Soviet cruise missiles

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A thread for coastal defense and cruise missiles designed in the Soviet Union: SSC-1, SSC-2, SSC-3, SSC-X-4, SSC-X-5 and others.

I'm looking for actual Soviet designations of these missiles and missile systems - I have some of them, but I'm a bit suspicious about their accuracy. One should also consider that there were land-attack and anti-ship versions of the SSC-1 and SSC-2 missiles.

And most importantly I'm looking for pictures of their launchers and other support equipment - especially the SSC-2. Has anyone ever seen a pic of its SHEET BEND radar? And is the attached picture from the INF treaty MOU really the only pic of SSC-X-4 launcher, when we have better pictures of even systems like Temp-2S (SS-16) and Skorost?

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Army of Serbia and Montenegro SSN-2/SSC-3 on MAZ-543 truck launchers in the storage bunkers and outside in ready to launch position.


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SSC-X-4 SLINGSHOT was the cancelled GLCM derivative of the 3K10 Granat system (also known as the SS-N-21 SAMPSON sub-launched cruise missile).

SSC-X-5 is the land-based Yakhont.

SSC-X-6 STOOGE is the land-based 3M24 Uran system.

There was also a Meteorit-N, an "SSC-" derivative of the sub- and air-launched Meteorit hypersonic cruise missile (one of the coolest weapons developed during the Cold War, I might add!).

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It is very likely that "SSC-X-5" was first applied to the Meteorit-N, then later to Bastion, just as "AS-X-19" was first assigned to Meteorit-A, then Kh-90.

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Thanks for the pics, djnik! Now if one could have something similar of SSC-2...

It is very likely that "SSC-X-5" was first applied to the Meteorit-N, then later to Bastion, just as "AS-X-19" was first assigned to Meteorit-A, then Kh-90.

Not just likely but a fact. I've researched this (among other things) from the CIA FOIA archives myself. But SOC, shouldn't Kh-90 be AS-X-21? ;)

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AS-X-21 is the Kh-90. Meteorit-A was the AS-X-19 KOALA, or Kh-80.

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Photo of RK-55

I have found a pretty good photo of the SSC-X-4 (RK-55) TEL, but I have yet to find a photo of the missile other than the INF photo.


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Russian and Soviet Land Launch Cruise Missile

Surface-to-Surface (Coastal) Missiles

Shtorm Complex
Missile designation:Shtorm.

Strela Complex
Missile designation:S-2 (4K87).

Sopka Complex
Missile designation:S-2 (4K87).

Redut Complex
Missile designation: P-35B.

Utes Complex
Missile designation: P-35B.

Rubezh Complex
Missile designation: P-15M / P-21 /P-22 Termit.

3K10 Complex
Missile designation: RK-55

Bal, Bal-E Complex
Missile designation: 3M24 Uran.

Bastion Complex
Missile designation: Yakhont



Club-M Complex
Missile designation: 3M-54E, 3M-54E1 and 3M-14E

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Excellent photos!Keep them coming! :D

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18 years 6 months

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Russian Cruise Missiles: hmm... yakont (Indian Brahmos)supersonic anti ship cruise missile is the only Russian cruise missile i know...and it is well renowned in the world

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Thanks a bunch heeroyui! That SSC-X-4 launcher photo is a great find. Actually I'm not so much looking for missile but launcher pics. But please go ahead and post any other pictures you have. :)

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Meteorit: Can you show me pictures about the Skorost system, please? Thank you!

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Russian and Soviet Naval Launch Cruise Missile

3K10 Granat Complex

somebody has photos of this system?

3M14E Klub Complex

Next post "Russian and Soviet Air launch Cruise Missile"

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The conventional 3M14 is supposed to be based on the 3M10 Granat aiframe.

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Jenci, here you go.

The MAZ-7908 (second pic from the top) was the chassis for the Skorost TEL, and the MAZ-7909 and MAZ-7929 (third & bottom) were designed for the Kurier ICBM.

For those who don't know, Skorost was a 4,000 km range IRBM cancelled in March 1987, and Kurier a Soviet equivalent of the US Midgetman cancelled in October 1991.

One thing I have wondered for years is what would have been the TEL of the ground-launched 3M25N (SSC-X-5)? I haven't seen the ground-launched variant mentioned in any Russian sources, so I'm hoping its not just an invention of Western intelligence agencies. For one the missile would have been too big for an RK-55 type arrangement.


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Army of Serbia and Montenegro SSN-2/SSC-3 on MAZ-543 truck launchers in the storage bunkers and outside in ready to launch position.

whats the case whit the Yugoslavian missiles, couse sometimes you see tehm referred as 'Brom'?? Is this a local name for locally made variation or just local name for standard Russian build missiles??

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Wasn't there also a Russian cruise missile design that had a mid-mounted set of swept blades (sort of like a UDF engine)?

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whats the case whit the Yugoslavian missiles, couse sometimes you see tehm referred as 'Brom'?? Is this a local name for locally made variation or just local name for standard Russian build missiles??

The coastal artillery batteries had both surface-to-surface missiles and guns. Yugoslavia operated the Soviet-designed SS-C-3 and a truck-mounted, Yugoslav-produced Brom antiship missile. The latter was essentially a Yugoslav variant of the Soviet SS-N-2. Coastal guns included over 400 88mm, 122mm, 130mm, and 152mm artillery pieces obtained from the Soviet Union, the United States, postwar Germany, and Yugoslav manufacturers.

BROM mobile ASM system (a Yugoslav-produced version of the Soviet SS-N-2A/B/C/D / SSC-3 Styx; Russian designations: P-15 Termit 4K40 P-20,21,22,27 Rubezh). Developed in 1954, deployed in 1958. Operated by Yugoslavia, Russia, and 17 other countries.

1 - SS-N-2A
2 - SS-N-2B
3 - SS-N-2C
4 - SS-N-2D
Length(m) 1 -5.8; 2 - 5.8; 3 - 6.55; 4 - 6.55; Body Diameter (m) 1 -0.76; 2 - 0.76; 3 - 0.76; 4 - 0.76; Wingspan (m) 1 -2.4; 2 - 2.4; 3 - 2.4; 4 - 2.4 Launch Weight (kg) 1 -2,300; 2 - 2,300; 3 - 2,500; 4 - 2,600 Range (km) 1 -45; 2 - 80; 3 - 85; 4 - 100 Guidance: Auto pilot, Active radar Auto Pilot, IR Auto pilot, Active radar or IR; Propulsion: Liquid; Warhead: 454kg HE hollow charge; Designer: Raduga Design Bureau

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Russian and Soviet Air launch Cruise Missile






photos During Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin’s flight on 16 August 2005 in a Tu-160 strategic bomber, a launch of four Kh-555 cruise missiles took place.

Special photos for Meteorit comrade, in honor to his nick!!!! :)

3M25A Meteorit-A (Kh-80)

photo in 2005 NPO Mash released the first ever official photos of the actual Meteorit air vehicle.

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Have any other Kh-80 photos ever surfaced? There's a grainy shot in the Aerofax BEAR book showing one of them under the wing of a Tu-95MA. Other than that one and these two here, no other photos appear to be out there.

Also, the photos of the Kh-555 launch up there seem to show that the missile does not have canards (hard to make out, I know, but they don't appear to be there), so that Kh-555 drawing would appear to be inaccurate.

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Wow Nice Pics , Can you provide the specs of the Meteorit air vehical , How many test launches took place ?? , Was it made operational ??

The KH-55/555 design suffers from one major flaw compared to US Tomahawk , which I believe is the direct exposure of the Turbofan Engine , Though the CM itself will have a low RCS but the direct exposure of the Engine Blade will dramatically increase its RCS , Making it a easier target on the Radar to track.

Strangely the KH-101 drawings also follow the same pattern , Care has been taken to reduce the Frontal and RCS from other angle but the Turbofan Engine will Nullify all that has been gained.

What is the status of Kh-101 has it been tested ??