Luftwaffe fighter Brighton crash WW2

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

Hi looking for information please on a luftwaffe crash that happened on Brighton beach 1943? i was told this by a guy who was very sketchy about the incident but cant find any info on such an incident.He was very certain and i dont dis beleive him.

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15 years 2 months

Posts: 143

Only a/c I am aware of was on 26th Nov 1944 when a Typhoon hit the West Pier and crashed onto the beach........illustrated in Andy Saunder's book ''Bombesr over Sussex'' :confused:

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

Any in the local area of brighton you or anyone knows of on a beach Luftwaffe? This guy is certain.

None. 100%.

Some near the beach, but not on it.

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

Thanks for the replies the guy reckons he got a dinghy from one during 43? very sketchy so probally will never find out.

There are quite a few local crashes, and some in the sea just offshore.

That might explain the dinghy.

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

Andy apparently he went to the crash site after dark and the guard went to get tea and he ran to the cockpit and grabbed the dinghy pack so must of been on dry land .

It sounds to me as if it could be that he is muddling two incidents, perhaps?

Not at all uncommon!

There was a Typhoon crash on Brighton beach (see above) and perhaps he recalls that as well another nearby local German crash - for example, the Me 410 in St Nicholas Churchyard, Brighton, from where he got his dinghy.

What type is it? One man? Two man? Four man?

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15 years 2 months

Posts: 143

Hi Andy - have PM'd you but your mail box is full..........

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

Hi Andy it is a one man dinghy

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

here is a picture i managed to get


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19 years 6 months

Posts: 5,197

Very nice....I have the Revi off the Fw190 that came down about 300yds out....howfar out does the tide go?

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16 years 11 months

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There was one of those under the seat last time I flew with Lufthansa!

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 83

love to know the aircraft this came from guess ill never know for definate the only clue i have is fw190 Brighton and beach as Andy said could be near the beach but guess there is a lot of that type of crash in the area of Brighton.The only date i have is 1943 and the guy said it was definately that? But people as they get older make mistakes and history over time is lost how sad but at least this is preserved so well.