Aerotite nut.

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Member for

14 years 5 months

Posts: 172

Right chaps.

I have a beautiful pair of Victorian scissors - or rather - my fashion designer daughter has.

Between us we lack the nut which holds them together. It lost in the battle to take them apart.

They are, as we'd expect made from tool steel - wonderfully corroded in black.

OD of plain part is 5mm/3/16ths.

Anybody got one to swop for a beer?


ps. Have ordered one in ht steel, but not too sure about ageing it...

Original post

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13 years 1 month

Posts: 462

The black "corrosion" is probably a process called "Parkerisation". Being Victorian, I would be most surprised if the pivot was metric (unless of Froggie origin). I would presume Whitworth or possibly B.S.F. I may be able to help out if required.

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16 years 5 months

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Black finish

It could be a (very un-PC) Black Japanned finish - or did this come along a bit later?


Member for

14 years 5 months

Posts: 172

Stan. Coincidentally I bumped into my Chemist fiend this evening and badgered him for some Phosphoric Acid. He works for a Vet supplies company that insists that chemicals have a shelf life... Wanted some Phosphoric to throw around an old Land Rover, but now see that it might come in handy for Parkerising.

I also doubt the 5mm, but that or 3/16 is what the calipers say, so either or.

Anon. I know what black jappaned looks like when new, but the scissors have obviously been used and used and there is nothing left - would it have a dyeing effect in the surface?

All. They are fairly obviously a tool type steel. And are a bitter dark chocolate colour. Cleaned back enough so that the grain structure is clear. Oddly, no real 'smell' when abraded lightly.