Disused airfields you can walk around.

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17 years 7 months

Posts: 126

Hi all

Like most of you I’m sure I find the history of disused airfields fascinating and would love to do a bit of exploring round some in the spring. Just walking along the disused runway etc soaking up the atmosphere!

The trouble is I think most are on private land. The only one I know of which is open to the public is Kenley.

Do any of you know any more? Preferably in the South East but I’m happy to travel.

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18 years 2 months

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Davidstow Moor in Cornwall was always open ... I learned to drive there :)

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17 years 10 months

Posts: 158

Blackbushe.......although the main runway is still in use the other 2 aren't and are open to the public.

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18 years 5 months

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While outside your original suggested sphere of travel I would recommend a visit to these two evocative sites in South Kesteven, Lincs:

RAF North Witham – runways still intact, watch office, various other features & a strong D-Day heritage


RAF South Witham – various building bases and structures still present relating to its weapons storage days


More information here as well http://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=9042

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16 years 5 months

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Try the New Forrest airfields, Stony Cross, Beaulieu etc there's even the bombing range at Ashley Walk with target markings still to be found and a pond that is a Grand Slam crater.

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24 years 6 months

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The perimeter track at Great Sampford is absolutely intact, to the point where some of the drains still run, but there's next to no infrastructure left - it's just tarmac in a field.

RAF Wethersfield is pretty much all there (though mostly Cold War rather than WW2), but you'd need to arrange a visit as its still (just) MOD land - the museum there has a Facebook page.

trouble with the south east is there's been lots of roads built, and where better than a disused airfield to quarry hardcore...


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14 years 3 months

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As you say, so many runways were crushed to make hardcore for motorways. I still remember Hunsdon when it had a runway.

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Tangmere; very evocative. Five miles distant, parts of Westhampnett or, Goodwood to give its other name.

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9 years 9 months

Posts: 17

if you decide to venture down tangmere it is a very good walk round on a sunny day, you could also visit ford airfield which is only a few miles away, goodwood is definitely worth a look but the access inside is quite restricted although you can walk round most of the outside of the perimeter- they have built up grass banks on the majority of it though to stop people getting a free view of the revival so you wont see much of the airfield- the bonus with goodwood is if the weather's ok there will be a fair chance of seeing one of their warbirds flying, the bonus of tangmere is the museum- even if you don't have time to go in or don't want to pay the entry to look inside the car park has got a few interesting exhibits to look at, the drawback with ford is that depending on when you visit there may be a carboot or the ford market to upset the tranquillity

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13 years 2 months

Posts: 59

One of the most complete Battle of Britain stations left with at least one fully restored blast pen and many of the original buildings still visible.
Just keep outside of the fenced off areas!

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18 years 3 months

Posts: 426

Hornchurch is now a country park mostly, but not much left of the buildings.
Chilbolton still has some paths around it, and a bloody great weather radar where the runways crossed, therefore it has not been built on much, still a few remnants around. You can also check out the nearby 'Abbot's mitre' pub for some Sound Barrier memorabilia.
My old local airfield was Bradwell Bay, still used by learner drivers I believe and the control tower along with some buildings survive, although now a house.


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14 years 6 months

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Possibly not what you are after, but Greenham Common is a lovely place for a walk- some impressive infrastructure left but it's also a huge and very impressive heathland restoration project.

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Hanwell Park........... Some buildings from the airfield survive, I think!!!.

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20 years 11 months

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Blakehill farm near Swindon used to be mildly interesting.

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oakley, bucks.

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17 years 4 months

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I would agree Beaulieu airfield has miles of lovely walks on old runway and tracks. You can still find recognisable bits from the wartime airfield, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=beaulieu+airfield&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB758GB758&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjih67F-t_YAhUFCcAKHZg9CjUQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=pSbPZ5Y_Bnj7BM: Also taking in nearby Roundhill campsite which still has the original second world war water tower.

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20 years 3 months

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Deenthorpe, Northants for a wander down its last runway before a new town gets built on the site,

Quite a few airfields in Oxfordshire have retained peritracks and runways. former RAF Oakley, Wescott, Barford St John (some scenes from '12 o clock high' shot here) Moreton in the Marsh,(fire Brigade Training centre) Pershore, (was MOD until recently I'm led to believe)

Bradwell Bay, Essex still has the main, parts of the secondarys, a full peri track, blister hangars and a control tower.

Rivenhall, Essex was a jewel until aggressive aggregate quarrying destoyed it

Wymeswold, Leicestershire mostly complete but covered in solar panels.

Finmere near Buckingham is largely complete.

As with all old airfields, permission must be sought to wander as most form part of farm or industrial estates.

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24 years 6 months

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Bradwell Bay has been mentioned at least twice - considering a flaming great nuclear power station was built on one side of it, there's a lot left to see.


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ISTR wandering quite freely around Lavenham. Nice control tower there.


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19 years 1 month

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Bourn, used to exercise a lurcher there chasing rabbits.