Canberra TT18 cockpit photos help...

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Posts: 286


I am currently trying to restore a Canberra TT18 main instrument panel.

As there are no obvious markings on the panel to suggest which airframe it came from I am not sure if it is ex RAF or FRADU.

I have one photo kindly supplied by FlyBuy of his TT18 panel which is an RAF example and so am looking for any other pictures of TT18 cockpits both RAF and FRADU so that I can make comparisons and hopefully both identify my panels airframe and restore it accuratly.

I have already contacted DoRIS but so far not had much luck.

Any help is much appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this.



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19 years 7 months

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Why not post a photo of your panel and the illustration you have received?

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24 years 8 months

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If you post a fot, I'll pass it on to a couple of ex-FRADU Canberra drivers I know.

Member for

18 years 6 months

Posts: 286

Thanks Stringbag and Robert for your replies...

As suggested here are the two panels... mine is the one minus the instruments ;)

The pix arent great quality but hope they are sufficent...

regards Cliff

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 63

Your right hand photo looks as if the panel was at one time fitted to 'Charlie Uniform' (white code letters) which was WJ682 a TT18 of 100 Sqn

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Davej's correct there, the populated panel would seem to be from WJ682.

However Cliffair, I wouldn't agonise over yours being a FARADU or RAF TT.18 as the panel you have is the main pilot's panel and these were essentially* the same in all B.2 and PR.3 derived Canberras (as were the TT.18s). The Target Tug instrumentation was usually on a separate binnacle on the stbd side of the cockpit.

* I say 'essentially' because of mod state and year. No two Canberras were ever really the same in their cockpits or nav stations, especially nav stations. Similar yes, but the same? Rare.


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* I say 'essentially' because of mod state and year. No two Canberras were ever really the same in their cockpits or nav stations, especially nav stations. Similar yes, but the same? Rare.


Now how did I guess you would have been in here Les :D

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18 years 6 months

Posts: 286

Thanks for that Les...

Now I'm just wondering if there is a way to try and trace which airframe the panel is from.... I asked the guy I bought it from and he said he had no idea as he has bought it from a guy at an aerojumble.

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 758

Now I'm just wondering if there is a way to try and trace which airframe the panel is from....

Not really. These panels were general spares and not specific to one aircraft, although the actual act of fitting to an aircraft may make a panel unique. Only way I can think of is if the sqn or unit themselves identified the panel (as with 'CU' in the pic above - and that's probably there to remind the pilot of which aircraft he's currently flying! :rolleyes: ).

Other methods of id are related more to populated panels and that includes those that come out of scrapped aircraft. Occasionally a sqn or unit will mark an aircraft serial on one or more of the instruments (on the body of inst, usually in white paint or a label left attached somewhere). This is to ensure that that instrument, after separate servicing in a bay, is returned to the specific aircraft. And this could be because the specific aircraft's panel has been 'adjusted' to mount that instrument. Not all instruments, guages and corresponding panels were as 'interchangeable' as everybody likes to believe, some measure of adjustment for fit could be expected - usually with a half-round file. :rolleyes:

All this is not to say you wouldn't be able to id your panel, but with no 'clocks' it seems unlikely. Never mind, lot of fun can be had researching Canberra pilot's panels and searching out suitable instruments. You might like to try talking with the International Cockpit Club, there's a wealth of knowledge with those blokes on sourcing, fits and layouts for paneleers. Or checking with a museum that owns a TT.18 for pix of their panel, etc. Good luck.


Member for

18 years 6 months

Posts: 286

Hi Les, Many thanks for all the information. I have already been intouch with the ICC and asked a question and gave details of the etchings on the panel but so far not had any reply... guess I should try their forum as well.

regards, Cliff