Vulcan First Flight...2006?

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20 years 6 months

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Heard a rumour on the Brunters grapevine that the first flight is planned for the 18th this true VOC boys? If so that must be a world record work ethic Marshalls are running -does the CAA turbine policy have an impact?


Original post

Member for

21 years 5 months

Posts: 2,108

Heard a rumour on the Brunters grapevine that the first flight is planned for the 18th this true VOC boys?

Did you hear them specifically say 18th August of this year..... :dev2:

Hmmmm.....18th August 1940 is often referred to as the Hardest Day.....might be prophetic :D

Member for

19 years 9 months

Posts: 549

Lets have a bet! Paddy Power will give 3-1 that this thread will turn into yet another "it'll never fly" or "it's a waste of money" or "scrap the parrafin burner" or "I hate Vulcans, the HLF should have given the money to afghan hill farmers" type of thread? What d'ya reckon? Worth a punt at 3-1? :diablo:

Member for

20 years 11 months

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Personally i can not wait to see this beauty take to the skies again, It will be a great achievement to all involved what ever date she first returns to the air.
For me there is a definite gap in our preservation of history in terms of flying Airframes, And the Vulcan and Buccaneer will go someway to fill this gap when they return to the Air.

Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 4,561

mmmm, well no confirmation or denial from any VOC forum members then?


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20 years 7 months

Posts: 579

I'll wager that it won't fly on 18th Aug 2006...£500 to the RAFBF if it does :D

Member for

19 years 8 months

Posts: 105

They still need to raise £350,0000 by the end of March to continue to be on Target.
Testing has gone far better than they could ever of hoped for, but they still need any and all donations in the absense of a Major Sponsor!

Please make 2006 the Year of this Delta Lady!

To Donate see,

"Vulcan to the Skies Campaign"

Member for

20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

"does the CAA turbine policy have an impact?"

Are we talking about the same turbine policy, that was shelved back in December by the CAA, when almost all of the private operators in the UK turned around and said, "fine so you dont want the revenue that we are bringing you in then?"


Member for

20 years 6 months

Posts: 4,561

Fine MJR - didnt know that - been away!


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20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

No surprise such a hair brained idea has been suspended, just that though unfortunately, it wasn't scrapped, CAA used the excuse that is was shelved for now, because the guy devising the whole thing, could no longer work.

Yeh right...........more to do with all the rotten fruit and veg lobbed in their direction.. he he. Good news for now though.


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 8,464

I am not known as a supporter of the Vulcan return to flight programme, but was pleasantly surprised to read the latest newsletter on

It is far more open that we are used to reading, and far more informative.

I think anyone who predicts a first flight at this point so far away from completion needs their head looking at. I suspect a rumour is all it is.


Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 2,106

No surprise such a hair brained idea has been suspended, just that though unfortunately, it wasn't scrapped, CAA used the excuse that is was shelved for now, because the guy devising the whole thing, could no longer work.


I understand that he Died!!!!!!!!

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24 years 8 months

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Is that a valid reason in this day and age for not being able to fullfill all his duties?

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20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

indeed he is no more, but it wouldn't look very good on caa publication " we have shelved this directive cos mr so and so has carped it, and we thought it was a stupid idea anyway" :D


Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 89

I don't think you'll see the last of the CAA directive I'm afraid?
I've seen a draft proposal and it's identical to the one we got issued for the Avon Engine. We raised every sensible arguement possible to try to get it abolished but to no avail. Once the seeds are sown ect ect
I pity the poor ******s who are going to have to prove their engines to carry on flying like we have. :(
Engineers motto......if it ain't broken...don't fix it!
Nuff said!


Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 89

Ooo, Ive been censored! They've made it look worse than it was now!

Member for

20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

I don't think you'll see the last of the CAA directive I'm afraid?
I've seen a draft proposal and it's identical to the one we got issued for the Avon Engine. We raised every sensible arguement possible to try to get it abolished but to no avail. Once the seeds are sown ect ect
I pity the poor ******s who are going to have to prove their engines to carry on flying like we have. :(
Engineers motto......if it ain't broken...don't fix it!
Nuff said!


well with any luck, the muppet show that claims to run our little island will be voted out before it sticks.


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20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

is bug@**ers un PC now too? blimey. well I'm bug@**ered! :D


Member for

19 years 1 month

Posts: 247

Who would you suggest replaces Labour? Tony......sorry David Cameron?
On the Vulcan front Can't wait if she does but at the moment Im waiting to see what materialises. patience is the answer here guys.

Member for

20 years 8 months

Posts: 728

Who would you suggest replaces Labour? Tony......sorry David Cameron?
On the Vulcan front Can't wait if she does but at the moment Im waiting to see what materialises. patience is the answer here guys.

Im not suggesting anything, you have a democratic right, use it how you like.
And back to the topic in hand. Roll on flying triangle :cool:


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20 years 3 months

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If I win the lottery, there'll be a cheque in the post.