Russian Navy Thread 2.

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Based on what I read they were support to retrofit Lada-2 with new AIP and 3 with AIP and Lion battery but now they will just keep the lada as it is and Kalina will be its latest variant ...I would think the AIP and Lion batter are not mature enough yet

New AIP system will be initially tested on the operational Lada-class diesel-electric submarine. Kalina is 5thG and Lada is 4thG. The new AIP system installed, the Kalina would be able to stay underwater for about twenty-five days.

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Yep, there is no indication at all that that kalina is a Lada with new AIP.

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Baltic Sisters:

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Baltic Sisters:

Which ships are they?

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20380 type corvette

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Which ships are they?

20380 type corvette

Like Austin said earlier :
пр.20380 "Корвет-1" ("Стерегущий"/Project 20380 "Steregushchiy")
531 : "Сообразительный" (Soobrazitelnyy)
545 : "Стойкий" (Stoîkiy)
532 : "Бойкий" (Boïkiy)

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they want to test Ka-52K but aircraft carrier is more of hassale as it will need all around protections from small boats to be close enough to shore.
More Advanced Russian Choppers to Join War on Terrorism in Syria

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they want to test Ka-52K but aircraft carrier is more of hassale as it will need all around protections from small boats to be close enough to shore.

Ah, good find. So, it's the Ka-52K they want to test, but have no other suitable ships at the moment. Surprisingly enough, the article mentions the MiG-29K deployment as well at the end. I don't recall there being any training deployments with the MiG-29K yet?

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They have at least been flying MiG-29Ks @ Eisk for some time now, I find the Ka-52K deployment to be more surprising.

Nice vid of new installations in the Arctic- and the Sevmorput out and about!

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They have at least been flying MiG-29Ks @ Eisk for some time now, I find the Ka-52K deployment to be more surprising.

I know about those, but operating from the airport and the carrier are two rather different things. I'd expect they'd need a long training deployment to achieve the sufficient proficiency in carrier ops so if they will have MiG-29K's operating from the Kuznetsov by October, they better be training now :)

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Pics from Baltisky: Arkitika and the Academic Lomonosov nuclear station:

Apparently work has moved on the Chernomyrdin over the past year:



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Ah, good find. So, it's the Ka-52K they want to test, but have no other suitable ships at the moment. Surprisingly enough, the article mentions the MiG-29K deployment as well at the end. I don't recall there being any training deployments with the MiG-29K yet?

MIG-29K was extensively tested from carriers before they were handed over To India. I presume all this data is already stored in MIG simulators. This deployment if happens it will show that Russia is fully prepared for multi year wars in Middleast.

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Russian aircraft carrier to take part in Syria operation by October.

Interesting. I suppose that implies that the MiG-29K squadron is ready for operational deployment then? was earlier said to be in June-July. Now its October.
It would be a good operational deployment for all those involved - Kuznetsov, MiG-29K, Su-33 and Kamov's.
Since India did not venture into testing the 29K and carrier against the terrorists, Russian 29Ks will be the first one to do the honors.

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Posts: 612

MIG-29K was extensively tested from carriers before they were handed over To India. I presume all this data is already stored in MIG simulators. This deployment if happens it will show that Russia is fully prepared for multi year wars in Middleast.

That means pretty much nothing in regards to the operational deployment. Russian pilots from the squadrons operating these would need to be fully proficient in live carrier operations (especially landing) before any such thing can happen. In any case, the upcoming Kuznetsov deployment to Syria will have no meaningful impact on the ongoing war effort, but it will be a useful experience in combat operations for the ship and the crew before the planned overhaul.

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That means pretty much nothing in regards to the operational deployment. Russian pilots from the squadrons operating these would need to be fully proficient in live carrier operations (especially landing) before any such thing can happen. In any case, the upcoming Kuznetsov deployment to Syria will have no meaningful impact on the ongoing war effort, but it will be a useful experience in combat operations for the ship and the crew before the planned overhaul.

Pilots are trained based on advance simulators developed by firms which have practical experience. the whole deployment is for gaining experience in high tempo operation and still close to shore for emergency landings.
Russia's MiG Aircraft Company develops 3D flight simulator for the MiG-29 Jet Fighter

Jack Martin | November 15, 2011

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Pr.21631 (Serpukhov, Buyan-M class) @ Russian naval station, Tartus, Syria.

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22350. Admiral Gorshkov

^ Standardizing this mast/systems across the fleet, mainly with 11356, would be good. Wish the Rus mod think something like that and we get to see the rest 3 x 11356 with such an arrangement. It will help in employing the longer range AD mssiles on these ships. Or is this mast also in the monopoly of the Severnya arseoles like the 22350?

The Russian shipyard cat. :)

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Based on what I read they were support to retrofit Lada-2 with new AIP and 3 with AIP and Lion battery but now they will just keep the lada as it is and Kalina will be its latest variant ...I would think the AIP and Lion batter are not mature enough yet

Yes. Thats what I too understood from the development. 677 Lada was considered not to "meet requirements" of future due to the AIP developments on the other side. So they paused the construction/project to give time for AIP to complete the development and certification process. It remains to be seen what all changes would be there from the current 677. If there is also a 8-cell VLS along with the AIP sections, the better.
Not sure else to expect.....maybe changing the current 2 x diesel units to 1 x more powerful diesel, more powerful electric motor?

But Kolomna diesel (or for that matter any other) supplier need to have strict quality control before delivery and avoid instances like what happened on 12150 Mangust class with Zevzda diesels.

The basics of AIP is a matured tech as far as Russia is considered. They have been using it for space travel/stay for decades. The submarine AIP/Electro-chemical Generators lagged behind in development only due to financial problems.

I'm not much enthusiastic about Lithium ion batteries as the world wide trend (on a/c) shows it needs to mature more. Submarines cant take any sort of risk with a fire at its keel. Not sure whats the status of new Russian batteries is, but Igorr did mention about the new developments in his blog or in the forum somewhere.