TUPOLEV TU-22 Blinder (Libya,Iraq) TU-16 Badger (Iraq)

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Iwould like some help with information and pics if posible, since i have a confucion with the camo skeme of this bombers serving in these two countryes
IRAQ TU-22 some say sand and stone but others dark green and dark grey. The same happends with the BADGERS.
Libya markins and colour

and yes, I´m a scale modeler jeje.

Any help would be apretiated.

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iraqi Tu-16s

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iraqi Tu-22s
the screenshot should be the final proof that at least a few were camouflaged in desert camo. the original propaganda video is better quality. if anbody wants it just mail me.


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19 years 11 months

Posts: 116


thanks for the pics and yes, i really would like to see the video

here is my email: [email]rafa_patron@hotmail.com[/email]


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Those last few pictures of the Iraqi BLINDERs look to me like really faded brown/green camo, not necessarily a desert scheme.

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I'm also a modeler interested in your video. Could you send it to this adress : [email]alain.cuenca@waika9.com[/email]



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Posts: 138

Tu-22 (IRAQ)

Although alot of people refer to Iraqi Tu-22s being grey/green upper camo it is clear to me that it is a two tone green as captured in the attached profile.

Look again at the pics and tell me it isn't a two tone green!


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Tu-16/H-6 (IRAQ)

Decent pictures of Iraqi Tu-16 Badgers are pretty scarce in my experience. However there are a couple of pictures of a pre-delivery Iraqi H-6 (Chinese Tu-16). This example was originally beleive to be overall back, although another photo of the same examples at the same time (check background features) suggests perhaps another two tone green camo:


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I think the camo colours are sand and brown.
no green colours for iraki and libian blinder to my mind.
Grey/green might be suggested by the very poor quality B&W pictures.

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Tu-22 (LIBYA)

Libyan Tu-22s were delivered in desert scheme of sand/brown, with white(ish) undersides.

The infamous picture captures the interception by the USN over the Med of a Tu-22, apparently during its delivery to Libya


You will notice the Tu-22 features the insignia of the former Royal Libyan Air Force. Following the revolution this became the Libyan Republic Air Force and adopted the green insignia.
Apparently Tu-22 have recieved the green roundel etc and I have even heard a few people claim to have pics of this.........but I certianly have not seen any.

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24 years 8 months

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I'd like someone to answer this for me:

Why is it that the Middle-eastern nations that operated Soviet bombers lacked the bravery to use them in any significant way? Surely with some imaginative mission planning they could have proven to be immensly effective in a given conflict. The exception being Lybia, they actually used theirs.

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19 years 9 months

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Forget bombers.. consider the use of fighters.. It is mysterious that the usage of the fighters / bombers is always well below normal expectations... guess somebody can explain..

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Well, I asked about bombers because thats what this thread is about but more importantly they're big bulky, maintainence+training intensive hunks of metal that you wouldn't want just sitting around on air fields waiting for the IDF/AF to bomb them... Or not... Apparently... :confused:

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 138

I'd like someone to answer this for me:

Why is it that the Middle-eastern nations that operated Soviet bombers lacked the bravery to use them in any significant way? Surely with some imaginative mission planning they could have proven to be immensly effective in a given conflict. The exception being Lybia, they actually used theirs.

Firstly please stick to the subject.

Secondly I suggest you do abit more research before postign potentially imflamatory remarks. Iraqi Tu-22s were actually the first Blinders to be used in anger, taking parts in raids in Northern Iraq in 1974. Further more during the Iran-Iraq war they were used intensively conducting raids deep inside Iranian territory although they did apparently suffer relatively heavy losses in the process.

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You read the Air Enthusiast articles, Mandrake ;) ?
Rafael and Fabe - see if you can dig up the last two issues of AE, you should be able to find the stuff you're looking for. Including a profile of one of Iraq's two Tu-22Ks.

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 138

You read the Air Enthusiast articles, Mandrake ;) ?
Rafael and Fabe - see if you can dig up the last two issues of AE, you should be able to find the stuff you're looking for. Including a profile of one of Iraq's two Tu-22Ks.


Was rather hoping you would make an appearance on this thread.

I haven't actually read the Air Enthusiast articles, although I would very much like to. Is there any possibility you may be able to help me there?

Maybe you can help answer a few of the questions posed by this thread.

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Do you have the camo sheme of the iraqi Tu-16 you mentioned previously ?
It might help me to define what kind of sheme might be applied in the Blinder


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20 years 3 months

Posts: 138


Do you have the camo sheme of the iraqi Tu-16 you mentioned previously ?
It might help me to define what kind of sheme might be applied in the Blinder


I assume you mean the H-6D?

The pictures of the pre-delivery two-tone green H-6D are pretty easily available now.

However the camo pattern is hard to determine from these pictures.

In my opinion it is of no use in determining the Blinder pattern. The H-6D camo appears to be more blotchy and softer edged than that applied to the Tu-22. The colour contrast may also be different, although this may be down to the lighting. Also bear in mind that the Tu-22 was most likely applied in the USSR, if not Iraq and the H-6D camo was applied in China.

I should also point out that according to Tom Cooper (acig.org) ,who has spoken to former IrAF pilots, all Tu-16 and H-6Ds were eventually all painted in a grey-green camo. I say eventually because the Tu-16s were delivered and initailly operated in all over aluminium and it is possible that the H-6D were delivered in the fore mentioned green scheme.

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19 years 4 months

Posts: 32

Aië Aië Aië :(

Thanks for your explanations, It seems that the camo quest is getting more and more complex ...

So what would be the camo pattern of an existing plane which might be similar to the one applied on iraqi and lybian blinders ???
2 tones Egyptian MiG-21 ?

I will complete the camo pattern I want to apply to my model (Tu-22K 1/216e drawing) and post it on this topic to get your advice if you agree ?

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 138

Aië Aië Aië :(

Thanks for your explanations, It seems that the camo quest is getting more and more complex ...

So what would be the camo pattern of an existing plane which might be similar to the one applied on iraqi and lybian blinders ???
2 tones Egyptian MiG-21 ?

I will complete the camo pattern I want to apply to my model (Tu-22K 1/216e drawing) and post it on this topic to get your advice if you agree ?

The best advice I can give you regarding camo patterns for Iraqi Tu-22s is simply to refer to individual pics.
However I should point out that Italeri instructions are not as inaccurate as one would expect. For example the wing pattern on the starboard does appear to match one (remember their were variations in camo pattern) of the Iraqi examples shown in that recon pic I have mentioned to you previously, so it is possible that the rest may be quite accurate.

Unfortunately I have temporarily misplaced this recon picture, but as soon as i find it I will scan it for you.

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19 years 4 months

Posts: 32


I'm waiting for this very interesting reccon picture :D
I have started to put the large stripes of LARAF Blinder on a Tu-22KD drawing. I was hoping that the films of some very famous pictures of LARAF Blinder have been reversed to get the starboard side of the camo pattern but ... :(

I really have somme difficulties to match the Italieri camouflage with the interception pictures.
Here is the draft of the camo pattern (http://photobucket.com/albums/a141/hokum/?sc=1) :
