calshot to Poole? As a small boy, I remember seeing then cocooned whilst standing on Poole harbour quayside.

April 1st has gone! They were never at Poole, only Cowes and Calshot. :)

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20 years 7 months

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April 1st has gone! They were never at Poole, only Cowes and Calshot. :)

..well I was only small!! Must have been Calshot, then? Could have sworn they were at Poole :confused:

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20 years 1 month

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Dragged up a Princess thread for ya Paul mate!

I think you will like it, Ciao Phil

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The flying boats had definately gone from Cowes by 1967, we stayed at the youth hostel there in August 67 and 68 and took the ferry from West to East Cowes several times. This passes close to the Hovercraft works and slipways and I have some pictures taken at the time, but only of new hovercraft, I'm sure that had the hulk of a Princess been still lurking, then I would have snapped it.
Mind you, I did spot a Prince, it was Cowes Regatta and we wandered onto a small quay and bumped into HRH Prince Philip and who I presumed was Uffa Fox, trying to get their dinghy out of the water, no security men around in those days to chase us off.

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19 years 5 months

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Hi Phil, great news about the Princess thread, do you want to share the link with us? :diablo:

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18 years 6 months

Posts: 660

Shame on you all :p

Re Dick Stratton; A great man who gives a first class lecture. He taught many of us in the RAFGSA 'practical engineering' . :)

I wonder how many realised it was the same guy? .The penny didn't drop with me for years.

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18 years 1 month

Posts: 5

What would I do without the Internet! You guys are great, thanks for all the info this is all interesting stuff and it's all building up towards a good basis for a painting. Thanks "STORMBIRD 262" that old thread has some great pictures on it. I'm going to head back down to the Solent to do some more research and try to speak to a few guys who worked on her. Cheers "7 Cyllinder man" - The Saunders-Roe Apprentice web site will prove to be a great resource although the photo archive still doesn't seam to be working yet. Anyway I'm off to spend the weekend at my drawing board!.
Thanks again Gentlemen.

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18 years 1 month

Posts: 5

Princess / Jet boat

Hi people!
I have been working away on my Princess flying Boat project recently. And for all those people who gave me encouragment and requested an update of the project here is the latest photo of the work.
The first work shows the SRA/1 jet boat-this amazing machine caught my imagination during the research for the project and due to the amazing response I got from people on this forum the work has expanded in to 2 paintings. The second painting ( to follow) will be of the Princess flying boat itself on a take off run but is still at the drawing stage.



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18 years 3 months

Posts: 19

Well done Paul it looks great. I purchased one of your prints a few years ago so was pleased to see your latest work. My farther remembers the Princess on it's first flight-can't wait to see your take on it.
Keep up the good work.

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18 years 1 month

Posts: 5

Kind words Pelican, thank you very much.
The Princess drawing has been finished over Christmas and now I'm about to start to prepare the paintings surface. I shall post my progress with it sometime in the new year.

Cheers to you all :)

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17 years 5 months

Posts: 191

Princess Footage

That footage has reduced me to tears. What a beautiful aeroplane. They (or at least one) should have been given to a museum. What a B****Y waste. I would love to see a full size flying replica, but no doubt would be too expensive to build. Ah well...

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Posts: 113


I've just entered Saunders Roe Princess flying boat in 'search' and got a whole lot of info'

Canberra man

Member for

18 years 5 months

Posts: 129

The flying boats had definately gone from Cowes by 1967, we stayed at the youth hostel there in August 67 and 68 and took the ferry from West to East Cowes several times.

I missed a trip with a bunch of aeronautics students to see the Princesses broken up. They all brought souvenirs back so there's probably quite a lot of parts still around.

Google says it was July '67 and I think that's probably correct.