Landing gears

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14 years 7 months

Posts: 9

Dear forum members,

I have some questions regarding landing gear which I hope someone can help me with.

I read that there is some sort of combined wheel-ski-landing gear (wheel-skis). Does anyone know when this kind of landing gear arrived for the first time?

I have also heard that it should be possible to take off and land with ski landing gear on grass runways. Is that true?

Kindest regards,

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13 years 11 months

Posts: 919

Landing and taking off with skis on grass - possible to land as a last resort, but the friction would be far too high to take off. I imagine you would have difficulty taxying too.

As for the dates of ski/wheel u/c... assuming we can discount the skid/wheel fixed combo of early aircraft, and we're looking at a wheel which is retractable through a ski, I think we're looking at early 1950's... Here's one from 1953: Apparently Dowty patented the design in the late 1940's.

Hercules were fitted with them quite early on, and DHC twin Otters have them.... I'm not aware of anything earlier than that, BUT there are many people on here who know 1920's-30's aircraft better than I.

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17 years 1 month

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There were examples of DC-3s and Neptunes with them fitted, but as above unsure when they came about.

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19 years 5 months

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There are ski landing gears that can be hydraulicaly lowered or lifted to a position below or above the wheel. This can be done in flight thus allowing opperation from normal runways and snow. These were certainly in use in WWII.

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30 minutes later.


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14 years 7 months

Posts: 9

Many thanks to you all for your replies. When it comes to ski gear and grass. What if the runway was wet after raining or snowing. Wouldn't that made a take off possible?

I know that RAF during the Norwegian Campaign in April 1940 used some frozen Norwegian lakes. I assume they must have used ski gear since I assume you cannot use wheels on snow, or is it possible?


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19 years 5 months

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Wheels are fine on snow if its hard and compact or it its only a couple of inches thick. Biggest issue is obsticles/holes hidden underneith!!

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13 years 4 months

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Harry Wigley experimented with, and obtained CAA approval for, retractable wheeled skis in 1952. These were the first practical and workable combination units as far as we know. A lot of the "Glacier" operational info came from the great Swiss pilot Herman Geiger.The RNZAF Auster C4 Antartctic was fitted with these but finished on its back when it landed on the Tasman Glacier on 19th August 1956 with the wheels in the extended position, OOPS! His Company, Mt Cook Airlines, are still operating Wheel/Skis as seen in the above post. As an apprentice at National Airways in Christchurch (the antipodean one) I well remember the Daks and Neppies from operation Deepfreeze operating from RNZAF Wigram and Harewood airfield with Wheel/Skis. Oh and btw, the PZL Wilga is fitted for retractable Wheel/Skis.

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17 years 11 months

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Sven-Eric, there is a ice pilots episode where it shows the installation and operation on the DC 3 of the combined set up. Don't know if you can access it.

This one, you might find the full episode on YouTube

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14 years 7 months

Posts: 9

I have found a short notice about a combined ski and wheel landing gear that is said to have been invented by German Junkers at Dessau in the early 1930s. The landing gear was predicted to have a big impact on the flight route between Koenigsberg and Leningrad/Moscow. Have anyone heard of this?


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17 years 11 months

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Chinooks also have them, as for taking off on grass with skis. Cannot see why not, they fly float planes off it.

Floats no wheels

Taking off

If for take off they don't have wheels they use a trailer behind a truck and take off from that.