Searching for Photos/Information on RAF 65 Squadron, 1940

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I am new to the forum. I am a historian researching 65 Squadron during the spring, summer, and fall of 1940. I've been to the usual suspects, including the RAF Museum and the IWM, but have yet to find a group photograph of the squadron pilots, like the ones taken by station or local photographers, from the 1937-1940 period. Specifically, I would like to find photographs that include 65's commanding officer, Squadron Leader Desmond Cooke, and his Spitfire K9907 during the spring and summer of 1940.

Any photographs of 65 Squadron pilots and their Spitfires (FZ/YT squadron codes) from 1939 to the end of the Battle of Britain would be a great find as well.

If someone had photographs like that and would be open to sharing a scan, I would like to use them to illustrate my work. I would give full source credit in the publication recognizing the image owner's generosity.

I would be glad to share the specifics of my research with anyone who might have information that will help me in my search.

Thank you,

Jeremy Kinney, Curator
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Original post


I may have some - will check!

Are you aware of the nice IWM shot showing three 65 Sqn Spits - I think in blast pens? At least one of them (possibly two?) were aircraft lost on 8 August 1940.

Andy Saunders

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Thanks in advance for your help, Andy. If you have any photos of the pilots of 65 Squadron from Operation Dynamo to the Battle of Britain, you may have some pretty rare items! I sincerely appreciate your willingness to look.

I've seen the listing for the IWM photo and plan on requesting it. Thanks for adding the August 8 connection.


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Hornchurch - Paddy Finucane amongst the mix as I recall.........

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Thanks for the addition.

Some other pilots from 65 Squadron in 1940 are:

SQ/Ldr. H.C Sawyer
Fl/Lt Gordon Olive (Australian)
Fl/Lt G.A.W. Saunders
Fl/Sgt W.H. Franklin

Photos or information on these pilots would be a great help, too.

Of course, Jeffrey Quill joined 65 Squadron, but he came after the timeframe I am trying to pinpoint.

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65 Squadron

The standing photo taken after 20.7.40 by the Spit are:-
LtoR Franklin,Orchard,Walker,Nicholas,Olive,Sawyer,Smart,Wigg,Hart,Finucane,Pyman,Kilner
The sitting group taken May/June '40:-
Foreground seated L to R
F/Sgt Franklin,F/Sgt Tew, Brian Kingcombe, Tom Smart, and KG Hart (back to camera sunglasses)
Standing L to R:-
S/L Des Cooke, F/S MacPherson, F/Lt GAW Saunders, F/O 'Bunny' Walker, Sgt Kilner.
Portrait photo Kenneth Graham Hart DFC


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Kenneth Graham Hart DFC 65 Squadron

Hope this may be of some use as well


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Wow! Thanks, SimonSpitfire! Those are wonderful photographs of 65 Squadron. Thank you for sharing Hart and Pyman's stories, too.