Precisiom Aneroid Barometer

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12 years 3 months

Posts: 421

Does anybody have any information on the unit shown in the picture, please, in particular a circuit diagram?
This has appeared on the Vintage Radio Forum, where the owner is asking for advice on how to repair an electrical fault.
Clearly of RAF origin, with the combined Stores Reference and Nato Stock Number.
Many thanks,

Original post

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12 years 3 months

Posts: 421

Apologies for the typo in the thread title, but I don't seem to be allowed to edit it.

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18 years 10 months

Posts: 472

When everyone flys using barometric altimeters a precise measurement of surface pressure is critical for altimeter zeroing i.e. Making the altimeter read zero feet when the aircraft is at at zero feet. Remember surface pressure continuously changes as weather systems move. Get your altimeter pressure setting wrong and you risk controlled flight into terrain which is commonly fatal. So every airfield was equipped with one of these so they could radio the pilot to inform him as to the local the surface pressure thus allowing him to adjust his altimeter pressure setting accordingly. Really critical for night and poor weather flying.

The ones I'm familiar with are not electric so no circuit diagram, but that could be the mk1. There should be an AP which details how it works and the maintenance/calibration required.

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17 years 4 months

Posts: 941

It's piece of Met Office invented kit. Every Met Office had at least one. Email the Met Office instrument section. They will have the cct diagram - or know who does. You won't get much help from Negretti & Zambra. Every time I email them for some thermometry archive there is nix response!