Is anyone still flying F5s in Europe area?

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Posts: 282

Maybe I have left this too late, but I'd like to see an F5 flying somewhere in Europe if possible. Is anyone still using them anywhere, and are they likely to appear in any shows?

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Member for

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Posts: 945

The Swiss air force, including their display team Patrouille Suisse, still flies the F-5E Tiger. As does the Turkish air force display team.

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What about the Greek ones....?

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I believe the Spanish are still flying F5Bs as advanced trainers.

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20 years

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What about the Greek ones....?

Retired a couple of years ago IIRC

Member for

16 years 10 months

Posts: 282

Thanks for the responses.

I heard the Swiss had got rid of quite a few.... some went on lease to Austria (are they still there?), and others went to USA for refurbishment, presumably to end up in DACT training. If Patrouille Suisse are still using them I should head for a Swiss holiday and time it with a display somewhere.



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20 years 5 months

Posts: 453

The Swiss air force, including their display team Patrouille Suisse, still flies the F-5E Tiger. As does the Turkish air force display team.

The Turks fly the F5A/B and ex Dutch NF5A/B, not E/F Tiger IIs. They have recently been upgraded and fly in weapons training roles as well as the team. They also use the T38 Talon as their advanced trainer.
As said, Spain use a handful of F5Bs.

The Swiss do still indeed fly the F5E/F, the Austrian loan ones have been returned now that the Typhoon is in service.

Unfortunately, apart from the Swiss team they are very rare at UK airshows.
Why RIAT can't grab a Spanish one or two or even a standatrd turkish one for static I'll never know. Same to be said about a nice camouflaged Moroccan or Jordanian one too...

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Without wishing to get into lengthy debates about acquiring aircraft for airshows, the reason why RIAT can't grab a Spanish F-5 for static is that the Spanish Air Force does not wish to send one, so your question should be put to them.
Two "standard" NF-5Bs from 133 Filo at Konya were at RIAT in 2007.
Andy Marden

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18 years 4 months

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I still see the Swiss ones fly past my house, over Lake Geneva. Some still in overall silver, occasional ones in the Patrouille Suisse red and white.

Here they are at the Payerne 2004 display.

Make your holiday in Valais next year: there is a meeting planned at Sion 16 to18 September 2011.


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As for Turkey, only Turkish Stars continue using "unmodernized" N/F-5A/B's. The only other onit using the Freedom Fighter is 133 Filo "Pence" (Claw) at Konya 3rd Main Jet Base, using F-5 2000's in LIFT role.

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24 years 5 months

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Didn't the Russians use them ?