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Saw a picture of this in a recent copy of Combat Aircraft. Anybody have some information on this thing? Also, can the AGM-129 be armed with a conventional warhead?


Original post

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RE: AGM-129A

No, or stealth technology will be compromised.

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Posts: 137

RE: AGM-129A

How will changes inside the missile (ie placing HE insead of nuclear warhead) affect the stealthiness(spellng) of the missile vortex??

banana Man

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RE: AGM-129A

Vortex means that putting a conventional warhead in the AGM-129A and then using the missile would compromise the stealth TECHNOLOGY as there would still be quite sizeable fragments of the airframe and RAM coating, composite material structure, electronics etc. which could be pieced together etc. etc. etc. by the enemy. It's like crashing, say, the B-2 into the enemy's hands, the enemy could exploit the technology to their advantage. This technology would of course not survive a nuclear blast.


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RE: AGM-129A

Or crashing an F-117 into the enemys hands!!!!

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RE: AGM-129A

thanks back at you min

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 137

RE: AGM-129A

ok point taken!bit of a dumb ass question now i think of it min!!anyhow isnt stealth technology pretty well documented about?especially after that F-117 decided it didnt lke flying anymore!!??

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RE: AGM-129A

The F-117A's stealth technology may well be well-documented, I firmly believe the reports that Russian/Chinese/(French?) technicians thoroughly inspected the downed F-117A in FRY, to think otherwise would be naive. However, the F-117A uses a completely different approach to stealth when compared to the B-2A, the F-117A is a stealthy airframe, the B-2A is not, the B-2 relies on it's electronics and RAM coating to hide itself, a bare metal F-117A is still a very LO aircraft (this is according to Gene Salvay, chief engineer behind the F-117A project and chief designer of the B-2A).


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24 years 8 months

Posts: 137

RE: AGM-129A

Well i persumed that (forgive if im wrong!), that it has a completely redesigned airframe so, therefor they must have designed it with LO in mind(just like the B2 with blended wing/engines), hence the sharpened(pointy even)redesigned nosecone to scatter radar emissions and the forward swept wings(would they decrease the observablity).But i take your point that they could use fragemnts of the missile to figure out chemical make up of RAM and therefor make there own. Going of the point of the AGM-129A,does the F-117 have much RAM on it at all?(apart from leading edges of wings and other places difficutlt to hide)as opposed to the B-1b which is covered in it.

Banana Man