453rd Bomb Group Old Buckenham - new images

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16 years 3 months

Posts: 43

Last year three undeveloped films where purchased as part of a job lot in Montana- they have recently been procsssed and 69 years on have produced some fantastic images all of 453rd BG aircraft at Old Buckenham . The images are copyright of Stefan Tarzan . There are images of 10 B24's for which, I believe no images currently exist on the WWW. 95 images have now been uploaded and can be found here http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldbuckshots/sets/72157636757652365/
Here's a taster - hope they are of interest


Original post

Member for

18 years 4 months

Posts: 3,778

Brilliant find, thank you.

Member for

12 years 4 months

Posts: 231

Thank you, Biggles 1099. Exceptionally good and interesting photos.

Member for

11 years 9 months

Posts: 150

Nice pictures, whenever i see images like this it always makes me wonder what happened to the crews, did they survive the war? Unfortunately for some no doubt they wouldn't of......

Member for

20 years 1 month

Posts: 525

Excellent collection of photos saved after all these years. Does anyone have a reference for the toning down of the national insignia on most of these aircraft? I've read where the 8th AF "greyed out" the star and bar to reduce the visibility of ir.

Member for

20 years 11 months

Posts: 2,778

Absolutely wonderful stuff. I could look at those pictures all day. It's not just the aeroplanes and crews but the setting. I often forget just how flat the skyline is in that part of Norfolk (where I grew up). Of course by the time I came around these places were all derelict, but sometimes I just wish, I could have seen it how it was--even though they were grim times.
I'm sure Moggy will appreciate these too.
I don't bother with this forum much these days, as I'm sick of people arguing over the value of Ali-scrap, but this stuff makes the occasional visit here worthwhile.

As an aside, has anyone else like me noticed how the additional cockpit side armour on B-24J Liberator, 42-51301 "RUTH MARIE" has been divided in diagonally with paint in some way??


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20 years 6 months

Posts: 1,628

Every time I fly in to Old Buckenham I can't help thinking of those young chaps in the B-24s and wondering if they made it back. It's certainly an airfield with "presence" and is becoming very active again.

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15 years 4 months

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The crew of Diana Mite (posing circa pic 56) is a poignant one. They lost 9 crewmember with just one survivor in a mid-air over Germany in Jul 1944 (the other B-24 saw 6 killed and 3 POW)...

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24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,238

[photography geek] Those are in fabulous condition considering the age of the film - how on earth did they survive so well? I know from experience that undeveloped old film, even B&W which is much less temperamental than colour processes, is a total lottery, but these really are beautiful. [/photography geek]


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20 years 6 months

Posts: 1,628

Just looking at the formation of 10 aircraft on their break to join downwind and I wondered where the last one to break must have been when his time came to break. He must have been in the next county. Was it usual to return in such close formation?

Member for

16 years 3 months

Posts: 43


Thanks for all your replies - glad they were of interest to you - just very surprised that something as significant as this find has not caused more interest - each to his own I suppose. I have done my best - its others loss

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 3,000

Hi Biggles1049,

I'm sure these pictures are much appreciated by everyone who's seen them, many thanks for sharing them. Forums can be misleading sometimes, it's one of those cases where the forum could really do with a "Like" button as a means of showing interest.

As Andy mentioned, it's intriguing to see nose art semi-obscured by cockpit armour. Does anyone have any info on when the extra armour was introduced? It seems to have been applied on all 2nd Air Division Libs after a certain date.

Member for

14 years 4 months

Posts: 24

Amazing photographs, very evocative and atmospheric. Thank you for posting the link. Quite amazing that the films have survived. I visited Old Buckenham in the summer and it is a really nice airfield, you can sense the history (good cafe as well). I hope that the excellent staff at the City Of Norwich Aviation Museum (former RAF Horsham St Faith) have seen these pictures, they have a lot of B24 information on display. The Norwich Aviation Museum is well worth a look if anyone is in the area, the staff are extremely helpful and for a very small fee I got a very comprehensive tour or their Nimrod and Vulcan.