Moggy's 'Most Iconic Aircraft' list

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OK, we've had 'best' and we've had 'favourite'. My list is of those aircraft that have acheived icon status in their class.

Easy ones first.

Day Bomber: B17
Night Bomber: Lancaster
Dive Bomber: JU87
Interceptor: Spitfire
Escort fighter: P51
Ground Attack Aircraft: Sturmovik

Post war jet fighter: F86
Post war jet bomber: B52

Piston Airliner: DC3
Jet airliner: B747
Supersonic Airliner: er.... ?
Club Hack: Cessna 152

Now the ones I'm stuck with.

Trainer is being fought out between the Stearmen, Harvards and Tiger Moths?

Helicopter (yeuuuuch) Bell 47, Jet Ranger or Huey?

Torpedo Bomber: Swordfish, Avenger or something Japanese?

Night Fighter: Mosquito or JU88?

Anyone else want to contribute. Categories or nominations equally welcomed.


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Re: Moggy's 'Most Iconic Aircraft' list


interesting list, just a couple I'd nominate instead:

Jet airliner: B747

As an aircraft that brought cheap airborne travel to the masses I'd nominate the B737 instead. The 747 is an impressive plane, but the 737 has had more impact.

Trainer is being fought out between the Stearmen, Harvards and Tiger Moths?

Tiger Moth - synonymous with training in the UK. Which lay person has heard of a Stearman or a Harvard?


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What about the Hawk for trainer - a very sucessful British design.

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I would suugest the following...

Nightfighter = Heinkel He219 or Messerschmitt Me110

Transport = Ju52 and C-47

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Nightfighter category getting complicated. :confused:

Transport? What about the C130?

I think Hawk might find itself high in the 'Formation aerobatic aircraft' category.

Interesting - keep 'em coming


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Huey for chopper, remember this is Iconic.

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My nominations for the jetair liner caregory would have to be Concorde for the simple reason that it was and still is way ahead of its time, I mean who else has built a supersonic jet airliner and made it work for the best part of 30 years apart from the British and maybe the russians (Concordeski). For the same reason I wouldnt have a supersonic airliner category. Also the DH Comet, the worlds first jet airliner whose basic design is flying with the best maritime patrol aircraft - the Nimrod.

Transport would be a toss up between DC3?C47 or C130
The Ju 52 I wouldnt really put in as a nominations for the simple reason How many are still flying commercially and how many DC3/C47s are still flying commercially - I rest my case.

Trainer I would put in the Tiger Moth, Harvard or Chipmunk which was in active service for the best part of 50 years.

Finally how about the Typhoon/ Tempest for ground attack aircraft

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Some new categories:

Strategic recce: U-2.
Tactical recce: RF-101C.
Research aircraft: X-15.
Canceled promising project: TSR 2.
Aircraft that looked like it had been built for Paratroopers: C-119 Flying Boxcar. Possibly the Argosy.
Funniest nicknames: the Argosy.

Some different opinions:

Trainer: Harvard/Texan/SNJ.
Nightfighter: He 219. I love the Mosquito but it excelled in so many roles that I can't think of it as Iconic in any.
Ground attack: Typhoon (the Hawker).
Post war jet Fighter: F-4 Phantom.
Post war jet bomber: somehow this makes me think of the B-47. The B-52 seems too big in length of service and importance to make me think post war. Maybe we should have a category "B-52" and nominate one of the models there (I'd go for the D).
And one more category: "Cold war bomber that would have hit them surprisingly hard": White HP Victors!

Best regards, Transall.

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Topgun - you might find that the French also built a supersonic airliner and operated it for a similar length of time!

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Originally posted by David Burke
Topgun - you might find that the French also built a supersonic airliner and operated it for a similar length of time!

oops Forgot about the french, i try not to think about them as they killed the aircraft with our 'puppet' goverment.

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How about a catagory for the most unairworthy looking aircraft,if it does'nt look right it don't fly right:D
Not sure on its handling but to me the Fairey Gannett looks pretty unairworthy

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Topgun - the French actually kept us in the project so in all fairness we wouldn't have had it at all if they hadn't been so keen on it.

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How about the C130 (gunship) as ground attack / close air support a pretty awsome machine in operation.

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Nightfighter would have to be the Beaufighter 1F.

Well c'mon, you didn't expect me to say anything different did ya...? :D

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Carrier-based aircraft : Hellcat

Flying boat / Amphibian : Catalina

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Not sure I entirely agree with you there about Concorde.

Both governments thought the other would try to get out of it (which they did) so between them they drew up such a cast-iron contract there was no way out.

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Best night fighter has gotta be the Mosquito. Fast, agile & superior radar to any of the others.

(& I guess you'd expect the Mossie from yours truely)


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I've have to say I agree that the Huey is the helicopter that is the most "iconic" by a long shot. Hueys have been everywhere and done everything and still in very very widespread service.

As for post-war jet fighter I'd have to go with the F-4 Phantom. It' seen more combat than any other jet fighter, and it was/is a huge influence on contemporary and later designs.

As for night-fighter this is a tough one, but I'll sum it up this way. Everytime I hear the word night-fighter I think of German designs, and thus I think of Messerchmitt's Bf 110, which I think is another very underrated fighter of the war. Seeing much success until the Battle of Britain, the 110 came into its own as a night fighter and all sorts of models came out for this mission.

The Ju 88 should be thought of as one of WWII's most versatile aircraft because it performed many missions and it performed them very well whether it was bomber, recon, or night-fighter.

So for night-fighter I'd go with the Bf 110.....the Zerstorer!

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Originally posted by neilly
Best night fighter has gotta be the Mosquito. Fast, agile & superior radar to any of the others.

(& I guess you'd expect the Mossie from yours truely)


Yes but this isn't a 'Best' list. That's happening elsewhere.

This is trying to isolate the aircraft that most represents the breed in common conciousness.

Could still be the Mossie, but that's not the point.


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Originally posted by trumper
How about a catagory for the most unairworthy looking aircraft,if it does'nt look right it don't fly right:D
Not sure on its handling but to me the Fairey Gannett looks pretty unairworthy

Short Shed.. now there IS an ugly aircraft

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DHFAN- either party could withdraw from the contract but the financial penalties were enormous . The British certainly were keener than the French to withdraw from it.