Tupolev 144 (RA-77114) photos

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Tupolev 144 (RA-77114) photos:





It`s cabin of Tu-144LL - flight laboratory of boeing`s supersonic program...

Original post

Member for

21 years 2 months

Posts: 12,842

Looks very antiquated compared to the flight decks of today

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24 years 6 months

Posts: 11,159

Why do so many soviet airliners have that lurid green facing on the instrument panels ?

Nice to see inside the 144, not a lot of room in there, it looks even tighter than Concorde was...

Member for

17 years 11 months

Posts: 715

Why do so many soviet airliners have that lurid green facing on the instrument panels ?

I remember reading an article on this and it basically said that the use of a certain shade of green was that it had a calming influence on the pilots in high stressful situations. Mikoyan and Sukhoi had all there fighters cockpits finished in the same colour as it was a Air Force Ministry directive.

Imagine the scene....1981, Mediterranean, Libyan Mig 23 with the sound of missile lock in his ears, F14 up his chuff about to let loose a Winder... "It's ok I am calm, peace is all around me in my green cockpit...I will not panic as I am calmed by my green cockpit"...I don't think so!

Member for

24 years 6 months

Posts: 12,009

Looks very antiquated compared to the flight decks of today

Well, it was designed in the 60's :D

Nice to see inside the 144, not a lot of room in there, it looks even tighter than Concorde was...

Actually I think there was a tad bit more room available. It could carry around 140 passengers in certain configurations as well.