German Aerial bomb fuzes

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Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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Posts: 544

Having recently re-watched and been thoroughly enthralled by the series Danger UXB, and read James Owen's wonderful book on the topic of WWII British BD, I was wondering if there is any way of obtaining any German bomb fuzes, such as the types: 15,17(a), 25, 50, Y.
I imagine they are quite hard to come by these days, but I was contemplating attempting to get a couple and perhaps build a small collection eventually as I find the subject very interesting indeed.
If anyone happens to know of any or can provide links to any on sale online I'd be most grateful.



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You want this website!

Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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Aha, smashing, ta.

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I have quite a few, as I have an interest in WW2 Bomb Disposal, I have a 50kg bomb with type 15 fuse, I also have a type 25 and the dreaded type 17 clockwork fuse.
Try looking at ' dugup' website, they have a lot of type 25 fuses for sale.
They also sell a very good copy of the Crabtree defuser.


QUOTE=Southern Air99;2274804]Having recently re-watched and been thoroughly enthralled by the series Danger UXB, and read James Owen's wonderful book on the topic of WWII British BD, I was wondering if there is any way of obtaining any German bomb fuzes, such as the types: 15,17(a), 25, 50, Y.
I imagine they are quite hard to come by these days, but I was contemplating attempting to get a couple and perhaps build a small collection eventually as I find the subject very interesting indeed.
If anyone happens to know of any or can provide links to any on sale online I'd be most grateful.



Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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Posts: 544

I have quite a few, as I have an interest in WW2 Bomb Disposal, I have a 50kg bomb with type 15 fuse, I also have a type 25 and the dreaded type 17 clockwork fuse.
Try looking at ' dugup' website, they have a lot of type 25 fuses for sale.
They also sell a very good copy of the Crabtree defuser.


QUOTE=Southern Air99;2274804]Having recently re-watched and been thoroughly enthralled by the series Danger UXB, and read James Owen's wonderful book on the topic of WWII British BD, I was wondering if there is any way of obtaining any German bomb fuzes, such as the types: 15,17(a), 25, 50, Y.
I imagine they are quite hard to come by these days, but I was contemplating attempting to get a couple and perhaps build a small collection eventually as I find the subject very interesting indeed.
If anyone happens to know of any or can provide links to any on sale online I'd be most grateful.




You wouldn't happen to have a link, I've looked on dugup before, didn't now about the type (25)s

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14 years 11 months

Posts: 590

You wouldn't happen to have a link, I've looked on dugup before, didn't now about the type (25)s[/QUOTE

Actually I just looked on Thier website and no 25 types, but they had a load, give them a ring.


Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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9 years 4 months

Posts: 544

You wouldn't happen to have a link, I've looked on dugup before, didn't now about the type (25)s[/QUOTE

Actually I just looked on Thier website and no 25 types, but they had a load, give them a ring.


I might just do that.
I saw a (25) on ebay, looked pretty battered and rusted especially on the fuze head. I tried bidding for one before but it reached a crazy price at the last second!

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I have been collecting this sort of thing for a number of years, that 25b on ebay isn't that bad condition wise, for a mint one you can pay £100-£150, it would also clean up quite well I am sure.

The 50B Y is going to be a hard find, there are only a handful in the hands of collectors and 17's are getting hard to find now. The 25b is the most common fuze but also has an interesting history concerning the Blitz and the Bomb Disposal story, worth a punt on the ebay one. The 15 should be fairly easy to find, I may even have a spare one.

I have a website on my collection which you may find interesting...

I might just do that.
I saw a (25) on ebay, looked pretty battered and rusted especially on the fuze head. I tried bidding for one before but it reached a crazy price at the last second!
Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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9 years 4 months

Posts: 544

I have had a look at your website, very interesting, and informative.
If you possibly have a spare (15) fuze I'd be very interested to find out more about availability?

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16 years 6 months

Posts: 818

I have had a look at your website, very interesting, and informative.
If you possibly have a spare (15) fuze I'd be very interested to find out more about availability?

I will have a look for you, I cannot recall how many I had (Some are now displayed in a couple of 50kg cases).

Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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9 years 4 months

Posts: 544

I will have a look for you, I cannot recall how many I had (Some are now displayed in a couple of 50kg cases).

Thanks very much, the cases are fantastic by the way, lucky finds indeed.

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Thank you, I have since got some more including a twin fuze pocket 250kg which is undergoing a repaint. Eventually I will have to expand the museum display!!

Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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9 years 4 months

Posts: 544

I was wondering if you had a 250. would look very good when finished, especially with a (17) and (50) or some such combination fitted

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Great website redhillwings, very interesting, you have some nice items.

I picked up a reasonable Butterfly case in the summer, but am looking for a fuse and charge, I see dugup have the arming bars.


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16 years 6 months

Posts: 818

Great website redhillwings, very interesting, you have some nice items.

I picked up a reasonable Butterfly case in the summer, but am looking for a fuse and charge, I see dugup have the arming bars.


Hi, I can probably help with a charge, the arming bars from dug up are pretty good, the problem with the original ones is that the wire strands can get quite brittle and they aren't cheap by the time you put postage on top for shipping them in from Poland.

Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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Posts: 544

I will have a look for you, I cannot recall how many I had (Some are now displayed in a couple of 50kg cases).

Any news on a (15)?

Profile picture for user Southern Air99

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I took some photos of my 50kg at the weekend, with a type 15 fuse and the 'Crabtree' fitted. also you will see my Merrylees extractor.


Profile picture for user Southern Air99

Member for

9 years 4 months

Posts: 544

That is really fantastic, I'm rather envious to be honest XD