Su-33 crash

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Hi,these pics for Su-33 crashed to the sea in 5/9/2005,more pls

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18 years 9 months

Posts: 519

its side No 82

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24 years 8 months

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Hi,these pics for Su-33 crashed to the sea in 5/9/2005,more pls

Hmm ... did it really "crash to the sea" ?? ... or was that "only" a landing accident and that plane was able to land after another attempt ?? Or was it after the crash recovered ??? :confused:

Thanks for posting ! :D


AFAIK there were two snapped cables on the Kuznetsov that day, the first resulting in the Su-33 going overboard with the pilot ejecting safely. The aircraft coming in to land after the lost one also snapped the wire but was able to stop (or caught the remaining wire?). As you can see it received damage from the wire whipping around.

Definately not a good day for the AVM-F :(

Definately not a good day for the AVM-F

They probably learned a few things and nobody had to die to learn it... Seems their safety procedures and escape systems perform as advertised... certainly nice to know.