
Feature Premium

75 years on: what were the stars of Farnborough 1948?

It’s 75 years to the day since the first Farnborough airshow opened — and with it an exciting era for British aviation. We look back at the highlights of a great aeronautical occasion

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Luftwaffe aircraft on display at Farnborough

The January 1996 issue of ‘Flypast’ recounted a visit to Farnborough by Mike Bowyer after the end of World War Two, where he gives his personal take on Luftwaffe aircraft and equipment put on display in October 1945

Boeing outlines Farnborough displays

The US airframer will be showing off its latest commercial jets at 2022’s biggest trade show

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UK Visitors: Airports of the World May/June 2021

We present a selection of images of visiting aircraft from airports around the UK.

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Life and Times of a special Buccaneer

First flown more than 50 years ago, the Buccaneer XV344 eventually made its mark...

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Farnborough at 70

As the global aerospace industry prepares to decamp to the Hampshire airfield for the biennial Farnborough International Airshow, Airliner World’s Barry Woods-Turner reviews some of the highlights of 70 years of innovation.