Happy Birthday Mr Langham!

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Member for

18 years 8 months

Posts: 1,031


Hope you have a wonderful time (can just about remember my 18th - think alcohol was involved somewhere in the celebrations) and hope you have a good time tomorrow (flying at Leicester).

Best wishes,


Original post

Member for

19 years 2 months

Posts: 297

Many happy returns!!! :)

What did you get?? Anything aviation related??? :D



P.S. If you got a car for your birthday, you'd better be taking a trip down the M69 with your overalls, and a sense of humour. :p (there's an Argosy that needs painting).

Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 2,757

Cheers guys, just got back from a pretty good night out, plenty of free booze! Nothing aviation related, but £550 isn't bad! That'll be going on driving lessons, so hopefully before too long i'll be able to lend a hand at MAM, no idea when though

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24 years 5 months

Posts: 10,173

Happy Birthday Rob!