Translation of the 'old style' German handwriting from the 1930/40's

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Two photographs to hand both dated 23 May 1940 of crashed British aircraft in France

One clearly a Spitfire, the other perhaps a Hurricane.

My neighbour, a German national and a translator, tells me the writing on the reverse of the images is in the old style, no longer used and he cannot translate with precise accuracy.

Any takers?


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FWIW, my old-German is not up to scratch, here is what I make of it.

23. Mai 1940

Um 14.20 Engl. Spitfire abgeschossen
Ausrüstung 8 Mg.

This would translate to:

23rd of May 1940, at 14:20h, English Spitfire shot down, equipped with 8 machineguns.

Open to debate, of course.

EDIT: typo corrected, thank you Antoni

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shot down?

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mogl. Spitfire ?

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Second one looks like:
23. Mai 1940
abgeschossener Engländer am Canal du Nord

ie 23 May 1940, Shot down English at the Canal du Nord

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Photo 2 looks to be a Hurricane.

'Canal du Nord', looks good, a couple of Kilometres west of Cambrai and heads north.

That would be about 60 km from the Spitfire at Wierre Effroy, so close enough to be photographed on the same day...if on official business.

Very many thanks.


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mogl. Spitfire ?

Very good possibility. "Possibly Spitfire".

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Translation of 'possibly'...möglicherweise.

That could account for why is says 'Spitfire' on the front of the image.


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Second one looks like:
23. Mai 1940
abgeschossener Engländer am Canal du Nord

ie 23 May 1940, Shot down English at the Canal du Nord

Sorry I had missed the second one. Yes, looks like you are correct. Kanal is written with a K in the German language, but in this handwriting who could tell? ?

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Yes "mogl" usually is the abbreviation of... hence the "Possibly" above. I could have been more specific, apologies.

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Eric (and Peter): This is the "Canal du Nord" near Cambrai, so they would have used the French spelling, rather than putting a "K". Also, if that abbreviation was "mögl" I think the author would have put in the Umlaut.

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Eric (and Peter): This is the "Canal du Nord" near Cambrai, so they would have used the French spelling, rather than putting a "K". Also, if that abbreviation was "mögl" I think the author would have put in the Umlaut.

Umlauts may not be his strongpoint. I would think that Ausrustung as in item 1 only carries an Umlaut on the second u, not on the third? May be mistaken, German is only a second language...

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We don't want to make this into a German lesson (although that may be fun!), but the Umlaut on Ausrüstung looks correct. The little line over the third "u" was normal in hand-written German of the 1940s. So I think this "photographer" (if that's what he was) was also an Umlaut expert.

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I would say it is the bar of the 't'

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I wouldn't say anything as 'old German' or even 'new German' is a foreign language to me!! :o

Given that both are the same date, and written in the same hand, then there are two very strong contenders for the Hurricane identity and location, given that we know the location/identify of the Spitfire!

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We don't want to make this into a German lesson (although that may be fun!) .....

When do we get onto the use of Eszett (ß) ?

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When do we get onto the use of Eszett (ß) ?

Ah you mean the Dreierles-s? ?

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Oder die Ringel-S.

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Scharfes s. ;)

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We'll cross that Straße when we get to it?...