Australian Catalina Flying Memorial flying boat restoration

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Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Today after the Easter break volunteer work has continued on CAT and John fills us in with tasks such as -

*Unloader valve reinstalled and pumped to 300 PSI, no leakage yet evident.

*Walkways measured for relining with marine ply.

*Oil priming system being readied for installation.

*We have found that as we need to attend to the Feather Pump, we will have to drain the engines oil. Maybe see how it is and filter it , if OK. Alternatively replace with new oil.

* Landing lights , being tested and Perspex covers cleaned.

*Electricals have been worked on during the week.

Anyone interested to donate, help or assist in anyway should get in touch with CFML,so the big Cat can return to the air sooner.

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

We have more news from John on VH-CAT progress - items worked on in last 2 weeks include -

*Finished fabrication of parts for drain cowl. Primed cowl & parts ready to rivet together

* Continuing to remove hoses port engine

*Refurbished fuel drain hoses refitted in pylon

*New adaptor for feather pump made

* Installed fire sleeved hoses on port engine

* Port propeller removed –ready for testing when that workshop can accept the job
Photos here

*Fuel filters replaced on bulkhead

*Two fuel filters removed for refurbishment, now installed

* More hoses taken out of starboard engine. (Note. More hoses yet to be removed for refurbishment) they will be done as one “job lot” for efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Many other jobs are in course of completion.

If interested to become members and support VH-CAT to fly again maybe help by donating or consider becoming a member of the project or helping out anyway you can offer - visit the webpage at for more information or download a membership form from

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Latest update courtesy of John -

Ray Molyneux observed last week “two or three lines in the Maintenance Manual” -can translate into hours if not sometimes days of work!

He is finding the work he is involved in with the many pipes and lines to be extremely time demanding. Often time consuming modifications have to be made to get them to fit.

However: Elevators-fabric repair has been done.

Fuel lines: Port and Starboard sides done.

Oil lines: similar also work in progress.

Engine lines: Removing and replacing

Lifting Jacks: redesign and reengineering, necessary to ensure they fit exactly into position and are also strong enough-Terry Woolard is handling.

Donations and sponsors are still welcomed to the project if anyone wishes to help get VH-CAT back flying as a memorial to the WW2 RAAF Catalina operations.

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

We have more news on progress on VH-CAt to share with you .

Craig Hickey has joined Ray Moloneaux and already his efforts are showing value.

Details of some of the more recent progress:

Removed lower cowl flap Port Engine. To gain access to feathering hose for removal.

Also removed fire hose from Starboard engine.

Manifold pressure and priming hoses.

Removed corroded skin on lower rear section of Port wheel well.

Removed corrosion & remake and repair skins as above.

Removed spark plugs from Port engine-continued 100 hourly service.

Fabricated and repaired skin panels and primed.

Finished cleaning spark plugs.

Cleaned damaged area of fuselage.

Rain hampered external work.

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Ray has kindly updated us on what the volunteers have done to the Catalina lately -
* Skin repair completed wheel lower corner port side of fuselage.
* Skin repair starboard side of fuselage started.
* New section of skin fabricated for above repair. Work in progress.
* 100 hourly inspection completed both engines.
* Cowl repairs both engines completed.
* Pre- oiling pump installation completed for both engines.
* Fuel selectors installed in pylon.
* Fuel strainers installed in pylon.
* Propeller removed awaiting inspection,(Delay due to work load,Eric will
advise when he able to carry out work.)
* Installation of engine hoses close to completion,some fuel lines still to
be installed.

Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Latest news is for a donation of $25 or more you will be eligible to receive an E-Book copy of either "Cats At War" by Coral Gaunt & Robert Cleworth or "The Fabulous Catalina" by Robert Cleworth. Please email [email][/email] to nominate and request your copy.[ATTACH=CONFIG]218354[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]218355[/ATTACH]


Member for

14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Just advising I have today stepped down from my volunteer role in sharing any more news on this project and will let others do this if they want to share news.