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18 years 1 month

Posts: 150

Hi folks;
First time in this section,I and a couple people here at my
work saw on Sunday [dusk] my time above the airliner
contrails seen a fast moving object flying from west to
east leaving the donut on the rope! I seen this last year
flying same direction and didn't put it together till i seen
a photo of the contrail air inter mag.Has anyone else
seen this over or near the great lakes?:confused:

Original post

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 2,435

Was it a single or multiple doughnut? Single means an aircraft crossing the sound barrier. Multiple could mean an aircraft on the edge of transonic/supersonic cruise. Or it could be unexplained.

Member for

16 years 2 months

Posts: 657

What could it be if you have seen jet trails that seem like pulses and the object moving very fast?, supersonic jet? i.E Individual puffs of white? Still have no idea hat I saw that day :confused:

Member for

17 years 9 months

Posts: 368

Obviously there is an Aurora. We are spying on the Canadians. The Aurora is being used to monitor WMD development by the evil Canadians. The Aurora is necessary because of their closed secretive society and their hostilities of the US and advanced defense systems against a US invasion.:rolleyes:

(the post is a jest, parodying the tinfoil hat brigade. Nothing personal Oshawa flyboy, my comment is not necessarily addressed to you or anyone that has commented yet)

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 4,887

Obviously there is an Aurora. We are spying on the Canadians. The Aurora is being used to monitor WMD development by the evil Canadians. The Aurora is necessary because of their closed secretive society and their hostilities of the US and advanced defense systems against a US invasion.:rolleyes:

(the post is a jest, parodying the tinfoil hat brigade. Nothing personal Oshawa flyboy, my comment is not necessarily addressed to you or anyone that has commented yet)

I thought it was other way round, the Canadians spying on the US with their CP-140 auroras?

Member for

19 years 10 months

Posts: 9,871

I thought it was other way round, the Canadians spying on the US with their CP-140 auroras?

Got to keep an eye on those high-tech Electras...probably broadcasting Sarah McLaughlin songs to those with foil hats. :D

"Doughnuts on a rope" sightings have been published by the uber-tech journal Aviation there is probably more to them than just operational military aircraft going fast. They seen to think it's an aurora-like craft.

Member for

18 years 1 month

Posts: 150


Hi folks;
Yes us evil canucks will take over the world!
Now guys it was a single contrail with a puff at intrevals-\-\-\-\ etc.
who knows yes or no, one could hope.Always keep looking up
years ago no believed me when i seen a B52 closely following
a 747. now we know -the japanese sure found out.
keep up the good humor!
handing off to next atc.

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 224

After following this kind of discussions for more than a decade now and after seeing many of these “donut-on-a-rope” contrails over Europe I’m rather sure that these contrails build up under certain atmospheric conditions - by well-known, highflying planes.
Therefore, they are no evidence at all for the existence of an exotic aircraft like Aurora!

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15 years 11 months

Posts: 1


Auroras are natural light displays in the sky, usually observed at night, particularly in the polar zone. They typically occur in the ionosphere. Some scientists[who?] call them "polar auroras". In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis, named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, Boreas.

***Spammer - He is banned***

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 224

Auroras are natural light displays in the sky, usually observed at night, particularly in the polar zone. They typically occur in the ionosphere. Some scientists[who?] call them "polar auroras". In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis, named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, Boreas.

ok Peter2008 we all know that. But do you know what we are talking about here?

Member for

16 years 10 months

Posts: 2,101

After following this kind of discussions for more than a decade now and after seeing many of these “donut-on-a-rope” contrails over Europe I’m rather sure that these contrails build up under certain atmospheric conditions - by well-known, highflying planes.
Therefore, they are no evidence at all for the existence of an exotic aircraft like Aurora!

Oh dear.
I can promise you that there is indeed more than one "Dark" project under development in the UK, and has been for many years. Obviously I am covered by the OSA and certainly would not broadcast on the WWW anyway.
I have been in the hangar, but not past the final screen. I have seen CATIA 5 drawings of the nose and a very basic parts list of that section.

Do you really think that a superpower like UK is NOT going to be developing such platforms? Leave it all to the merkins, Russians or the Israelis to develop?
We have secret research for Land, Sea and Air platforms, all the time.

Member for

16 years 11 months

Posts: 499

ok Peter2008 we all know that. But do you know what we are talking about here?

It's a bot and/or an advertisement dude. Look at his sig.

It's getting worse around here...

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 4,450

Yes, they're not always easy to notice. Please report them when you see one, that will help. Thank you :)

Member for

16 years 2 months

Posts: 11

i have only ever seen it once in all my time well me and my other was a strange noise too,a very distant sound,over north york we know we saw something not in any aircraft register book. ive seen aircraft go fast but hell not this fast dohnuts at a angle of id say 80deg vertical we counted about 20 of them and it was gone.what ever it was it was very high.
oh and milldenhall at about 3am once when 3 aircraft tookoff but only the 2 on the outside had there lights on, the middle one had non.not the normal at that time of day

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16 years 5 months

Posts: 920

I once saw an interview with a British guy who was an expert on military aircraft (belive he worked for RAF) who claimed (backed up by a lot of co workers) that while working on an oil rig in the North sea in the late 1980s he once saw something really odd. A KC-135 refuling a completely triangular aircraft, flanked by two F-111. He swore on his life he hadnt seen anything like it before or since, and that he was 100% positive it wasnt a B-2.

Has anyone heard about this incident? And if so, do you know if this "mystery plane" was ever identified? (My guess it was some sort of A-12 Avenger prototype, or just a missidentification, a hoax, a lie, a...)

Member for

16 years 10 months

Posts: 2,101

I once saw an interview with a British guy who was an expert on military aircraft (belive he worked for RAF) who claimed (backed up by a lot of co workers) that while working on an oil rig in the North sea in the late 1980s he once saw something really odd. A KC-135 refuling a completely triangular aircraft, flanked by two F-111. He swore on his life he hadnt seen anything like it before or since, and that he was 100% positive it wasnt a B-2.

Has anyone heard about this incident? And if so, do you know if this "mystery plane" was ever identified? (My guess it was some sort of A-12 Avenger prototype, or just a missidentification, a hoax, a lie, a...)

We had many a shared NATO exercise in the late 80's. It could even have been a Vulcan getting gassed up.

Member for

17 years 9 months

Posts: 368

I’ve heard some weird rumors that I don‘t even care to repeat because on the remote possibility they may be true. However I am skeptical of the existence of the Aurora. If we already have an Aurora in existence then why are we trying to develop technology that seems to be new for the "Blackswift"?

I once saw an interview with a British guy who was an expert on military aircraft (belive he worked for RAF) who claimed (backed up by a lot of co workers) that while working on an oil rig in the North sea in the late 1980s he once saw something really odd. A KC-135 refuling a completely triangular aircraft, flanked by two F-111. He swore on his life he hadnt seen anything like it before or since, and that he was 100% positive it wasnt a B-2.

Has anyone heard about this incident? And if so, do you know if this "mystery plane" was ever identified? (My guess it was some sort of A-12 Avenger prototype, or just a missidentification, a hoax, a lie, a...)

Sounds more like a F-117 Nighthawk. It started operational service in the early 80s and was opened up in the late 80s. But you never know ;).

After following this kind of discussions for more than a decade now and after seeing many of these “donut-on-a-rope” contrails over Europe I’m rather sure that these contrails build up under certain atmospheric conditions - by well-known, highflying planes.

I have even seen airliners do it from time to time.

I thought it was other way round, the Canadians spying on the US with their CP-140 auroras?

To be on the safe side I’ll do what we always do: Blame Canada! j/k

Member for

18 years 10 months

Posts: 2,318

I once saw an interview with a British guy who was an expert on military aircraft (belive he worked for RAF) who claimed (backed up by a lot of co workers) that while working on an oil rig in the North sea in the late 1980s he once saw something really odd. A KC-135 refuling a completely triangular aircraft, flanked by two F-111. He swore on his life he hadnt seen anything like it before or since, and that he was 100% positive it wasnt a B-2.

Has anyone heard about this incident? And if so, do you know if this "mystery plane" was ever identified? (My guess it was some sort of A-12 Avenger prototype, or just a missidentification, a hoax, a lie, a...)

It was Chris Gibson. Not RAF, but ROC (Royal Observer Corps). The ROC was administered by the RAF. Chris jointly authored the book 'British Secret Projects: Hypersonics, Ramjets and Missiles'. I served with Chris in the ROC during the mid 1980s before I joined the RAF and he was an expert in instant aircraft recognition. The nearest in shape that he could come up with was the Handley Page HP115.


Member for

19 years 11 months

Posts: 1,943

[QUOTE=oldscoolboy;1311692]i have only ever seen it once in all my time well me and my other was a strange noise too,a very distant sound,over north york we know we saw something not in any aircraft register book. ive seen aircraft go fast but hell not this fast dohnuts at a angle of id say 80deg

I have to agree with you. I have seen very fast lights in the sky over yorkshire. I meen faster than any Known aircraft. Very high, its like a pulsing glow. Its hard to describe because it feels like its gone before you have chance to process what your seeing. There are others on this forum who have seen it.

And yes they are probably mad too.

Member for

17 years 9 months

Posts: 368

I have seen very fast lights in the sky over yorkshire. I meen faster than any Known aircraft. Very high, its like a pulsing glow. Its hard to describe because it feels like its gone before you have chance to process what your seeing. There are others on this forum who have seen it.

And yes they are probably mad too.

I find this type of eyewitness accounts to be very unreliable. How do you know what you saw was high and fast instead of lower and slower. Is your depth perception that good and reliable? I doubt it, I don’t know anyone that is. If it’s a unknown object of an unknown size, then it can be very difficult to judge altitude and speed. If it’s a known object that the size is known, then as skilled individual might be able to give a fair estimate of the speed and altitude. Since the size of the object is not known you have proven to lack credibility because you assert your assumptions to be facts.

Perhaps you did see an Aurora, perhaps the object was high and fast. However it is also possible that you misjudged the speed and altitude of the object because it is an unknown size. Without more evidence it is jumping to conclusions to assume it was one or the other.

How do you know it wasn’t some known aircraft that you didn’t recognize?

Perception and perspective can sometimes be very deceiving.

Take for instance bugs that fly in front of the camera of a more or less mental photographer that does not fully understand how the camera takes photos and artifacts objects at high speed. The more or less mental somewhat ignorant photographer interprets the way the bugs imagery for mysterious unexplainable “rods”. For people that are more knowledgeable and mentally stable understand the objects are normal and understand artifacts. What seems mysterious to some people, is easy to understand for others. ;)


What appears to be ordinary to me (just a bug flying in front of a camera lens) they claim is a 33 foot rod traveling 6700 MPH. If what they claim is true, how come they don’t play the sound ? Could it be that because there was no sonic boom, that would reveal their deception? I wouldn’t be surprised if in some of the videos the audio might contain the sound of the bugs flying by, perhaps that’s another reason that the original sound frequently omitted from the so-called evidence.;)

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence in my book.

I think some people are wearing tinfoil hats and or deliberately being deceptive.

Member for

16 years 5 months

Posts: 920

It was Chris Gibson. Not RAF, but ROC (Royal Observer Corps). The ROC was administered by the RAF. Chris jointly authored the book 'British Secret Projects: Hypersonics, Ramjets and Missiles'. I served with Chris in the ROC during the mid 1980s before I joined the RAF and he was an expert in instant aircraft recognition. The nearest in shape that he could come up with was the Handley Page HP115.


Thanks a bundle TEEJ! Excellent info and links! For the record: Im not a beliver in this Aurora-thing. But I would give my left arm to get to know what Mr Gibson saw that day. I guess you couldnt find a better eywitness than this.

Interesting that he dismisses the F-117. Proves that he at least considered it. And I guess a guy like this would have been able to recognize a RAF Vulcan. Got to have been one rare bird, thats for sure...