The PAK-DA (russian bomber) News, "Pics" & Debate Thread & theories

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Russian 5th generation bomber

"Tupolev have completed the design of Russia's PAK-DA next-generation bomber aircraft, according to the head of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Mikhail Pogosyan.

Pogosyan made the remarks during a briefing with the Russian aerospace press, according to individuals familiar with the presentation who briefed IHS Jane's on the details. He is understood to have confirmed that the "on-paper" design of the PAK-DA has now been completed by the Tupolev design bureau.

The PAK-DA project will now transition into an intermediate phase between the completion of the aircraft's design and prototype construction, with the beginning of fabrication of some of the component modules for the aircraft

Despite speculation about whether the PAK-DA will be of a flying-wing design, Pogosyan declined to discuss details of the aircraft's configuration. UAC, which holds the contract for the PAK-DA programme, has overall responsibility for the design of the new bomber. However, the programme is being developed by UAC's new subsidiary formed by the merger of the Tupolev design bureau and the KAPO production plant in Kazan."

with this being said - the new Pak-da bomber is supposed to replace the ageing tu 160 bomber

there have been allot of speculations of how the airplane might look like, the most reasonable is this leak posted by a Vietnamese website
pak-da model according to

further other "artists" and concept people portrey the pak-da to be based on another Cold ear USSR project - the (tu-4ms) that was competing aginst the tu160 design back in the day.

VVS prefered T-4MS, but it was too ahead of its time (started 1969) and production would have mobilized 100% of Kazan factory (which would have slowed down SU27 production)

(other artists renderings of "PAK-DA")

what do you guys think about this? please share any news or anything that will come in the future about this bomber


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I don't think we have to fear the re-emergence of swing-wings

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so do you think that the vietnameese pics are the closest to the "real" one, or the news people have no pic's to show thats when they plug in a totally different aircraft into their articles? :)

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10 years 5 months

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just got an interesting article

apparently the Russians and long been testing "flying wing designs"

this was supposed to be the russians reply to the b2, that never happened it was called "Project 202"


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further PAK-da possible variants based on the research they have done...

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engine design for it?? of course all this is just rumors this is supposedly the engine design

the edges of this look like american (f35/f22) technology - im not sure about it

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That's the best pic I have ever seen of the FSW MiG_23 design..... (bottom right)

Obviously a wind-tunnel model, but interesting nonetheless.


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Russian mig drone that also follows the flying wing trend (skat)

i think that a combo of all these technologies will be in pak-da

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another prototype model apparently shown to Medvedev. looks similar to the german bomber

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artsts interpretation of pak-da
m-19 (never made)
interesting idea - still leans toward swept wing + "body wing" design


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so i have dug some more and all the wind tunnel models were competing with eachother for the best model of a "flying wing plane" that the russian author thinks that will be a very early iteration of the pak-da

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idk if you guys remember the airforce competition project for a new bomber- locheed martin+boeng vs Northrop

they already started apparently...

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idk if you guys remember the airforce competition project for a new bomber- locheed martin+boeng vs Northrop

they already started apparently...

Thats one of Lockheed Martin's Speed Agile powered-lift STOL airlifter concept´s. It has nothing to do with Bombers.

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another prototype model apparently shown to Medvedev. looks similar to the german bomber

Thats a BWB wing and its not a bomber design, think civilian transport configuration first, possible airlifter configuration second. No Bomber.

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so i have dug some more and all the wind tunnel models were competing with eachother for the best model of a "flying wing plane" that the russian author thinks that will be a very early iteration of the pak-da

Same thing here, the first four images show BWB configurations, possible transport, airlifter, no bomber.

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15 years 7 months

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These are from nurflygel sights...seen these before.

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Would be awsome if russians could fit two very high bybass turbofans in such flying wing in such arragement.

I would love to see that think flying.

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13 years 10 months

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I was going to say I don't think there's enough hard info about PAK DA around to justify a dedicated thread at this point, but at least it serves as a nice repository of various Russian concepts over the years...

Would be awsome if russians could fit two very high bybass turbofans in such flying wing in such arragement.

I would love to see that think flying.

PD-30 is a 30-ton (~65,000lb) class engine under development for modernised An-124 and future airliners such as the proposed EkoJet. I don't imagine it could be ready before 2025 -- too late for PAK DA?

3 x PD-14M perhaps more plausible?

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Might be an idea to merge this thread with the existing PAK-DA thread... Mods?

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'When I was young I had no patience to hear about the history, now that I am old I can not talk about anything without mentioning the history. If anyone knows the reason for this save it for yourself, because I do not want to hear now.'

The PAK DA could be an offspring from Tu 160, could not?

In 1991 the Soviet Union had been keeping the Tu 160 in production at the industrial plant from Kazan as well the Tu 95MS at the industrial plant from Samara , since contrary to what are mentioned regularly Tu 95MS were produced as new in the 80s and not retrofitted for any previous version of Tu 95 .

If in the age of the Soviet Union with all available military budget did not replace the production line of the Tu 95 MS by its new advanced Tu 160 despite both had been carried with same mission that were to launch the cruise missiles Kh 55 and the Kh 55 SM , today in Russia to replace the production line of the Tu 160 for a new project seems unlikely .

From the short information that I know about the PAK DA this would be a high improvement from Tu 160, in the synthesis the PAK DA would be very similar to the Tu 160 in its design even as the MiG 35 with the MiG 29 or Su 35S with the Su 27, but the PAK DA could introduce a new engine had been based in the NK 32 from the Tu 160 that should given with the capability to get supercruise at the PAK DA .

So unlike the Tu 160 that only could be capable of reaching Mach 2 but with a greatly reduced range and for short time, these new engines from PAK DA could get intercontinental range while maintaining supersonic cruise speed at Mach 1.2 at 1.4 . This capability could appear not much impressive, but in simple terms that should decrease the time for reaction from air defenses to intercept the PAK DA around 50% when comparable with cruise speed of the Mach 0.8 from Tu 160 .

In the 90s with the high possibility that U.S. would produce 600 F 22 Raptor, the small fleet from Russia of the Tu 160 would became obsolete to face this future huge air defense capability from U.S., and this hypothetical successor from Tu 160 should be something like the stealth B 2A Spirit from U.S. to secure such high capability to escape of the F 22 Raptor.

However the reality today are complete different after the shoot down of the production line of the F 22 Raptor in 2008 with the delivery of approximately 190 fighters and the replacement of the remain fleet of the F 15C/D by the F 35A Lightning II, and if the U.S. with its all financial resources were incapable to replace the B 52H by the high advanced B 2A Spirit certainly the Russia should have much more problems with its military budget to replace the Tu 95 SM or even the Tu 160 by anything like the stealth B 2A Spirit.

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and if the U.S. with its all financial resources were incapable to replace the B 52H by the high advanced B 2A Spirit certainly the Russia should have much more problems with its military budget to replace the Tu 95 SM or even the Tu 160 by anything like the stealth B 2A Spirit.

you dont understand, russia has a different mentality then USA, Jobs pay less, experts are payed less, with putin as president - he keeps the millitary in check in regards to budget @ all the time, while US is wasting their money on something useless like an f35 that dose not out preform 4+ or++ fen fighters, read the news all the defense money spent and now even the navy cut their order of f35's to ~39...

the problem with USA is that Companies like Lockheed are stuffing down the pentagons throat lemons not fighters and that is where all the money goes