Australian Catalina Flying Memorial flying boat restoration

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

As seen today, local school students are at the Rathmines community hall where they are presented with displays of Rathmines in WW2, 2 Catalina models from nearby club and presentations from locals.

Myself maybe taking part tomorrow in showing the various school students what flightgear was worn by the aircrews in WW2.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Brief update on the results of the Catalina festival today at Rathmines.

Obviously with introduction of the HARS Catalina to this years line up, along with extensive media coverage, interesting exhibits, all saw a massive crowd turn over which had 45mins -1hr traffic crawl outside the former base in the morning.

The morning arrival of the HARS Black Cat Catalina, saw it fly over and then alight on Lake Macquarie. It then tacied in with the sounds of the engines reverberating off the water and making everyone know she was her. The arrival saw the crowd surge forward to the former RAAF base ramp hardstand area and they watched for the first time in 31years as a Catalina rose up from the lake and came ashore.

Over next few hours, WW2 RAAF Catalina veterans and the general public were allowed into the Catalina for a close up look. Meanwhile overheard buzzed formations of civil seaplanes, Tigermoths and a Wirraway.

Many small stalls were present and were some local community groups which had displays which included amazing WW2 photos of Rathmines from air and ground showing how large the base was. In the main community hall building was a superb Catalina display, with a 3-4m x 7m long model of Rathmines as in WW2....well built. Hanging from roof were 3 large Catalina models.
Many more photos, uniforms, displays of war time items such as unit pennants, flight boots and paperwork was on show.

By 330pm it was time for the Cat to say goodbye and again the crowds surged forward to watch the start up and into the Lake. A camera was seen to be mounted to the wing support for inflight filming. The take off saw spray and mist cover the aircraft and once airborne , another fly over and the event closed for the day.

This Festival was possible due to the hard work of the Catalina Festival team, CFML members, local community groups, HARS for kindly bringing the Catalina to the festival for the first time on the ground (in past it has flown over) and many of the hard working volunteers who help prepare and guide people.

The CFML Catalina project has given an update it seems the VH-CAT, it seems the repairs and overhaul are on track (along with getting more donations/sponsors/funding) so it could mean it may refly hopefully sometime early next year, which should mean for the 2013 Catalina Festival at Rathmines, there could be a high chance of seeing 2 Catalinas on the lake and on ramp if all goes well.

Here is a short video i shot showing the HARS Catalina running up its engines prior to departure from Rathmines around 330pm today . More photos from me will come soon.

In space of a few hours i met today the nearly everyone from the Catalina Festival organisers, CFML project team along with most of the HARS team/management board again. It was truly great to see all these people able to achieve a great outcome for ensuring the modern generations to come will be able to understand the role the men and women in WW2 played in the RAAF at Rathmines.
Many people it seems wants to see this event happen every year with aircraft like the Catalina coming, gauging by the crowd interest today.

Lets hope HARS can assist the CFML and CF again in 2013 to bring back the sounds of Catalinas to Rathmines.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

It is been said that over 15,000 people were at the Rathmines event on Saturday. Amazing turn out which only will increase over time hopefully at future events, as more people learn about the base history along with the associated aircraft and crews which flew - Catalina, Kingfishers, Mariners and Sunderlands.

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Posts: 937

Thanks to Richard Purdy from CFML , we can now see more of the 2012 Catalina Festival photos on the CFML webpage. Shown here are some of my photos i took on Nov 3 2012 -

Richard has also given us access to some of the ferry flight from Portugal to Australia 2008 flight photos -shown here

Phil Buckley

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Update on some of the merchandise that the CFML sells - caps, DVD, books and coffee mugs all for raising more funds for the CFML Cat project so she can get back in the air sooner... see the photos here.

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Posts: 937

Latest news on Catalina is now available thanks to VH-CAT member John Goldsbrough ... Not a lot has been done due to the wet weather early and then the wind at Bankstown airport. Volunteer Terry Woolard did some work in the turret with the "plumbing'. Volunteer Tony Pitt's mob are manufacturing the securing lock devices for the water doors. The window in pylon has been reinstalled. More repairs have been done to the hydraulics with a new flexible line to be installed by Tony Pitt.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Latest news is the next Catalina Festival at former RAAF base Rathmines, Lake Macquarie has been scheduled for Nov 9 2013.

Going on the massive success and interest in the 2012 event hopefully maybe we might see 2 Catalinas fly in to this event.. time will tell what is going to happen.

More details will be released as they are finalised in 2013...

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That would be a week after Temora then. Hmm I was thinking of spending the week before Temora doing aviation stuff in NSW, and flying back to NZ on the 3rd. Hmm.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Courtesy of John from CFML, we have some more details on what has been done to CAT since last update -

* Last week all the cowlings were prepared after refixing the rubber seal and punching holes to receive locking devices.

* More work in removing some hydraulic/fuel hoses.

* Examine pumps under co pilots seat for any leakage of hydraulic oil.

* One “bomb”door has been secured by Air Ag, must get second signed off by a CAR 43 person.

* Hydraulic tanks topped up.

Due to heavy rains work has not been happening on some weekends.

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 937

Hot of the press from working on the Catalina today .. latest update is now available.

A very wet and windy conditions today which hindered working. John describes the following advances to CAT -

* Air Ag have completed the “bomb doors” closure and they are sealed and a “CAR 35” Certificate has been issued.

* Lifting jacks have been prepared for a welder to attach an additional plate under the metal hooks, providing the greater height, to ensure safety.

* Engine tank inspection plate for Port Fuel tank removed. This has revealed some corrosion to some struts inside. However due to a large panel on top of the wing providing good access, Dave Sieber says that the problem is not a major one.

*Dave continued preparing a new patch for the Starboard side, where corrosion meant a box like section had to be removed.

If anyone is interested in supporting the restoration of VH-CAT Catalina flying boat for the Catalina Flying Memorial Limited dont forget the webpage at and facebook page . Volunteers to assist the project are welcomed.

Any donations and interested membership also will help get this Catalina flying sooner than later... so it too can become another reminder of the legacy of the RAAF WW2 Catalina operations.