gun cameras

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24 years 5 months

Posts: 161

Watching 'Spitfire Ace' on monday has prompted a question about the gun camera, which hopefully someone here can help with.

filming starts when the gun button is pressed. But when does the camera stop? when the button is released? or does it run on for a few seconds?

Also, did the camera do the same job for rocket projectile equipped aircraft?



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24 years 5 months

Posts: 3,000

Hi Ken,
IIRC,British gun cameras were indeed triggered when the guns were fired and continued to roll for a few moments after the fire button was released.Alternatively,there was also a small plastic button fitted to the lower part of the spade grip which could be pressed to roll the camera,enabling you to film things without having to fire the guns at the same time.This would also enable you to film rocket-firing as the rocket firing buttons on something like the Typhoon were located on the throttle grip,so you would have your right thumb free to set the camera rolling.
The Americans had a slightly different system whereby the camera would start rolling when the gun firing trigger was half-depressed.
I'm no great expert on gun cameras,and I delayed my reply from earlier so as to allow someone more knowlegable to give a more detailed answer,but being as nobdy has yet replied I thought it would be helpful to atleast reply with the basics.

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24 years 5 months

Posts: 161


many thanks for that, I hadn't considered the extra trigger for the camera.

Seems to be a neglected area for information. Lots of info on the various types and operation of large format PR cameras, but little on the gun camera.
