Gary Powers U2 Wreckage, Moscow

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17 years 9 months

Posts: 174

So during my recent visit to the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow I saw alt of amazing exhibits, one I didn't know about was the reported wreckage of Gary Powers U2 aircraft shot down in 1960 and the reason I became interested in Russia and its military history now I get paid to work there which is amazing!

The exhibit is in Russian so I have no idea how authentic it is, they have also added some red rope lighting for effect? Anyway the access to the wreckage is very open and on touching and examining the pieces I felt a huge rush of emotion and privilege to be close to such an important piece of aviation history, a moment I will never forget....

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Blimey that ejector seat reminds me of Harald Steptoes quip, “a Bombay ****ehawk would of left more on it than that”!

Stripped for examination / souvenirs no doubt!


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24 years 8 months

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Wreckages wot I have photographed in Moscow......

Gary Power's U-2 in the Central Armed Forces Museum.....

The fin from Scott O'Grady's F-16 is in the Moscow Aviation Institute.....

..... as well as the fin from a US Navy A-7 of VA-82......

... and the escape module from a USAF F-111....

Part of an Israeli F4 shot down over Egypt is in the PVO Museum.......

.... and in China..... at Xiaotangshan, the remains of a Lockheed D-21 drone....

... and an RF-8 Crusader....

There's another U-2 (in Taiwanese markings) in the Central Museum of the Peoples Revolution...

Not a wreck, but a P-61 Black Widow in the Beijing University Aviation Museum....

....and a P-47...


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16 years 6 months

Posts: 353

Wyvernfan:.... that ejector seat.... Stripped for examination / souvenirs no doubt!

Perhaps of interest, Powers reports that he manually bailed out (really more of ripped out of the cockpit), so the seat went down with the aircraft... Yes not much to the seat- everything on the U2 was to be as light as possible- even a bang seat was deemed too heavy initially.