Large scale drawings

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 135

If anyone has experience of scratch building a large scale, detailed, flying R/C model, do you know where building plans for such creatures can be found? I'm thinking of a four engined bomber, Lancaster, Stirling, Halifax etc... Plans need to be good, as I would like to build BIG.
Actually flying the thing is a different matter though!

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 03-01-02 AT 09:15 AM (GMT)]Hi Halibag,
I think you will have some problems to over come, if you're going to build a big scale model. If the model is over 20kgs then you will need the model to inspected, at regular intervals, so you can get a CAA exemption certificate, which you will need to fly a big model. I'll give you an eg. of model size to weight- My Mosquito is 1/5th scale, wingspan is just over 10ft, fuz, just over 8ft. the all up weight is going to be just over the 20kg (I can't build light to save my life!).
If you do want to press on with this project, then the place to make enquiries is on the LMA web site forum, someone usually knows where to get plans etc. However, the club I'm in built 4 Lancasters, of which only 2 are still flying (I think), so I could probably find a name & telephone number for somebody to help you.
If I can help drop me a line direct, & I'll do what I can.
Below is my No.1 toy.

All the very best,

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,907

RE: Large scale drawings

nice toy !!!

rabie :9

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RE: Large scale drawings

Whew!Thats a cracker of a machine Neilly.Nice work!How much would something like that set you back??

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

Hi All,
I done dare think about how much it's cost me so far. I wouldn't like to put in print in case the wife found out!!! I don't know dresses fit her wardrobe, but the price of my Mossie would fill several wardrobes! Add to this all the decorating- I'm sweating profusely just thinking about it!

All the best,

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 135

RE: Large scale drawings

Hi Neilly,
Many thanks for those words of wisdom.

Yes, I am still interested in tracking down some large scale drawings. I do not have the skill to fly one of these baby's, I just want to go about building one with the capacity to fly if required at a later date, so operational engines are not so very important right now.
I saw a very pretty Lancaster at Newark recently, turrets rotated, bomb doors opened, gear retracted & I think the engines also operated but the thing was static when I went. All in all, it was a superb model, and as I'm nowhere near flush enough to afford the real thing, then a big build will come a very satisfying second place.

Interested to learn of the 20kg rule, is there a restriction on overall wingspan allowed on R/C?

Many thanks

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 05-01-02 AT 03:06 AM (GMT)]Hi Halibag,
No there's no restriction on model size, at least none that I can think of. There are quite a few big models flying, 18 ft seems to be about the favourite maximum wingspan, but there are probably some bigger. There's a B-29 (I think it's Dutch owned) which has a hugh wingspan & if memory serves me right 4x 240cc engines- quite a beast!!
If you need any help just give me a shout & I'll do what I can.
Another piccie of my No.1 toy, bit out of date, the nacelles are now complete.

All the best,

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 135

RE: Large scale drawings

Hey Neilly,
Your Mossie is superb by the way! How long has it taken you to get this far? How do you go about getting all the bits you need - prop's, engines, canopy etc, or is the whole thing built from scratch?
Do you know of a good supplier of building plans for the big stuff such as Lanc' Hally, Stirling & B17.


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24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

Not forgotten you, just I ain't had much time this week, so I'll sort out a better reply, soon.

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

[updated:LAST EDITED ON 13-01-02 AT 06:00 PM (GMT)]Hi Halibag,
I don't know if you're interested, but one of my club mates reckons that the Melton Clubs original Lancaster might be for sale. This model is in the Guiness Book of Records as the largest, flying model, ever made. The wingspan is 26ft!!! The model can't be flown now because it does conform to CAA regs. I've never seen it in the 'flesh' but I've seen pictures of it in the magazines & it does look a formidable model.
If you're interested, I'll try & find out more. Be warnrd this is seriously BIG!!! Give you an idea of size, my baby Mossie - only 10ft wingspan. The picture is a little out of date - the engine nacelles are now complete.


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 135

RE: Large scale drawings

Would certainly be interested, if nothing else, it would be a good gauge of prices.
Any photo's of this baby?


Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 781

RE: Large scale drawings

Done some checking- The model of the Lancaster is for sale, But we're talking silly ammounts of money!!! Not £00's, but £000's!!! I, personally don't think it's worth it, especially as the model cannot be flown legally, because of CAA rules etc.
