AIM-9x vs AIM-120

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The MICA is a fascinating missile as it merges two different classes of missile into one. Even when France does fully deploy the Meteor the MICA will still play a role.

As for AA-11 I would say we have to be slightly careful with any engagement range and field of view charts as the missile has had considerable further development. A missile that deserves respect certainly!

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

The MICA is a fascinating missile as it merges two different classes of missile into one. Even when France does fully deploy the Meteor the MICA will still play a role.

As for AA-11 I would say we have to be slightly careful with any engagement range and field of view charts as the missile has had considerable further development. A missile that deserves respect certainly!

Yea MICA is a so called "Multirole" missile. That's does Air to Air targets/ Ground Attack targets.

But when armed with the AIM-9m you'll have the shorter range than the AA-11. But AIM-9x you'll have the longer range missile. Both are very diffrent missiles in development so. With JHMCS you'll at least have the greatest range on the AIM-9x compared to the AA-11.

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(...) You forgot it's also able to shoot down Klingon spacecraft. Ever wondered what MICA stands for ?

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

(...) You forgot it's also able to shoot down Klingon spacecraft. Ever wondered what MICA stands for ?

It's able to destroy this spacecraft?

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24 years 6 months

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Yup. By magic. Just as much as it can be used for ground attack (see your post #23)

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

Yup. By magic. Just as much as it can be used for ground attack (see your post #23)

Ok, but magic doesn't exist..... "Or does it''?

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Ask Matra?

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Ask Matra?

What's Matra?

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1] Mica cant attack ground targets, there was one project with that aim, the JDRADM, but that was not a french project, it was US.
2] Matra is the french company that made Mica missile
3] Yes, Magic exist, both 1 & 2, and they are french, too.

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

[1] Mica cant attack ground targets, there was one project with that aim, the JDRADM, but that was not a french project, it was US.
It's a Multirole missile, so it does attack ground targets but it hasn't been proved yet.

[2] Matra is the french company that made Mica missile

Ok thanks for that.

[3] Yes, Magic exist, both 1 & 2, and they are french, too.

Is magic a missile?

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24 years 6 months

Posts: 4,450

1) No it does NOT and no it can NOT.
3) Yes. google it.

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11 years 1 month

Posts: 281

Something from 2009 that you might like Mr Growler

"Raytheon has adapted the heat-seeking AIM-9X to strike moving targets on the ground or in the water, adding another new capability for the formerly air-to-air-only missile.

The modification allows the same AIM-9X to strike both air and ground targets."

Member for

11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

Something from 2009 that you might like Mr Growler

"Raytheon has adapted the heat-seeking AIM-9X to strike moving targets on the ground or in the water, adding another new capability for the formerly air-to-air-only missile.

The modification allows the same AIM-9X to strike both air and ground targets."

Interesting link David, i wouldn't like to adopt the AIM-9x into a Multirole missile. It's beacuse you'd need to require a lot of capabilities to add on a Multirole AIM-9x, which will fairly take some buiesness to go on to. I'd rather use the AIM-9x as our ultimate advanced tactical missile in Air-to-Air combat. But the Sidewinder family won't be with us forever.

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Hasn't anyone played a aircraft game on a system then you see the AIM-9 as a both air to air missile and air to ground?

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15 years 8 months

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Hasn't anyone played a aircraft game on a system then you see the AIM-9 as a both air to air missile and air to ground?

Maybe you should go back to your games ?

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

Maybe you should go back to your games ?

Mabye if you had the ability to. I used to play Ace Combat 4, and noticed as aviation enthusiast that the AIM-9 is a Multirole missile in Ace Combat. But i'm studying my aircraft. I don't play video games. But i remember around 2005 :)

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12 years 5 months

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i think you'll be interested in that mica shot... (already postd in another thread) : 6 o'clock using passive sensors and spectra only...

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11 years 2 months

Posts: 689

i think you'll be interested in that mica shot... (already postd in another thread) : 6 o'clock using passive sensors and spectra only...

Yea saw it in the Rafale thread.


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AIM-120 and AIM-9x side by side

As you can see the AIM-9x structural parts are far similar to the AMRAAM. Same paint scheme, but although the AIM-9x has far 4% of bigger wings so it's able to turn tightly in a high AoA maneuver to the target. Even a far diffrence is that AIM-9x has a guided camera seeker on the front of the AIM-9x and the AIM-120 doesn't and the AIM-120 is guided by the antenna. It's a really big diffrence between the two air dominance missiles. But as i said I'll take the AIM-9x for in WVR to have the enemy shot down. The AIM-9x can shoot down the most maneuverable aircraft of today. Even though the AIM-120 is 6% bigger than the AIM-9x. But there's plenty of growth potential of the AIM-9x and AIM-120. But even thought the navy might get MBDA Meteor class missile. If they don't get it Raytheon can extend a new AIM-120s range to be a longer range AMRAAM. The AIM-9x is 3% skinnier than the AIM-120

AIM-120 features

AIM-9x features