Single pilot passenger aircraft

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16 years 1 month

Posts: 35

Hi all
Which passenger aircraft, can operate with only a single pilot within UK air space. Was watching a progamme the other day where a britten norman islander had only one pilot.

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16 years 10 months

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Im sure Michael O'leary would love that to Be All Ryanair Planes. :D
I think tbh pilots are trained to bring in a plane should anything go wrong inflight but im not sure which passenger planes can have 1 pilot sorry.


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21 years 1 month

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Some aircraft are certified for 1 pilot, some multi pilot, some single or multi pilot, (dependant on the regulatory authority). Alot of biz-jets and biz-props would fall in this category.
One thing that can't be done (unless it's changed under EASA) is single engine IFR carrying fare paying passengers.

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21 years 1 month

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To further answer your question, aircraft that I know of that can operate single pilot are

BN Islander
BN Trilander
DHC6 Twin Otter
Beechcraft King Air
Most Cessna Citation ranges

Alot of single pilot certified aircraft might only be certified under an N register, this may encompass the latter 2 of that list.

Also any 2 pilot aircraft where one pilot has expired :diablo:

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And not forgetting the D.H. Rapide. :)

Usually planes above 12,500lbs gross weight require 2 crew. Below that weight can depend, as indicated by Deano.

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16 years 10 months

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Not sure of the current regs but years ago I flew in an Air Westward (or Westward Airways?) Cessna 404 with only one up front... Exeter to Gatwick. I was offered a choice of sitting by the pilot or in the back and chose the back seat. Still don't know why!!

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Well you don't really want to be hobnobbing with the servants do you?


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I think some of the Isles of scilly skybus BN Islanders sometimes fly flights with a single pilot.

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Embraer Brasilia?

That would be a two crew aircraft.

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16 years 3 months

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Embraer Bandeirante was single pilot with JEA

Bandit Max weight 12,500lbs so it could be flown single crew.

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13 years 8 months

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Single-pilot Ops

Hi guys. I am currently in my final year studying Aviation Technology at Salford university and as part of my final year project i am looking into future single-pilot aircraft for wide-commercial use. I know that there are certified single pilot aircraft such as the Embraer Phenom, however i am looking at the idea being adopted into larger aircraft that are capable of carrying more passengers such as a 737. As a trainee pilot myself i am against the idea, however, with recent speculation and controversial issues i thought it would be an interesting project. Your thoughts and views are much appreciated and i have created a small, basic survey you can answer to help me gain a better understanding of public opinion:


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15 years 7 months

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I dont like the idea of single pilot operations. Thats alright for those of us who currently fly GA but once we join an airline i'd prefer to work as a crew rather than alone. Afterall, it becomes a problem if the pilot falls ill or ends up unconscious. I know these situations are rare, but they have happened in the past and the flights landed safely thanks to there being another pilot. Going to single pilot ops wouldnt be such a good idea, just a cost cutting measure.

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Moderator Message

A quick search would have revealed a fairly recent thread on this very subject.

I'm going to merge the two.


Member for

19 years 10 months

Posts: 9,871

To further answer your question, aircraft that I know of that can operate single pilot are
Most Cessna Citation ranges

But can they be flown for commercial purposes with just one pilot?
I don't think so...(could be wrong, I'm not geting a Citation for Christmas this year so I haven't been paying attention).
The FAA gets real weird when it comes to jets.

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Yes, if it's N registered and the pilots have an FAA license then they can be flown single pilot.

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 77

With a lot of the passenger jets,the auto-pilot system seems so advance I could never understand 3 people in the cockpit anyway.With an Emergency,one pilot seemed to cope just fine,down to safety regulations apparently.

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Because if that single pilot has a heart attack there's nobody to fly the plane. This is why the CAA won't endorse it. Quite why the FAA endorse it I have no idea.

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19 years 10 months

Posts: 9,871

Yes, if it's N registered and the pilots have an FAA license then they can be flown single pilot.

Really, for commercial purposes?
I'm surprised at that for Citations, the others, no problem. But as I said, the FAA has a thing about jets.