Question about versions of F-4 having slats or not

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14 years 4 months

Posts: 46

We know that all F-4E can receive the TO.566 providing manoeuvring slats. (and that F-4C and D can't)

As F-4F and F-4G are directly derived from F-4E, I assume they also have manoeuvring slats (at delivery or later by retrofit), am I right ?

What about US NAVY F-4J ? (that is clerly not derived from F-4E without internal gun), and its modernized version (F-4S) ?

Last, what about the UK F-4K and M (FG-1 and FGR-2) with Spey engine ? that seems more derived from F-4J than from F-4E

Thanks in advance for you help

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14 years 4 months

Posts: 46

Answer came from C6 forum:
- F4-F may not have been equiped with leading edge slats when delivered, but should have been retrofitted with TO.566 later.
- F4-G have TO.566 leading edge slats installed on manufacturing line.
- F-4J have never been fit with leading edge slats (decision from NAVY to keep their speed, climb rate and range compatible with their "interceptor-of-the-fleet status)
- F4K and M (FG-1 / FG-R2) derived from F-4J have never been fit with leading edge slats.
- F4-N (modernized F4-B) have kept their original slats (not the leading edge one), but the internal one has been fixed up.
- F4-S (modernized F-4J) received leading edge slats, close to teh one installed on F-4E with TO.566.

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24 years 8 months

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I could be wrong, but I think the "556 Mod" (not 566) related to changes in the cockpit to make it more ergonomically friendly. The slats and other such modifications (TISEO for F-4E's, etc.) just happened to come out at around the same time.

Indeed though with regards to the slats it really depended on the customer and what they wanted. I believe JASDF F-4EJ's have a different slat configruation than USAF F-4E's modified under Project Agile Eagle.

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14 years 4 months

Posts: 46

If I refer to T.O. 1F-4C-1 published on the 15 AUGUST 1973 with change 1 (15 DECEMBER 1973) at page vi
the Technical Order 1F-4E-566 contains the following
ECP 7176 : Add leding edge slats
ECP 7191: Adds additional aural tone for leading edge slats aircraft
ECP 7087R2 : Adds AGM-65A missile capability
ECP 7151 : Adds multi sensor display group (MSDG)
ECP 7177 : Add target identification system electro optical (TISEO)

TO.566 is applied with production effectivity from F-4E #SN 71-237 and up (middle of the Block 48)
TO.566 can be partially applied (ECP 7176 and 7191 only) to all F-4E up to #SN 71-236 in retrofit.

The technical Order 1F-4E-556 contains 2 ECP
ECP 683R2: Improve conventional weapon capability and removes AFCS heading hold cutout capability, Production effectivity F-4E 71-224 and up, Retrofit Effectivity F-4E 66-284 to 69-7589
ECP 7143 : Adds flight instrument ligths control Production effectivity F-4E 69-7261 and up, Retrofit Effectivity F-4E 66-284 to 69-7260

BTW, you are right concerning the F-4EJ, they never receive TO.566 in retrofit and kept the regular F-4E slats (non leading edge one), coupled with flaps for take-off and landing purpose (when TO.566 leading edge slats are also called manoeuvring slats and their position driven by AoA)

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24 years 8 months

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Great info! Thanks for teaching me something!

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11 years 7 months

Posts: 110

I've read that the 15 F4J(UK) that the RAF bought second hand in the early 80s had the slats removed as a source of drag and to simplify training as Spey Phantoms didn't have them. But this sounds wrong since I didn't think USN F4J's had "slats", and the posts above confirm that.

So what is the truth behind this story, did the RAF F4J(UK) have any wing mods to bring them into line with Spey Phantoms?

Also, how much drag do the slats create? How much speed do they cost a Phantom fitted with them?

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The 15 ex-USN F-4Js the RAF bought were stock F-4Js, they never had any wing mods to bring them in line with RAF's FGR.2/FG.1s because they didn't need any, the wing was identical. As you've already noted, F-4Js never had the manoeuvring slats until the upgrade to F-4S standard. The only mods the RAF F-4J(UK)s received to bring them in line with the RAF's existing fleet were very late in their service lives, and that was the change from USN to RAF flying clothing and harnesses when the withdrawal of the FG.1 fleet allowed the fitting of RAF spec MB Mk.7 ejection seats.
